Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue November 2009 Volume 28 | |
The energy is turning! I can feel it. Others can too, they've told me.
A liveliness is coming back. Creativity too. Maybe it'll be entrepreneurial this time. We'll get more creative because we can! We'll design and make things happen because that's who we are as people. We don't need other voices to tell us how to feel, or if things are gloomy... we are our own inner voice. We'll overcome Recession, Depression, Limitation, the Job Market, and whatever the heck! We'll will it! It's of our divine human nature to be vital, regenerative and fertile.
This time we've got technology on our side. Boy, is that booming! Jupiter in Aquarius + Mars hanging out in Leo + Saturn leaving Uranus alone for awhile = what a great combo!
Do you have your projects going? I'm (happily) swamped in possibilities! What are you waiting for? Get going! The light is "GREEN"!! Help humanity, help yourself, make some moolah, spend some moolah. That's what we're great at, America!
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on www.wisdompath.com! |
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Neptune is stationing direct! Do you know what that means to you?
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(channeled by author/intuitive Judi
QUESTIONS...Who am I?Why am I here?What's the meaning of
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a game...an energy game.It's time to wake up!FINALLY GET ANSWERS TO
THE 3 BIG QUESTIONS... AND A BONUS QUESTION TOO (What is God?)Email judi@wisdompath.com to receive your Free Special Report now...
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
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"The person who understands his or her own creation as part of everything that is, was, or ever will be is the person who understands his or her own godliness." - "Wisdom's Game", by The Brotherhood of Light Workers/Judi Thomases
GRAB-BAGS OF AUDIO CASSETTES! Great talks and classes from the 80s , 90s, and '00s - Tarot, Astrology, End Times, Psychic Development and much more. Some are whole courses, 6 or 8 hours per series! Some are 120 minutes each tape! I'll sell any/all at $2 each... but the Post Office wants $5 to ship any 10 within the U.S, so that's what we'll have to add.
Email me for the list... and choose which ones you want. Judi@WisdomPath.com. Credit card, PayPal or Money Order. Hurry! Once these are gone, they're gone! | |
Special Report
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Book Review: "Sacred Contracts" (Carolyn Myss, Harmony Books)
The Sacred Contracts of the title refer, of course, to soul choices made before incarnating - agreements you've made with important relationships that will support your spiritual growth and transform each life into its divine potential. This is not a new concept, but Myss, presenting a kind of primer in "Spirituality 101" in which she talks about chakras, world religious leaders, rebirthing and renaming, and stages of psychological and spiritual awareness, brings a fresh approach by explaining the differences between legal and sacred contracts, and by introducing the concept of Archetypes.
Defining a few dozen basic Archetype patterns such as Child, Victim, Prostitute and Saboteur, Myss restructures the basic horoscope wheel along with several other diagramming devices to allow us an empowering new way to see human behavior. It helps, for instance, to know that if you have a touch of Hermit in you, you will require more alone-time than your partner, which in turn can start a useful dialogue between you.
I admire the interweaving of various disciplines and the complexity and fullness of the author's vision, and particularly liked all the case studies. Recommended if you want to delve into a whole new system of awareness.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Nov. '09
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
The term Other is used when designating ayone outside of the Self. It is a term that denotes removal or strangeness, sometimes total disconnect but often just separateness. Unfamiliarity with the Other means that you - who know self as one, as intimate, as familiar - see another person as not-self, as unfamilair, as apart.
Here, then, is the biggest issue of life: the dilemma of love. For, while it is easy to love self, whom you know so well, and care for, and feel every nuance of pain for, and feel utmost compassion and love for (and this is true even of those who do not self-love but self-loathe) - here lies the dilemma of human existence.
Other connotes a separated self whose feelings and sufferings are apart from yourself, whom you do not know, and whom you see as different. Their heart is not yours, so their pain is likewise not yours, you reason. Their body is not yours, and besides, your body has enough of its own irritants and thorns, so why bother with that of another's whose suffering doesn't really matter to you? Stay instead, you think, in your limited self, and begrudge the other of his/her needs. Ask for the other's love, but as a palliative to your own suffering and no more.
It is the way of limitation, the way of mankind's millennial approach.
The creature called Homo Sapiens was birthed from the firmament of nature to learn how to know itself inwardly and outwardly, but in the process of evolving developed a brain that constructed separation. This creature, ever needing to share and to belong to its species, has instead constructed its world as comprising of separated consciousnesses held in individual containers. So many of you, so disconnected!
Happily, though, evolutionary forces remembered to include the spiritual component of the divine. The divine essence within each human container remembered its overriding need for love. Love is the glue of the whole. Love is the core item that could not be forgotten or put aside. If the creature could not be persuaded to offer love, it would also not be allowed to forget its need for that.
Love is the hidden trick within the dense container that will always sabotage the thrust for selfish individuality and insist upon the ameliorating force of connectivity. Love will pull you towards and into the Other even as you rush toward self-realization. Love, in fact, is the brass ring at the end of the fiercest journey, for only with love - of self and of other, indeed, of god within self - can you be made whole. Love is the cosmic prank that forces natural evolution to become one.
And though it is frequently resisted, love is the only thing that will force humankind to evolve itself to a glorious whole earth.
© 2009 by Judi Thomases |
Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...
For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
November 2009 Astro Tidbits
The month of November begins with angry words (Mercury square Mars). The anger pits security issues against use of force, and might reflect economic or military quarrels, such as the dilemma of a troop surge in Afghanistan (Full Moon in Taurus square Mars). However, this is a pleasant time for romance and compassion (Venus trine Neptune). In general, spirituality is gaining ground and technology is helping its spread (Neptune SD semi-sextile Uranus). The middle weeks of the month indicate a period of tightening resources (Saturn square Pluto), wherein values are changing for the better (Venus sextile Pluto); there is a ton of news, a veritable information overload needing to be processed (Mercury square Jupiter). On the 16th, much anxiety and confusion baffles Wall Street as we grapple with idealistic plans versus the need to finance and conserve (New Moon in Scorpio conjunct Mercury, square Neptune). There are no clear answers. Some stablization is seen by the 24th (Saturn sextile Sun).
For the nation, technology and innovation are booming, helping to further the networking of all (Uranus trine progressed MC) but people continue to question if the humanitarian efforts are productive or excessive (Uranus opposite Neptune). Most affected would be local (community) versus foreign focus (3rd house vs. 9th); transportation/fuel and diplomacy are two possible topics of debate. The latter is highlighted as America reaches a peak of prominence in peace talks and sees a period of gradual positive change (Saturn conjunct MC, trine Solar Arc Uranus). A heroic effort is being made (Mars conjunct Node in Leo). However, there remains the danger of fuzzy thinking, gullibility and false promises by treacherous "allies" that could undermine our homeland safety (Neptune in 3rd conjunct progressed Mercury, ruler of 7th). Meanwhile, we continue to struggle with internal pressures from economic woes plus the ugly stresses, upheaval and subversion of our changing image on the world stage (Pluto in 1st, square MC).
President Obama's month begins with foreign aggression and strong threats (Mars conjunct Sun, square Neptune/Solar Arc Mars in 9th); he can look weak. On the 3rd he will feel unloved (Venus square Saturn). Between the 5th and 6th, he faces a particularly challenging period of constant upsets via the economy (Uranus in 2nd opposite Mars in 8th) and old karmic obstacles to his dreams of healing and manifesting utopia (Neptune SD quinqunx Mars, conjunct progressed South Node). However, by working to build upon some real possibilities, he will realize that gradual change is possible (Neptune SD semi-sextile progressed Saturn exact/Solar Arc Pluto exact; Uranus sextile progressed Saturn). Luckily, from the 4th-15th, he receives honors and karmic rewards (Jupiter conjunct Ascendant) and by the 20th enjoys a very happy period (Progressed Moon trine Venus). Some love him, some do not! He makes a very important speech or decision on the 15th (Mercury conjunct MC), and is subject to flattery on the 16th (Venus square Sun). His month does not end on a high note, however: he is under great duress, perhaps even manipulation, and must learn to change his behavior patterns (Progressed Ascendant sesquiuadrate Pluto, ruler of MC from 7th).
For more forecast of Obama, the economy, and our nation's destiny, check out my upcoming article in the January 2010 issue of Dell Horoscope, available by November/December. You won't want to miss this overview of the years leading to 2012! On newsstands or please contact Dell directly to purchase: 212-686-7188 or www.DellHoroscope.com.
Upcoming Events
Check out the latest postings on Wisdom's Blog! Here are a few:
~~~ November 19th -"The Floating Eye: What Is The Great Plan?" - CANCELLED. RESCHEDULING WILL BE ANNOUNCED.
Coming Soon on WisdomPath.com - FREE PODCAST "Transcending Fears of Aging & Dying: A Holistic Perspective" A discussion by Judi Thomases & Dorothy Whitton. Dorothy looks at the natural cycles of life, transition, birth vs. death, past lives, and the acceptance of the spiritual essence. Judi looks at concepts of an afterlife, 6 "Proofs" of the continuance of consciousness such as dream visitation and mediumship, the purpose of reincarnation, and faith in your soul design.
January 2010 - "The Dark & the Light: The Great Plan of the Ages", Dell Horoscope magazine - a look at the coming patterns from now until 2012, and beyond. www.DellHoroscope.com. Obama's Forecast, The Economy, the Coming Uprising, 2012 & Other Prophecies, The Great Plan, and much more - Astrologer Looks Deeply at Horoscope Patterns. "Dark & Light: The Great Plan of the Ages" by psychic astrologer Judi Thomases ~ a new article in Dell Horoscope magazine (January 2010) analyzes Obama's tenure during this key period sometimes referred to as "The End Times" in which rebellion is forming, the nation is divided and challenged within and without, and the promise in prophecies and on The Great Seal is fulfilled (10,000 words, with horoscope wheels.) On newsstands everywhere. Many are now aware of a cosmic design at work in our universe, but is there too much optimism - or not enough? Psychic astrologer Judi Thomases presents her version of the energy patterns that will guide us through the next four years. Starting with the Obama inauguration and Neptune's influence, she calls it like it is and searches for the truth of these times. The rebellion is building. The transformation ahead involves powerful planets changing signs. Using the U.S. Sibley chart, Ms. Thomases addresses the uncertainty many are experiencing and strives to present an accurate and realistic picture of the years leading up to 2012. The author reveals prophecies, the period of difficulty ahead that must be faced, the changes in global consciousness, the significance of the Obama Presidency, and the great light that is growing. Does Light need Dark before illumination comes? Will the world sink into chaos and strife, or will the New Human usher in 1,000 years of peace? Ms. Thomases leaves no clue unexamined. The challenging and historic era that is unfolding is dissected against horoscopic patterns and ancient prophecies. The flawed and charismatic figure that is Barack Obama plays the key role... but is it helpful or damaging? America's destiny and the path to it are discussed. The big question - how do we end up, darkened or brightened? - is answered. | |
"When the understanding is great enough, one sees all events as inevitable."
- Builders of the Adytum |
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Judi Thomases Wisdom Path
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