Howard Zinn at 90: Lessons from the People's Historian
by Bill Bigelow, co-director of the Zinn Education Project and editor at Rethinking Schools
This week----August 24----would have been the 90th birthday of the great historian and activist Howard Zinn, who died in 2010. Zinn did not merely record history, he made it: as a professor at Spelman College in the 1950s and early 1960s, where he was ultimately fired for his outspoken support of students in the Civil Rights Movement, and specifically the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); as a critic of the U.S. war in Vietnam, and author of the first book calling for an immediate U.S. withdrawal; and as author of arguably the most influential U.S. history textbook in print, A People's History of the United States. "That book will knock you on your ass," as Matt Damon's character says in the film Good Will Hunting.
Shortly after Barack Obama's election, the Zinn Education Project sponsored a talk by Zinn to several hundred teachers at the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference in Houston. Zinn reminded teachers that the point of learning about social studies was not simply to memorize facts, it was to imbue students with a desire to change the world. "A modest little aim," Zinn acknowledged, with a twinkle in his eye. Read more.
This article is posted at the Huffington Post.
Help us reach a wider audience in three steps:
Read more in the If We Knew Our History series.
Students Remember Howard
Watch video highlights from the Zinn Room Dedication at Busboys and Poets at Hyattsville, Md., that includes Bernice Johnson Reagon and Marian Wright Edelman talking about Zinn's impact on their lives after being his students at Spelman College.
Find us at NCSS in Seattle, Nov. 16-18
Join us Nov. 16-18 in Seattle at the National Council for the Social Studies conference (NCSS) at booth #623. This year we will host a screening of Precious Knowledge with guest speaker Sean Arce. Arce is the recipient of the Zinn Education Project's Myles Horton Award for Teaching a People's History. We also are co-presenting keynote speaker James Loewen. Stay tuned for more details.
More Fall Conferences
| Oct. 6
San Francisco
|  | Oct. 18
New Britain, CT
| Oct. 20
Portland, OR
Keynote speaker: Bob Peterson, Rethinking Schools
Workshop by Bill Bigelow, co-director, Zinn Education Project
Nov. 16-18
Meet us at booth #623.
| Nov. 17
Nov. 28-Dec. 1
New Books
Collected Speeches 1963-2009
A Plan Book for Social Justice Teachers
Thank you for bringing a people's history to the classroom!
Lauren Cooper
For the Zinn Education Project