Recently, I got back to nature with a bang!
First, we decided to explore upstate New York, and drive some back roads through the Shawangunk Mountains Winery Trail. We discovered the beautiful natural scenery of the Northeast at its most spectacular, on a fairly sunny day after weeks of rain where all the greenery was lush and the farms displayed the richest, blackest dirt ever. Stopping on the Shawangunk Trail for a delicious and inexpensive wine tasting of locally grown wines, ciders and liqueurs, we followed that up with a terrific and simple lunch of cheese and artisanal bread. The rest of the trip was mostly scenic because the white cliffs and majestic rills held more interest for us than the alcoholic beverages.
The next day, our adventure took us to the free outdoor sculpture garden on the grounds of the Pepsico headquarters in Westchester. A balmy breeze, a tall water spout, and serene vistas with monumental sculptures punctuating the grounds couldn't have been more ideal. I even kicked off my flip-flops to walk through acres of delightfully spongy mown grass. There's something about this intimate connection with nature that restores the soul and puts one back into harmony with All There Is.
It's from this perspective that I can re-tackle the issues that crop up in relationships, work, responsibilities, and other daily challenges of life on Planet Earth. It becomes second nature to shift out of negativity and into harmony when nature itself provides such a spectacular and helpful boost. Hope everyone enjoyed the Spring. Hope Spring was lush and bountiful for all.
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Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return,
progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the
best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects.
can ask the important questions- business or personal or anything else-
for insight...
Combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns) and
tarot/AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). The energy patterns will
unfold, we'll see them and navigate them well, and your wisdom and
empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
Consultations for Tough Times... LEARN TO NAVIGATE YOUR P.E.P.* (YOUR PERSONAL ENERGY PATTERN) *Your Horoscope *Live Life Skillfully
*In a tough economy, it's essential to know when to take action, and when to hold off
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Mars i s entering Gemini;four outer planets are retrograde!
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(channeled by author/intuitive Judi
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THE 3 BIG QUESTIONS... AND A BONUS QUESTION TOO (What is God?)Email judi@wisdompath.com to receive your Free Special Report now...
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Email judi@wisdompath.com for your free Mercury Retrograde wallet-size
calendar. Or call (845) 354-0812, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers

"Surround yourself with optimists and let their energy attract you to them. Let yourself be influenced by hope. Bring hope deep into your being, and let it stay there awhile." - The Point of Pain, by The Brotherhood of Light Workers/Judi Thomases |
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Book Review: "Still Here" (Ram Dass, Riverhead)
This book was gifted to me by my colleague in our Myths & Truths of Aging project, Isis Maria Cohen. Many thanks, Isis! As an early follower of Ram Dass (formerly Harvard teacher Richard Alpert who later became a disciple of guru Neem Karoli Baba and then a seminal thought-leader of many of my generation), I approached this material with a mixture of enthusiasm and trepidation because, though RD's early works such as "Be Here Now" and "The Only Dance There Is", were fonts of light and awakening to many of us, his later lectures had begun to seem fraught with politicism and redundancy.
But RD's great gift is his honesty, and here we have frank "confessions" of his formerly rampant egotism now tempered by the viccissitudes of aging, disability, and dependency. Tackling subjects such as "Old Mind, New Mind", "Shifting Roles", "Learning to Die" and "Stroke Yoga", it becomes a wonderful and comprehensive wisdom perspective on handling mortality with grace, and actually using the entire aging process as yet another tool of conscious awakening. My only caveat is that, as seen through his own writings, he's not yet in the mind-set that All Is Chosen! However, I give this book 5 stars!
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html |
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Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling- July '09
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic
process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always
serve to guide us through the journey of life. Compilations of
many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages YOUR
indeed you are nothing but creative energy come to Earth to have a fulfilled
experience, then your task or challenge is to make it so. It is not as though you've dropped from the
sky like a pebble to be left adrift and simply vegetate or blob about. You zoomed into your life like an arrow on a
mission, and you carried within you the blueprint or plan for a chosen
experience. You did not come forth to
lay around nor did you appear willy-nilly as the accidental result of someone
else's purpose, for you, who are unique and individual, wanted your life and
had as its purpose the flavor and experience of a particular style.
that you are here, barely awake, still mostly amnesiac, you cast about in
confusion as to what you should do, and you wait for others to tell you. Or you wait for circumstances to push you
hither and yon. Yet you sit upon a
fountain of creative juice. It is in
this boundless energy that your blueprint chose to explore itself.
possibilities exist within the design of you.
It only takes recognition and then the story begins. If you recognize what your true desire is,
where your passion lies, and what skills you brought with you that can make it
happen, then you suddenly are in the position of driver, or charioteer. As soon as you identify these inner
qualities, the sky, as it were, opens up and a rainfall of possibility drenches
greatest gift, therefore, is to know yourself.
To find the thread of your story that speaks of creative potential. Find that thread; yank hard! Do not let go. Do not let your fears cut its cord. Pull upon it with might, with all you've got,
and wait until something tugs back. It
is the call that you have sent out and that will pull you further ahead.
life seems to block you, search deeper and pull harder. You will find results to be wonderful. You will have discovered that motivation for
which you zoomed here in the first place.
(c) 2009 by Judi Thomases
GRAB- BAGS OF AUDIO CASSETTES! Great talks and classes from the 80s , 90s, and '00s - Tarot, Astrology, End Times, Psychic Development and much more. Some are whole courses, 6 or 8 hours per series! Some are 120 minutes each tape! I'll sell any/all at $2 each... but the Post Office wants $5 to ship any10 within the U.S, so that's what we'll have to add.
Email me for the list... and choose which ones you want. Judi@WisdomPath.com. Credit card, PayPal or Money Order. Hurry! Once these are gone, they're gone!
Astro Tidbits for July 2009
A new bubble is forming! This time it's not the same as the previous "real estate bubble", but is one of general optimism and upbeat news (Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunct, square Venus, trine Mercury), especially the latter half of the month. Humanitarian efforts and democratic tendencies are winning (Uranus sextile Venus; Jupiter on the U.S. Moon); for instance, the Iranian people's election revolt is continuing, which is welcome news for the world. But it's not over 'til it's over.
July 4th indicates strong words, perhaps enforced laws or bullying tactics (Mercury opposite Pluto). On our own soil, this date ties in with the continuing "Tea Party" tax protests that are being waged on some fronts. The internet is zooming (Mars sextile Uranus). Chatter and social networking increase by mid month (Venus enters Gemini, trine Node) as do sales figures, but tensions increase too (Mars into Gemini quinqunx Pluto). Much is focused on financial issues (Venus quinqunx Pluto). On the 7th, improvement in the banking industry and in Corporate America is realistically taking hold (Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, trine Saturn) but the need to pace growth is less obvious (Mars square Jupiter/Neptune).
July 22nd is not a good day for weddings or romance (Venus square Saturn), but summer blockbusters - especially family movies - will do well this season (Solar Eclipse at 29 Cancer conjunct transiting South Node in Leo).
President Obama faces changeable situations with allies whom he'll find upsetting and unpredictable (progressed Moon square Uranus in his 7th). He is prone to being open-handed and taking humanitarian risks now (Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunct his South Node in his 1st, opposite Uranus/progressed Venus), a stance he may not be able to adhere to. July 9th is a pleasant day for him, especially with Michelle (Venus conjunct Moon) but on July 17th he'll be annoyed and may lose his temper (Mars conjunct Moon). There'll be a new beginning to plans and rhetoric on July 19th (a Mercury return) but he may have to eat his words by late month (Saturn conjunct Solar Arc Mercury in his 7th, quinqunx his Ascendant).
Upcoming Events
Check out the latest postings on Wisdom's Blog! Here are a few: Feminine Power is on the Rise Iran, Blogging, Freedom, & Democracy in the Age of Aquarius October 15th -Myths & Truths of Aging Presentation at Blue Horizons. Westgate, Nyack, NY. Noon-2 PM, $25 non-members at door. Judi and other holistic practitioners discuss messages in our media from a fresh perspective, and a new way to face aging and end-of-life issues. (845) 356-3110. November 19th -"The Floating Eye: What Is The Great Plan?" -
Who Are You, and Where Do
You Fit In Now? Discussion of The Great Seal of the U.S., The New Order of the Ages, Destiny,
America, & Consciousness in the Age of Aquarius , at Blue Horizons meeting, Westgate, Nyack NY. Noon-2 PM, $25
non-members at door.
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Spiritual Quote
"Be conscious of what you do, for you are the seed, the origin of much that is to come. Through your actions today, vast worlds will be created and destroyed." - The Starseed Transmissions: An Extraterrestrial Report, Raphael (Uni*Sun)
You may
absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.
doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright
information. Sincerely,
Judi Thomases
Wisdom Path
"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
© 2009 Judi
Thomases. All Rights Reserved.
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