The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue December 2010 Volume 41
Hi, Keeping it real.... Not only were we given less than five weeks to pack up a huge house with over 40 years of "junk", but the computer started making funny noises, the car gave an error message, household appliances needed attention, and even my eye shadow applicator broke! Talk about pressure!! Oh, yeah, and they stopped manufacturing my favorite snacks!! Boo hoo. Kidding aside, there's nothing like crazy, chaotic life situations to test your spiritual mettle. You can't talk the talk unless you walk it with a "passing grade". Staying centered. Being loving. It helps to know astrology because it allows you to see ahead to when the pressure will peak and when it will end. A great help! (Though "nobody's perfect"!) For those who are waiting patiently for me to get beyond this moment, settle in, and get back in my "astro saddle" to do your reading, THANK YOU for your kind understanding. Almost there! I'll send out an announcement (with new contact info), and hope to be ready by this holiday season. (Sessions make great presents, and don't forget those Gift Certificates for later.) There is a long waiting list, however, so please bear with me if your appointment extends into January or even February! I'll take first-come, first-serve. My new contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 612 King James Ct., Bear DE 19701. Cell phone is still 845-548-8200, and our new land-line phone # is 302-832-2127. Use [email protected] or [email protected] for all email contact because [email protected] is no longer active.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and Blessings for the New Year,
~~~ Check out my blog, www.wisdomsblog.com. Feel free to post your comments on my musings - at the end of each posting (well, ANY posting), just click on "No Comments". It changes instantly to a "Comments" box. Type away, hit SUBMIT, and there you go!
Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Fan of Wisdom's Game Book fan page, and post your thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on www.wisdompath.com!
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Special Report
Forcing the Universe to $upply It To You!
- What's the one shift that will bring you into a new alignment with the material world?
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In tough economic times, an enlightened approach to money is not only useful, but essential!
This is a true metaphysical approach
to financial well-being.
An 11-page report, downloadable. � 2009 by Judi Thomases.
Only $9.95, Download (PDF)
Please allow 24 hours for delivery of this item
This report is free with any new $100 purchase from Wisdom Path |
Consultations for Tough Times...
*Know when to take action, and when to hold off
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Uranus stations direct in Pisces; Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn. Do you know what that means to you?
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Judi Thomases Recommends:
Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day ~ Hollis Thomases $19.79 #19048 in Books
This is my daughter's book. She's an internet marketing expert... but don't take my word for it! Check it out - everything you ever wanted to ask about Twitter is right here.
Promiscuity - From the Hermit Songs, Opus 29, No. 7 ~ Stella Black $0.99
This is my friend's CD - Stella has a beautiful voice and a profound talent. Here she presents her interpretation of a Tarot card, The Hermit.
Tarot Card Charm by Rembrandt Charms ~ Rembrandt Charms $19.00 - $206.00 #23149 in Jewelry
I don't have any connection to this company - I just like the look of their Tarot jewelry.
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Blog (Wisdom System, postings)
Consultations (By appointment only)
Store (books, CDs, reports, podcasts, more) |
A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
"Love is the cosmic prank that forces natural evolution to become one." - "For the Love of Another", Essay by The Brotherhood of Light Workers / Judi Thomases
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Spiritual Quote
"YOUNG SOUL - Motto: 'Do it my way.' OLD SOUL - Motto: 'You do what you want to, and I'll do what I want.'" - Michael, as channeled by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, More Messages from Michael
You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.
Judi Thomases Wisdom Path
Book Review: "Journey of Souls", by Michael Newton (Llewellyn)
I'm re-reading this book. It's helping me to stay centered and focused on the purpose of a life, even during some of its most hectic moments.
Hypnotherapist Newton has spent years working with clients with whom he has developed methodology to probe the experience of death and the intermediary stage between life and death. This book is a fascinating compilation of 29 such case studies, with easy-to-read transcriptions of the actual dialogue including emotional responses and a narrative in which Dr. Newton ties it all together to reveal not only the actual moments of dying and death but the journey from human form into the light, and then the experience thereafter. (I can't resist the pun of the Hereafter, for it is at this stage in the soul's journey that some very interesting concepts are discussed.)
The texture of the afterlife - how it looks, how it feels, what one sees, and what is experienced in being without form but with identity - is touched upon. Then the concept of loved ones ushering the deceased into the spiritual realm is brought up, and distinctly differentiated from another concept of one's spiritual guides who then make their appearance in order to further the course of studies known as Life on Earth, or A Human Life. The spirit guides, which might also be called your guardian angels or many other names in different cultures, are shown to be your eternal companion(s) whose task it is to teach you what can be extracted from the life you have just lived, and what can be expected for the next life. A beautiful hierarchy of wisdom entities is also discussed.
I like the way Newton has structured the book as a progression not only through stages that the individual soul passes through but as a panorama of soul clusters, progressive teachings, and hierarchy (or ladder) of spiritual evolution. And as it's told from the point of view of living human beings during their hypnosis sessions with him, it's very accessible and insightful.
Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, life after life, a transcendent realm of light and energy in which no Hell exists, only the loving kindness of wise teachers, is all beside the point. To read this book front to back is to open one's inner eye greatly, and to find comfort against the fears of the unknown. The great mystery of death in our age is meant to be solved so that we, as spiritual souls in human form, can reconnect with our highest purpose and see the nature of the game.
I highly recommend this book, and give it five stars on the basis of content, organization, and well-written authorship.
P.S. A second volume exists by the same author called Destiny of Souls which I've also read and liked, and by now a few more of these bestsellers have appeared on the market too.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Dec. '10
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
In moments of uncertainty or distress, there is always a path to turn towards. It can be said to travel inwards but also equally true is to say upwards, for your personal guides and wisdom connection lie in these directions. When all else seems troubling and answers cannot easily be gained through analysis, inquiry, or daily pursuit - when, in other words, the usual avenues don't render sufficient reply or rapid enough clues - then turn to that which will never fail: your own intuitive host.
How, you may ask? The avenue to your greatest knowledge and most immediate and safe reply comes about in either of two ways: One way is reception, to make yourself open and available to the voice of universal wisdom in which having become quiet and neutral you begin to hear deep within a message, or to see imagery that calls forth what you need to know. Another way is to aspire. Prayer is such a thing, for it sends a thread of your essence upwards in supplication for help, guidance, and embrace.
Whether you sit quietly depth probing your innermost self, or you gaze upwards fervently requesting aid, the result is the same. You lift away from the daily mind and its troublesome stirring of concerns, and move instead into a place where you transcend or reach beyond your normal world and into an intermediate realm where a higher embodiment can connect to you, and you to it.
It is not important to name such an embodiment, for in so doing definitions construct barriers and limitations. It is better to conceive of it as the reflection of your highest understanding and of course also your deepest awareness. The words or images that will then pour forth, though not providing immediate resolution to the problem that motivated the search, will certainly give clues to its resolution. Your guidance then remains fully yours, accessible to the point and available 24/7.
It is your greatest wisdom and your healing gift.
� 2010 by Judi Thomases |
Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight... For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken! The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at [email protected] for details and appointments
December's aspects in the world chart put a heavy emphasis on fiscal conservatism, efficiency, accountability, reining in from excess, and taking care of business (Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Node in Capricorn; after 12/22 the Sun there as well), thus indicating that people around the world are fed up with excesses, and determined to save, budget better, and get their house in order, so to speak. On December 5th a climate of optimism, personal choice, and philosophical approach is felt (New Moon in Sagittarius). On December 6th technology and spirituality continue to work together harmoniously (Uranus sextile Neptune, and in mutual reception) but an abrupt crisis can occur that combines an event of fire and/or water (Uranus stationing direct in Pisces, square Mars in Sagittarius). From December 4th through the 9th, beneficial aspects prevail for economic recovery and fiscal responsibility (Mercury sextile Node; Venus sextile Pluto, Node). On December 10th an opportunity to re-examine plans and decisions is presented (Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn). Much drive, ambition, effort and intensity are seen in mid December (Mars trine Pluto). On the 21st, conclusions are reached regarding neighboring countries, important communications, or signatures on documents (Lunar Eclipse at 29 Gemini). On the 29th, energy is stymied and resentments run high but military actions are restrained (Mars square Saturn). Towards the end of December, a lively and ingenious period for technology and humanitarianism continues (Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces) and on December 30th communications are highlighted which can be optimistic but careless of details (Mercury stations direction in Sagittarius).
In our national chart, the entire month of December is confusing regarding religious ideals (Uranus opposition progressed Neptune...) but towards the end, although judgment can be impaired, hopefulness and luck feel near (...then Jupiter opposes as well, but trines Fortuna). On December 5th our country's needs are uppermost, and there is a hue and cry for self-determination, freedom, and unencumberance (New Moon conjunct U.S. Ascendant). Continuing through December 6th is a period of national maturation; recovery is there but is very slow (Saturn return square progressed Jupiter). From the 7th through the 10th, the holiday shopping season is beneficial, and socializing is pleasurable (Venus trine U.S. Venus/Jupiter). On the 10th, there is much discussion and planning, and going over old business including legal matters - such as regards ObamaCare - in which there is bandying about of previous decisions. (Mercury stations retrograde oppositie Jupiter exact, sextile progressed Sun exact). On December 15th, our reaction can be too bold as a superpower, nor is it a good time-frame for large-scale investments or purchases (Mars opposite Jupiter). Post-Christmas brings anger, tension, and frustration; government and/or the people feel their hands are tied (Mars opposite Sun, square Saturn). Towards the end of the month, despite financial manipulation of the market or the treasury, a new outlook is growing, and healthier habit patterns are being formed (Pluto opposite U.S. Jupiter, sextile progressed Sun).
For President Obama, December continues a pattern of obstinate idealism but may indicate the last gasp thereof (Neptune conjunct South Node in Aquarius). On the 11th, values can improve and he can see progress towards his agenda (Venus sextile his Pluto). Mid month is very frustrating for him; there are setbacks, and he can't move forward (Saturn square his progressed Midheaven). From the 20th to 22nd his mind shows brilliant solutions and his approach is cooperative and diplomatic (Mercury retrograde trine his Uranus/Node/progressed Venus). The end of the year sees him very busy although he is working independently or alone (Mars conjunct progressed Midheaven).
(c) 2010 by Judi Thomases.
New Special Report
In tough economic times, an enlightened approach to your career is not only useful, but essential!
This is a true metaphysical approach
to revamp your career.
An 17-page report, downloadable. � 2010 by Judi Thomases.
Only $9.95, Download (PDF)
Please allow 24 hours for delivery of this item
LIMITED TIME OFFER This report is free with any new $100 purchase from Wisdom Path |
Upcoming Events
Check out the latest postings on Wisdom's Blog! Here are a few:
NEW ARTICLE JUST PUBLISHED - "Making a Case for A Sibley U.S. Ascendant", Dell Horoscope Magazine, 2011 Yearbook (on newsstands now). This article compares the three most often used birth times for the nation's horoscope, using keywords, key events, and key figures, to conclude that the Sibley chart is The One! Some very interesting insights are revealed. And thus determined, forecasts are made.
RADIO SHOW - "PUTTING A POSITIVE CREATIVE SPIN ON INTENSELY CHALLENGING TIMES ~ The Energy Patterns: What's Happening & What Can You Do to Align Yourself?" New Perspectives Radio, www.RocklandWorldRadio.com. I was the featured guest discussing astrological patterns, and finding your best purpose and contribution. Archive available.
FREE PODCAST - "Transcending Fears of Aging & Dying: A Holistic Perspective" A podcast of a discussion by Judi Thomases & Dorothy Whitton. Dorothy looks at the natural cycles of life, transition, birth vs. death, past lives, and the acceptance of the spiritual essence. Judi looks at concepts of an afterlife, 6 "Proofs" of the continuance of consciousness such as dream visitation and mediumship, the purpose of reincarnation, and faith in your soul design.
(channeled by author/intuitive Judi
QUESTIONS...Who am I?Why am I here?What's the meaning of
life?You are not who you think you are.You are the universe playing
a game...an energy game.It's time to wake up!FINALLY GET ANSWERS TO
THE 3 BIG QUESTIONS... AND A BONUS QUESTION TOO (What is God?)Email [email protected] to receive your Free Special Report now...
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: