The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue July 2010 Volume 36
Hi, Thanks so much for all the great feedback last month! I always love hearing from you, so please feel free to comment or write me back. That way, I'll know that this newsletter's getting read and enjoyed! Just wanted to mention that many predictions from my January '10 article ("Destiny in the Balance: America's Role in the Great Cosmic Plan", Dell) have come to pass. This article was actually written in April 2009! You can find it posted on my website at http://wisdompath.com/articles/Destiny_In_The_Balance.pdf. For instance, I had predicted that by May 2010, there would be a fight between states' rights and the federal government (the healthcare law, the Arizona law); I mentioned a period of weakness with foreign powers around 4/28/10 (Mexico; North Korea); I said that Obama's popularity would be diminished (Saturn's squaring his Venus for awhile longer); and I wrote that there'd be a boost in inventive technology now (Jupiter conjunct Uranus - let's see what wild ideas crop up to fix the oil spill, for instance!). All this is what's happening. The article made lots more predictions too. But most disquieting to me is the accuracy that, by renaming the dwarf planet Xena and its moon Gabrielle to Eris (Greek goddess of strife and discord) and Dysnomia (goddess of lawlessness) respectively, an era of chaos was named and predicted. When I see factions of human beings screaming against other factions, or sensationalized talk shows ranting against other camps... when I see anger and negativity thriving, fanning the already-combusting flames in the tinderboxes of the world... when I see the human race, in other words, so primed to destroy itself through the lower nature, my heart hurts. Some of us seem to draw energy from such discord, to feel stronger through others' distress. This is vampirism. Psychic vampirism! No wonder vampire shows are so "in". What can we do? What can you do to counter and neutralize this trend? (I almost said "combat", but that's just it, isn't it!) You can reject the drama. You can rethink your allegiances. Can you hold both sides within you? So hard to do! You can push yourself out of the dark and into a lighter place by remembering the nature of oneness. You ARE your brother's keeper. As a matter of fact, you are your brothers/sisters themselves! You are energy and consciousness, not duality. So hard to remember and apply in these crises! So hard to be human and angelic at the same time! But it's not impossible. It's the mandate of the era. To be polar opposites and yet not harden the heart and disconnect from each other. To stay loving and beloved personally and on the entire world stage. Whew! What a task! What a challenging gig! I'll be writing more about this on my blog, www.wisdomsblog.com. Feel free to post your comments on these musings - at the end of each posting (well, ANY posting), just click on "No Comments". It changes instantly to a "Comments" box. Type away, hit SUBMIT, and there you go!
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on www.wisdompath.com! | |
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
"You (and J.) are sisters to us in a great clan /circle /triad of
Workers. The agreement was that some
would incarnate during these days while others would work from here. It had to be thus. The incarnates' work was the harder." - [One of the earliest messages, January 1997, by The Brotherhood of Light Workers / Judi Thomases
(channeled by author/intuitive Judi
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Book Review: "The Great Shift",
edited by Martine Vallee (Weiser Books)
This book is subtitled Co-Creating a New World. It was given to me by a dear friend who knows my affinity for channeled wisdom teachings, and it is certainly that! It features contributions from three contemporary channelers, Lee Carroll, Tom Kenyon, and Patricia Cori. The thrust is similar to an older book that came out in the 80s called "Starseed Transmissions" by Raphael (Uni*Sun)...that humanity is being taught and guided toward a new perspective on life, a changed viewpoint that will take us across an interdimensional portal into a new relationship with the Cosmos.
While I love, use, and resonate with phrases such as "interdimensional portals", "intergalactic visitors", and "planetary awakening", I prefer when the concepts are presented more as the logical progression of expanded consciousness, and less as a sci-fi movie! That is to say, evocative phrases couched in lovely poetic terms such as Morning of Creation, The Great Conductor, and Desert Days may tell truly of deep spiritual messages but when embedded in Chapters called "Mary Magdalen and the Hathors" or "The High Council of Sirius", or as part of discussions about "The Vril Force", "The Holon of Immunity", and "The Atlantean Hall of Records", I get turned off. It feels like I'm in a B-movie script. I also get soured by negative descriptions of current religions, even when thinly veiled as criticism only of the participants who are of a lower persuasion ("the power brokers remain on their gilded thrones...", "They have raped the great libraries..."). I think: somebody has a grudge against their Sunday school teacher! Yes, all of our religions are flawed, represented as they are by often-unevolved people; but they are also the reflection of human aspiration to a higher divine connection, so let's not broadcast our own prejudices in a book that's supposed to be fodder for enlightenment.
Lastly, it bothers me when channelers proclaim their mediumship of historical figures, especially Biblical ones. It's not that I have an issue with channelers connecting to deceased personages - Edgar Cayce certainly did that! - it's that channelers themselves have been inconsistent in their proclamations about such matters. For example, when Mary Magdelene or Jesus are referenced in this book, I remember Seth's message through Jane Roberts: "Your Christ figure represents, symbolically, your idea of God and his relationships. There were three separate individuals whose history blended, and they became known collectively as Christ--hence many discrepancies in your records...The events as they are recorded, however, did not occur in history. The Crucifixion of Christ was a psychic, but not a physical event." (Stories of the Beginning and the Multidimensional God, by Jane Roberts). So, which channeler's story is the truth? They can't both be. Why even go there?
Anyhow, the general message of The Great Shift is uplifting, weaving together all manner of contemporary motifs such as crop circles, crystal skulls, archaeology near the Sphinx, DNA findings, Mayan shamans, and time travel, to prepare us for an era of awakened consciousness and new humanity.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- July '10
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
TOLERANCEIf and when there is tolerance of one another, then there is and can be peace.
Tolerance is a way that allows contrast to brook itself, to sustain its differing and opinionated stance despite (or in the face of) its opposite. Tolerance, then, is not a behavior or quality that occurs when things feel comfortable or fall into rank, aligned and similar, because it calls up the very notion of dissension, difference, and dissimilitude. One doesn't "tolerate" that which is of one's own nature. So just to talk of it immediately requires the notion of opposites.
Behind tolerance, then, is the hidden quality of difference. In fact, sometimes of extreme antagonism. Tolerance may sound like the sweet, gentle concept of the softened heart, but must first be understood as having been precursed by distress, dissimilarity, and annoyance.
Now that you understand the truth of the word you can begin to see what is required to reach the platform called tolerance. It is a step in the right direction for it is a behavior that can transmute anger into something neutral. Later from that neutrality can come even love, but first the platform must be reached.
Let's talk of intolerance - a familiar behavior or reaction in today's world for there are many factions that cannot tolerate the other and that dwell in that anger and distancing. In order that intolerance be changed into something better for the world requires that the mind of the individual be able to move from an intransigent position to mere observation, for in dispassionate observation the cradling of opposites can be performed. Two antagonistic value systems or viewpoints can be weighed in the mind, not judged, simply allowed to exist. That place is tolerance. From there, many new things can open for that type of mind.
For now, however, it would be sufficient for the mind to reach the platform of tolerance, and just remain in it for awhile. To see what can come next is to practice being a tolerater. Close nearby is always intolerance and its emotionality, but closer still for the tolerant is the possibility of love, and that is what is so amazing to grasp.
Be tolerant. See where it leads.
� 2010 by Judi Thomases |
Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...
For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
July 2010 Astro Tidbits
Early July offers Obama some luck, perhaps suddenly and via technology (Uranus SRx sextile Jupiter). The great oil spill drama of the prior month had brought everything into confrontation regarding finances, alliances, and homeland versus foreign interests (Mars in last degrees of Leo, conjunct his Node/p Uranus/p Venus in the 7th); surely, even his daughters were imploring him with pressures (a Cancerian Venus ruling his 4th). Peak tension was reached then which forced him to address power, prestige and debts (a dual "perfect storm" of t Mars conjunct Pluto, with Solar Arc Pluto conjunct p Mars in the 8th involving rulers of H10 and H3). Now, the hardest task of his life has no quick or easy resolution (Saturn conjunct p Sun) but by July 17th he must act to get the clean-up going (Mars return in Virgo; Solar Eclipse in H6 conjunct his Solar Arc Moon). Perhaps he has worked out a money deal? (Mars in H8.) Ideas and technology will be in his favor by the second half of the month (p Mercury sextile Uranus/p Node). By the 23rd, he'll feel relief on the homefront, probably regarding his wife and kids too (Jupiter SRx trine Mercury, sextile Moon exact), and by July 29th he'll actually be able to "kick some ass" (Mars conjunct p Sun).
For our nation, The Fourth of July might be a mess! Issues about transportation and service are likely to be unpredictable or disrupted, and an explosive pattern could even bring a fiery event (Uranus SRx on the world degree of 0 Aries, conjunct H4). However, maybe the oil spill is simply set ablaze. Such drama would contrast with the prevailing mood of anxiety, uncertainty and despair that has been building since late June (p Moon conjunct Neptune), and will remain through the end of August (Neptune conjunct Moon). By mid-month, weakness regarding oil and foreign affairs is obvious (Mars conjunct Neptune in H9). Costs again climb through the roof (Pluto in H1 opposite Venus in H7), with secret deals driving plans (Pluto ruling H12). Excess spending may get offset by a payout from BP on the 23rd (Jupiter SRx square Venus exact). The month ends with wishful hopes (Venus conjunct Neptune).
In general, the patterns are not easy for people or Mother Earth now. There is a lot of tension and polarization (Saturn opposing Uranus once again, now in the cardinal signs); anger and political clashes are at their peak (Mars into Libra, conjunct Saturn and opposite Uranus); and people feel glum or hopeless, weak and debilitated (Saturn quinqunx Neptune; Neptune Rx quinqunx Mars). However, a caring, nurturing new pattern begins (Solar Eclipse in Cancer), a clean-up proceeds (Mars in Virgo for most of the month), and an amazing thrust of fresh innovation is launched (Uranus/Jupiter SRx in Aries). The latter will set the tone for the 21st century, just as the Industrial Revolution did for the 20th century. "Necessity is the mother of invention." What, I wonder, will this new revolution be called? Maybe the Technological Revolution. But without doubt, we are looking at the beginnings of a new approach to life by the human race (four outer planets forming a Cardinal T-Square... America's Cancerian stellium adding a Grand Cross).
(c) 2010 by Judi Thomases.
Upcoming Events
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RADIO SHOW - "PUTTING A POSITIVE CREATIVE SPIN ON INTENSELY CHALLENGING TIMES ~ The Energy Patterns: What's Happening & What Can You Do to Align Yourself?"New Perspectives Radio, www.RocklandWorldRadio.com. I was the featured guest discussing astrological patterns, and finding your best purpose and contribution. Archive available.
FREE PODCAST - "Transcending Fears of Aging & Dying: A Holistic Perspective" A podcast of a discussion by Judi Thomases & Dorothy Whitton. Dorothy looks at the natural cycles of life, transition, birth vs. death, past lives, and the acceptance of the spiritual essence. Judi looks at concepts of an afterlife, 6 "Proofs" of the continuance of consciousness such as dream visitation and mediumship, the purpose of reincarnation, and faith in your soul design.
"There is so much about my fate that I cannot control, but
other things do fall under the jurisdiction. I can decide how I spend my time,
whom I interact with, whom I share my body and life and money and energy with. I
can select what I can read and eat and study. I can choose how I'm going to
regard unfortunate circumstances in my life-whether I will see them as curses or
opportunities. I can choose my words and the tone of voice in which I speak to
others. And most of all, I can choose my thoughts."
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love (Penguin) |
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Judi Thomases Wisdom Path
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
� 2009 Judi
Thomases. All Rights Reserved.
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