If We Knew Our History - Zinn Education Project New Monthly Column
A Monthly Column Presented by the Zinn Education Project
A Collaboration between Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change

Biil McKibbenChanging the Climate in Schools   

By Bill McKibben author of a dozen books, including The End of Nature and Eaarth, and Bill Bigelow, Zinn Education Project co-director, Rethinking Schools editor 


Maybe you've heard. We are facing a climate crisis that threatens life on our planet. Climate scientists are unequivocal: we are changing the world in deep, measurable, dangerous ways-and the pace of this change will accelerate dramatically in the decades to come.


Then again, if you've been a middle school or high school student recently, you may not know this.

That's because the gap between our climate emergency and the attention paid to climate change in the school curriculum is immense. Read more.




Just in time for Earth Day 2012, "Changing the Climate in School" is the second article in the Zinn Education Project's monthly column called If We Knew Our History.  

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Related resources at the Zinn Education Project website

Got Coal imageGot Coal? Teaching About the Most Dangerous Rock in America. By Bill Bigelow. A lesson examining the motives, goals, and environmental consequences of the coal mining industry.
Tar Sands and XL pipeline imageDirty Oil and Shovel-Ready Jobs: A Role Play on Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline. By Abby Mac Phail. Role play on the Keystone XL Pipeline battle.

Don't Take Our Voices Away image'Don't Take Our Voices Away': A Role Play on the Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change. By Julie Treick O'Neill and Tim Swinehart. A role play on the Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change that asks students to develop a list of demands to present to the rest of the world at the U.N. climate change treaty meeting.

On Coal RiverOn Coal River. Free film and teaching guide. Directed by Francine Cavanaugh and Adams Wood. The film follows a former coal miner and his neighbors in a struggle for the future of their valley and the planet.

Zinn Education Project
The goal of the Zinn Education Project is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history.   www.zinnedproject.org
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