Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue December 2009 Volume 29 | |
With the holidays, everyone's mind goes to preparing, hosting, shopping, card mailings, and the tumult that is the daily requirement of the season. And much is always made about remembering the spirit of the season. But for most people, the real emphasis is on relationships. Holidays, especially winter ones, are about family, friends and loved ones.
It is the rare person who can get by in life without the need for close ties. Most of us, therefore, experience the need for connection with each other most strikingly at this time of year; the holiday season is when the thirst for this essential part of human existence is made most obvious. Like everyone, I cherish the time that can be spent with the ones in my heart, especially with those whom I get to see the least. With family and friends scattered in all parts of the country, that's hard. Nothing in life takes the place of connection with people. Connection is best when it can be face to face. For me, talking with my grandkids in California on Skype (live-time video phone interface) helps a lot. That's the best gift possible.
Wishing everyone a season blessed with connections of the best kind, human and divine, and lots of loving interaction.
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on www.wisdompath.com! |
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Uranus, Mars, and Mercury are stationing! Do you know what that means to you?
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THE 3 BIG QUESTIONS... AND A BONUS QUESTION TOO (What is God?)Email judi@wisdompath.com to receive your Free Special Report now...
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
"In the time of dismay, such as is upon the world today, there is ample opportunity for those who seek it to make great strides in their awakening." - "Flexing Spiritual Muscle", by The Brotherhood of Light Workers/Judi Thomases
GRAB-BAGS OF AUDIO CASSETTES! Great talks and classes from the 80s , 90s, and '00s - Tarot, Astrology, End Times, Psychic Development and much more. Some are whole courses, 6 or 8 hours per series! Some are 120 minutes each tape! I'll sell any/all at $2 each... but the Post Office wants $5 to ship any 10 within the U.S, so that's what we'll have to add.
Email me for the list... and choose which ones you want. Judi@WisdomPath.com. Credit card, PayPal or Money Order. Hurry! Once these are gone, they're gone! | |
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Book Review: "Astrology for the Soul" (Jan Spiller, Bantam)
I've always looked to the Nodes for insights into my client's journeys. Nothing offers the kind of clarity gained from determining what the soul is trying to reach in this lifetime, and what it has already fathomed from past ones.
Spiller's system focuses solely on this, breaking things down into categories, and making everything crystal clear. Concentrating only on the Nodes of the horoscope (points where the Moon's orbit crosses the Earth's path around the Sun), she offers a window into your soul. Your excesses, your strivings, your weaknesses, your strengths are all spelled out in sub-chapter headings such as Attributes to Develop, Tendencies to Leave Behind, Achilles Heel, and What These People Really Want. It's as though a spotlight was shown upon the darkest nooks and crannies of your brain and your personality, and you lie open to yourself, an open book. A friend showed me this book at a party, and I was immediately hooked!
A wise and thoroughly enjoyable book. Highly recommended for those who REALLY seek self-awareness. (Not for anyone still in denial!)
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Nov. '09
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
If there is delay or surprise in attaining prosperity nationally or individually, it is not therefore a mistake, nor is there necessarily the requirement of suffering in the face of today's challenges. For this is a period of learning and realization as sure as there is a necessity for this squeeze. It is one thing to have learned the secrets of some metaphysical truths, to have been taught, as students, how to attract blessings and abundance to you, how there is a correlation between thoughts, intentions and manifestation. That is, you have been preached to and awakened thereby to the understanding that two plus two equals four. It is now relatively common knowledge that there is a secret that can be employed and a method to be applied and suddenly all will be well and money will come rolling in. So why, then, asks the student, is it not happening? Why, then, am I squeezed and pressured? Why do I look around and all these wise learners are corralled into the same boat, a boat which seems to be sinking? Where is our life raft? How can we save the day? Why isn't the wisdom working? Having put forth these questions, which are deep in everyone's mind, let us then bring you back to the classroom and focus attention upon the curriculum. It is not sufficient for the rational mind alone to gain understanding, to know that the will can be set in service of the desire and construct that reality which will bring gain to you. No, for that is an intellectual exercise only, and that is not the point of Earth-life. The point is to spiritualize matter. You are matter. You cannot spiritualize your journey through your mental faculties alone. The heart must be engaged. The heart engages when the individual feels the pain of another. Another's suffering must be identified as the same as one's own. When you look around and see stress and fear on others' faces, and gripped in their muscles and contained in their body's cells, then you recognize that that is what you too are feeling. Then your heart reaches out, and in that moment the secret becomes operable. For it is dry and relatively useless until the energy of love is included. And so the real secret to prosperity is to care. To care what happens to others as much as you care what happens to yourself. It is only in pressured times, in global suffering, in moments when the urgency is upon you to solve your crisis that you see, as everybody's crisis; that you become the master magician who can implement the power. And therefore, as you see, Student, you have only half-learned the lesson. But be of good cheer and relax knowing that, even as you struggle, as do your fellow man and woman, so do you gain. You are in perfect position to graduate from your classroom in due time, and all has been structured to perfection. Love others as you would love yourself, and see in that the great empowerment that is developing.
© 2009 by Judi Thomases |
Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...
For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
December 2009 Astro Tidbits
December begins with a bang! A big news story involves the media itself, in a turbulent frenzy. Discussions and fact-finding put the spotlight on the internet, the wire services, and radio/television, calling up its role in the current situation (Uranus stations direct square Mercury; Full Moon in Gemini). There continues to be a strain on resources and therefore on relationships (Saturn in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn) but the travel industry can get a boost for the holidays (Venus into Sagittarius). On the 5th and again from the 21st onward, thrift, caution, and better management are the watchwords (Mercury into Capricorn and stationing there; Sun and Venus into Capricorn). Lavish holiday parties are a thing of the past, although compassion and spirituality are growing (Uranus semi-sextile Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune). The holiday season is not without hope or pleasantry (Venus/New Moon in Sag sextile same). Mid-month brings a dramatic and unpredictable event such as a fiery accident, a bold show of force, or even an enemy strike (New Moon/Venus in Sag square Uranus; Mars station retrograde in Leo) - not the best period for travel abroad - but is a nice time for intimacy (Mars trine Venus). Optimism florishes briefly on the 20th, perhaps with wild spending (Mars opposite Jupiter/Neptune), but after Christmas, when the bills come in and the dollar tanks, reality must be faced (Venus conjunct Pluto, square Saturn). By the end of the year, finances and the economy are the top concerns; things aren't selling and a crisis confronts us (Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn conjunct Venus/Pluto, square Saturn).
For the nation, early upsets center around poor job reports, the overblown health-care bill, and treachery from foreign interests (Full Moon conjunct Uranus/progressed Descendant in 6th; Uranus station direct opposite Neptune in 9th). Overspending (printing money) is the cause of the weak dollar, and people are asking, Is there no end to it? (Pluto in Capricorn 1st opposite U.S. Venus; Saturn in Libra 10th square U.S. Venus). Many voters feel "buyer's remorse" and are waking up to see matters more clearly as illusion departs (Neptune leaving U.S. progressed Mercury in the 3rd). On the bright side, a rally gives reason for joy between the 8th to 25th, maybe even a nice economic hum (Jupiter conjunct U.S. progressed Mercury/progressed Venus in 3rd) - automotive and internet sales are improving.
President Obama faces a crisis of confidence as the month begins, and his popularity shrinks to a new low (Pluto opposite his Venus; Saturn square his Venus). The possibility of danger exists (chart ruler Uranus stations direct opposite Mars exact in his 8th; Mars stations direct conjunct his Descendant). It's all about money! (8th, 2nd, Pluto, Capricorn, Cancer). Ameliorating this and protecting him, however, are sensible planning (Saturn sextile Mercury), "guardian angels" helping him further his spiritual mission (Neptune trine progressed Mars/ progressed Mercury), and the chance to regain his countrymen's love, especially on the 12th, 22nd and Christmas itself (Mars station retrograde conjunct Solar Arc Venus in 7th; Venus trine Sun, trine Uranus, and trine Node/progressed Uranus/progressed Venus). So we can expect him to figure out something helpful!
For more forecast of Obama, the economy, and our nation's destiny, check out my upcoming article in the January 2010 issue of Dell Horoscope, available by December. You won't want to miss this overview of the years leading to 2012! On newsstands or please contact Dell directly to purchase: 212-686-7188 or www.DellHoroscope.com.
Upcoming Events
Check out the latest postings on Wisdom's Blog! Here are a few:
FREE TELECLASS - "Mobilize Money-Making" Join Coach Michael Sherman and Wisdom Coach Judi Thomases for a discussion of the secrets and insights of psychological and holistic truths that are available to activate and energize our money-making abilities...and show you a different way to approach prosperity. MOVE PAST MISTRUST TO MOBILIZE YOUR MONEY FLOW. Jan. 14 ~ 9:00-10:00PM EST. Contact Michael@CourageousLoving.com for details.
FREE PODCAST - "Transcending Fears of Aging & Dying: A Holistic Perspective" A discussion by Judi Thomases & Dorothy Whitton. Dorothy looks at the natural cycles of life, transition, birth vs. death, past lives, and the acceptance of the spiritual essence. Judi looks at concepts of an afterlife, 6 "Proofs" of the continuance of consciousness such as dream visitation and mediumship, the purpose of reincarnation, and faith in your soul design.
January 2010 - [renamed by publisher] "Destiny in the Balance: America's Role in the Great Cosmic Plan", Dell Horoscope magazine - a look at the coming patterns from now until 2012, and beyond. www.DellHoroscope.com. Obama's Forecast, The Economy, the Coming Uprising, 2012 & Other Prophecies, The Great Plan, and much more - Astrologer Looks Deeply at Horoscope Patterns. "Dark & Light: The Great Plan of the Ages" by psychic astrologer Judi Thomases ~ a new article in Dell Horoscope magazine (January 2010) analyzes Obama's tenure during this key period sometimes referred to as "The End Times" in which rebellion is forming, the nation is divided and challenged within and without, and the promise in prophecies and on The Great Seal is fulfilled (10,000 words, with horoscope wheels.) On newsstands everywhere. Many are now aware of a cosmic design at work in our universe, but is there too much optimism - or not enough? Psychic astrologer Judi Thomases presents her version of the energy patterns that will guide us through the next four years. Starting with the Obama inauguration and Neptune's influence, she calls it like it is and searches for the truth of these times. The rebellion is building. The transformation ahead involves powerful planets changing signs. Using the U.S. Sibley chart, Ms. Thomases addresses the uncertainty many are experiencing and strives to present an accurate and realistic picture of the years leading up to 2012. The author reveals prophecies, the period of difficulty ahead that must be faced, the changes in global consciousness, the significance of the Obama Presidency, and the great light that is growing. Does Light need Dark before illumination comes? Will the world sink into chaos and strife, or will the New Human usher in 1,000 years of peace? Ms. Thomases leaves no clue unexamined. The challenging and historic era that is unfolding is dissected against horoscopic patterns and ancient prophecies. The flawed and charismatic figure that is Barack Obama plays the key role... but is it helpful or damaging? America's destiny and the path to it are discussed. The big question - how do we end up, darkened or brightened? - is answered. | |
"Nothing teaches like the results of our choices."
- Builders of the Adytum |
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Judi Thomases Wisdom Path
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
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© 2009 Judi
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