Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue October 2009 Volume 27 | |
Oh those ch-ch-ch-changes! We've finally listed our house... yes, under Mercury retrograde! (is that even "kosher" for an astrologer to do?!!) but I feel the real estate market is rising, and so intuition has taken precedence. I have very mixed feelings...it's hard to detach because I have lots of planets in fixed signs (don't like change!), but distant places are calling. My fellow-astrologer Ann Cortese says that the lightworkers are being dispensed to various corners now. I guess the "trick" is to go-with-the-flow and see where the design leads me.
Hope you've all had a wonderful September. We in the Northeast have had too much rain, especially in July, so it was common to hear: "where did the summer go?" Weird weather patterns are part of the prophecies about these times. I'll be talking a little about the meaning of our Age in November (see details below) - we are certainly living in "interesting times".
Be sure to check out my new Special Report on Money. It offers a fresh viewpoint about aligning with an elevated purpose to realize your financial dreams. The method can work almost magically once you get the hang of it, and life (even in these challenging times) can seem full of hope once more.
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on www.wisdompath.com! |
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Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius! Do you know what that means to you?
CONSULTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY For more information: Judi@WisdomPath.com or (845) 354-0812 ~~~ GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE for any occasion
(channeled by author/intuitive Judi
QUESTIONS...Who am I?Why am I here?What's the meaning of
life?You are not who you think you are.You are the universe playing
a game...an energy game.It's time to wake up!FINALLY GET ANSWERS TO
THE 3 BIG QUESTIONS... AND A BONUS QUESTION TOO (What is God?)Email judi@wisdompath.com to receive your Free Special Report now...
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FREE Mercury Retrograde Card Plan your best days! This wallet-size business card is a terrific help to keep in your purse, wallet or by your desk. You'll never again schedule big-ticket purchases or sign documents on the wrong day! Write to Judi@WisdomPath.com for your free card today... but don't forget, I'll need a real mailing address because this is an actual card.
Email judi@wisdompath.com for your free Mercury Retrograde wallet-size calendar. Or call (845) 354-0812, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (Eastern) |
A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers

"Work is not the 'daily grind', nor is it that which produces tangible results. Work truly is what you do to reach an interior goal of meaningfulness or significance." - "Labor", by The Brotherhood of Light Workers/Judi Thomases
GRAB-BAGS OF AUDIO CASSETTES! Great talks and classes from the 80s , 90s, and '00s - Tarot, Astrology, End Times, Psychic Development and much more. Some are whole courses, 6 or 8 hours per series! Some are 120 minutes each tape! I'll sell any/all at $2 each... but the Post Office wants $5 to ship any 10 within the U.S, so that's what we'll have to add.
Email me for the list... and choose which ones you want. Judi@WisdomPath.com. Credit card, PayPal or Money Order. Hurry! Once these are gone, they're gone! | |
Special Report
Forcing the Universe to $upply It To You!
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This is a true metaphysical approach
to financial well-being.
An 11-page report, downloadable. © 2009 by Judi Thomases.
Only $9.95, Download (PDF) -
This report is free with any $100 purchase from Wisdom Path |
Book Review: "The Human Phenomenon" (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Harper & Row)
Had to read this!! This was the book that was on Carl Jung's nightstand when he died -- reportedly his well-worn favorite. And no wonder! What a tour de force!
Evolution, this brilliant scientist-Jesuit scholar tells us, is not just a Darwinian process based on "survival of the fittest" in which form tries out various shapes in its quest to master the costume of matter, but is simultaneously an interior process of the development of consciousness.
Over millennia, as molecules learned to aggregate, and cells developed, a primitive within began as well. This combination of inner and outer is the essence of life; all zoology must be understood as the dual effort by nature to finally produce the right type of creature - a creature that has found its way, after various dead-ending experimentation and brain stem development, to study what it holds. Once life "fluoresces" and covers the globe with a biosphere, it finally arrives at the moment of reflection. An exterior life (without) and an interior life(within) are merged, and self-conscious thought truly begins. This is the turning point when the noosphere is brought into being - the newest global phenomenon to encircle the world. But, he asks, now that the entire thrust of evolution has produced its fruition, where next?
Highest recommendation! But a word of warning: this is NOT easy reading; his scholarly discourse, translated from the French, could hardly be more ponderous. Slog through if you can because the rewards are amazing.
(I'm totally recommited to finding a publisher for my second book because of words herein in the latter sections of TdC's great work! Very inspiring!)
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- Oct. '09
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages
Too Much Opportunity, Not Enough Time
If you take a moment to reflect upon things, you will see that time is "speeding up." Everyone feels rushed and jangled, and there is simply "not enough of it." What does that mean?
The human perceptive capabilities are being put under pressure of information overload. Also, we are being asked to do more (compress) our daily attention into less spaciousness and greater requirements. Everyone is feeling this, whether a farm dweller or urbanite. It is because the human mind has reached the specific point of creativity where it overworks the capabilitity without factoring in the mental capacity. The human mind is trying to expand its potential at the same "time" that it is facing the reduction of ability to keep up with itself. Therefore, an impasse is being reached where there is too much opportunity and not enough wisdom.
It is uncommon to measure creativity as in opposition to wisdom. Wisdom is the mind's pinnacle in which it reaches a sublime understanding of the "way things work". That is to say, the way life on earth is endured. Creativity, on the other hand, is life expressing itself fully, with freedom and no restraints. (The restraints, or limiting, sculpturing factor, can be applied afterwards... the "90% perspiration" of note.)
This great tension between inner freedom and physical reality is what we are butting up against. Something's gotta give! Or else, some adaptation must occur. This is a key moment for humankind, for there is less "time" even for crime(!), and there is greatest need for survival.
It is in learning how to pace and parcel that we will prevail. A withdrawal inwards and a wisdom measure is being learned. We are wising up. It is not through lack, but through abundance, then, that this next step is being provided, for if it can be seen that All is providing unlimited opportunity, then it will be understood that that's not cool, and that the self must also now apply restriction to itself in order to find its way back to joy.
Again, we say that you must slow down and curb your enthusiasm, and be measured in your attempts, and find the inner space to reflect upon your creation before you can reap the full satisfaction of your unbridled creativity. Never fear, as in all good schools, the lesson is being provided for your achievement and success, and to help you graduate with honors! (Smiles.)
© 2009 by Judi Thomases |
Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...
For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
October 2009 Astro Tidbits
October 4th sees innovative new ways to bring a wrap-up to confrontations (Full Moon in Aries; Mars trine Uranus), plus some stabilization by the second week (Node trine Saturn; Mars sextile Saturn). Diplomacy attempts to make headway (Mercury back into Libra) but doesn't get too far -- by the 10th, the pressure is back on (Mercury square Pluto). Nevertheless, the mood grows more pleasant by mid-month (Saturn and Uranus leave their opposition, at least until next July, while Uranus and Neptune continue to blend technology and spirituality). Certain revisions have been concluded (Mercury leaving its shadow). Good news about growth and successful outcomes is announced (Jupiter stationing direct trine Sun), while a party spirit (Venus into Libra), and fun-loving creativity abound (Mars into Leo). October 18th brings a wonderful new start for the fashion, film and music industries; it's quite a romantic period (New Moon in Libra trine Neptune; Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn all in Libra), although the 10th and 15th are problematic for love and spending (Venus opposite Uranus, then square Pluto). By late month, the focus shifts towards finances, with important negotiations afoot (Sun and Mercury into Scorpio; Mercury sextile Pluto). Deals can be made.
In the U.S., great pressure to transform continues (Pluto square MC). The stock market and real estate market are active (Mars conjunct Mercury/Fortuna in 8th) but there is high anger about spending (Mars 8th opposite Pluto 2nd). Old karma about bad governing must be resolved spiritually and through the law (Saturn conjunct Solar Arc South Node in the 9th). We are no doubt trending in a more socialistic-humantarian direction (Solar Arc Uranus into Aquarius) which will keep anxiety especially high through early December (Uranus opposite Neptune); for many citizens, the economy is very mixed (Saturn square Venus; progressed Saturn trine Venus).
For President Obama, October brings much work; he must watch his health (Mars in his 6th). Emotionally he is growing more sensitive in general (progressed Moon into Pisces), but remains frustrated and tense regarding money matters, and must avoid unsavory relationships (Pluto opposite Venus), especially by the third week when these ties could bring him discredit (progressed Moon semi-square MC). However, a very protective aspect on the 13th showers him with luck, probably positive news of true recovery and beneficial alliances(Jupiter station direct on his Ascendant), while a happy pattern on the 28th indicates positive behind-the-scene results from hidden efforts by friends or allies (progressed Moon semi-sextile Jupiter, ruler of 11th in 12th).
For more forecast of Obama, the economy, and our nation's destiny, check out my upcoming article in the January 2010 issue of Dell Horoscope, available by November/December. You won't want to miss this overview of the years leading to 2012! Please contact Dell directly to purchase: 212-686-7188 or www.DellHoroscope.com.
Upcoming Events
Check out the latest postings on Wisdom's Blog! Here are a few:
~~~ October 15th - "Transcending Fears of Aging & Dying: A Holistic Viewpoint" - Presented by Myths & Truths of Aging at Blue Horizons. Westgate, Nyack, NY. Noon-2 PM, $25 non-members at door. Judi Thomases and Dorothy Whitton bring a fresh perspective to aging and end-of-life issues. November 19th -"The Floating Eye: What Is The Great Plan?" - Who Are You, and Where Do You Fit In Now? Discussion of The Great Seal of the U.S., The New Order of the Ages, Destiny, America, & Consciousness in the Age of Aquarius , at Blue Horizons meeting, Westgate, Nyack NY. Noon-2 PM, $25 non-members at door.
January 2010 - "The Dark & the Light: The Great Plan of the Ages", Dell Horoscope magazine - a look at the coming patterns from now until 2012. www.DellHoroscope.com. | |
"The whole universe is nothing but suggestions; the world lives by it.
Evil suggestions, unhappy life.
Good suggestions, happy life."
Shri Ramamurti (Dr. Mishra), Sayings from Shri Ramamurti |
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Judi Thomases Wisdom Path | |
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
© 2009 Judi
Thomases. All Rights Reserved.
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