Top*Course In Miracles Society*
You Are Entitled to Miracles
**APRIL 2011**
Inside This Issue
Jesus and Judas
Water is So Inviting
GAFF: Priscilla's Lessons
My Path to the Course
Dare to Be Happy
Carmen's Good Q & A
Guidance from Elder Brother
Limited Edition 
Deluxe Gift Set
Deluxe Gift Set
Distinctive Black Cloth Hardcover
 Gold Embossed Lettering

Pocket Sized with Slip Cover


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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
A Course in Miracles, original edition
The ACIM Pocket [sized] Edition of the Text is available.
The Text volume is the companion to the popular ACIM Pocket Edition Workbook/Manual.

Both are published by Course in Miracles Society.

This Text Edition contains the complete and unabridged Text portion of A Course in Miracles - Original Edition as it was completed by Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford in 1972. 

We call it a "pocket edition" because the book is designed to go anywhere with the student.

It is only 8" x 5 " and just less than 1" thick. 

$14.95 plus shipping

$5.95 eBook edition here




Jesus' Course in Miracles
This is the Orignal softback first published in 2000.
No more copies will be produced.
Supplies are finite.

PDF Electronic Version
The electronic PDF
version of
A Course in Miracles
original edition
is now available.
This editon also includes a Glossary and an analysis of the Early Versions and Editing of ACIM contributed by Robert Perry.
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A Course in Miracles ~ Original Edition
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Course In Miracles Society

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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


As students, we seek to increase our knowledge of Jesus' words and to deepen our experience of His teachings.

As teachers, we work to circulate the message of
A Course in Miracles throughout the world by our words, by our deeds, and by the example of our lives.

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Of Course - Notes and News
The Kiss of Judas
The Kiss of Judas, Jean Bourdichon c. 1500

"Nor could they have described my reactions to Judas as they did if they had really understood me. They would have realized I could

not have said, "Betrayest thou the Son of Man with a kiss?" unless I

believed in betrayal. The whole message of the crucifixion was simply that I did not. The "punishment" which I am said to have called forth upon Judas was a similar reversal. Judas was my brother and a Son of God, as much a part of the Sonship as myself. Was it likely that I would condemn him when I was ready to demonstrate that condemnation is impossible?" CH 6 II paragraph 21 acim-oe

 Teach that I Live in YOU

                     Lana Carolan Designs [Click Picture] 


         This month many Christians will be celebrating EASTER  and the Resurrection of the Christ. In A Course in Miracles Jesus assures us that we are all the Sons of God, the Christ,  and that in any instant we could make this OUR Resurrection.


The resurrection is the complete triumph of Christ over the ego, not by attack but by transcendence. For Christ does rise above the ego and all its works and ascends to the Father and His Kingdom. CH 10 VII 59 acim-oe


            Our APRIL issue begins with an article by

H David [Dov] Fishman host of ACIM GATHER RADIO titled "Jesus and Judas: Two Sons of God, are ONE In Us. BOTH are CHRIST and Sinless!"     


            Robert Rideout also shares his Spiritual Journey in his article, "My Path to the Course", which appears on as well. It's a path that began in 1969 and culminated in prison. Indeed, as Rop reminds us, life is stranger than fiction.


              Bette Jean Cundiff is the author of what is now regarded, internationally, as a Children's Version of the Course. In her article this month, Bette shares, in a very loving and artful way, how and where her journey of Guidance has taken her. This Journey goes from meeting Helen and Bill, scribes of the Course, to the Children's Material and on to developing relationship recovery materials based on the Course. 


           GAFF, a fictional character developed by Dr. Lorena Peter, continues where he left off last month with a lively and very timely discussion of 'dying for our sins'.  This article, Gaff and the Rules of Engagement, is the fourth in a new series of articles "GAFF Helps with Priscilla's ACIM Lessons" written specifically for our Newsletter by Dr. Lorena Peter. Lorena is author of the book  "Gaff: Wisdom from the Sea". 


            We are continuing our DARE TO BE HAPPY segment  with another article submitted by Daniel Tipton, one of our CIMS members. Our newsletter this month is presenting the fourth article titled: Practice.  Daniel is also participating in the CMC ministerial program 


            CIMS member Carmen Cameron continues her ongoing Carmen's Good Questions section this month with  the  QUESTION: It's springtime - my favorite time of year - and yet, as we approach what should be happiest of seasons, Easter, so many events going on in the world are still anxiety-inducing.  Natural disasters, man-made tragedies and the horrors of war seem to be getting worse instead of better.  Do you have a way to see what's going on with peace of mind?  Check out Carmen's ANSWER ;-]

            And finally, we have the continued Guidance from our Elder Brother as received and scribed by Sun~Rose. This article offers Guidance titled Easter and the Ressurrection  along side commentary on Lesson 69 "My Grievances hide the light of the world in me." 


           The commentary on the 53 Miracle Principles, as these principles appear in the original edition [oe] published by CIMS, and in previous CIM newsletters, is now available in a book by Sun~Rose entitled: "YOU ARE LOVED AND SAFE: Prep Notes for Experiencing God's Love".
           All through 2011, CIMS will present the  SonShipRadio  daily broadcasts from the Original Edition, Text and Workbook, in the German language. The broadcasts are in synch with our year's study schedule.

           We also want to remind you to visit our BLOG which has a wealth of information regarding the Course in Miracles  COMMUNITY including links to videos, music, radio stations and more.  


           One of the main pages on the CIMS Blog is dedicated to "The Spirit Light Outreach" program founded by Joe Wolfe. This program is facilitating the shipment of copies of A Course in Miracles to prisoners who have requested them. Currently they are in need of funds for POSTAGE. If inspired to give to this worthy endeavor, please click here. 



This newsletter is provided as a courtesy to our friends, customers, and business associates to keep you updated on ACIM related issues, to provide articles of interest to Course students, and to share information about events and other topics of current interest. Please send all submissions to our editor: [email protected]

*CIMS Newsletter BANNER created by Carmen Cameron and Tom Fox. 




Jesus and Judas
 Two Sons of God, Are ONE in Us

Both are Christ and Sinless!

by H. David [Dov] Fishman*
The Last Supper
L'Ultima Cena by Leonardo da Vinci 1498

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The text reading, the Message of the Crucifixion [CH 6, II acim-oe], reminds me of an AHA that came to me some years ago.  As someone who was brought up Jewish in a mostly Christian society, my early learning from the world's curriculum was that Jesus was not for Jewish people, as he was the center of Christianity, and certainly they were "different religions" as all religions are different from all others; Part of the belief system we engage in here.


Yet it was also apparent to me that Jesus was Jewish never knowing what a "Christian" was as practiced by 500 million people worldwide. Concurrently, I also saw the way that Christians by their talk and actions condemned the Apostle, Judas.


They would name their children and churches after all the other Apostles gladly, even those that denied and doubted Jesus yet totally condemned the "betrayer" Judas.


Many years later, I was led to A Course in Miracles [ACIM], and after going through the Text back in 1978, I found on Page 87 (page 95 in the numbered Foundation for Inner Peace edition, CH 6, I 15), under Chapter 6, The Lessons of love and the Message of the Crucifixion, where Jesus speaks very personally in the "first person" of his experience with his own Apostles, and comes back to correct the record of  his relationship with "Judas" his brother and an Equal Son of God. Equality and inclusion invites Atonement automatically.

Even as it is impossible, yet we believe in it, as we believe in guilt. Guilt equates to "betrayal" or "denial" which is as total as Love is. So the lesson of Judas is for our own healing, for while I see betrayal and guilt in another, to protect my own rusty halo, Love is denied and what is not love is murder, as Jesus says. 


It is clear from his Message to us that he could never have said "Thou betrayest me with a kiss" the famous line that has endured for 2000 years and has turned generations of Christians "to despise Judas as having done the unforgiveable", which is betraying the SON of God.


As we read, study and practice ACIM, it is clear why we choose to leave Judas as "unforgiveable" as he is the symbol of "our own guilt" based on our belief that we "betrayed our Father, Creator, Love, Our Self and it is this guilt, we would project out and onto the "scapegoat" Judas.  The Course tells us on every page of its 1200 pages that this is impossible. We cannot betray either God, His Son, or Love, except in our dreams of sleep and forgetfulness.


Jews perceive Jesus as the "one to blame" for their centuries of being nomads without a country.... 



Continued in FULL ARTICLE 




*[FROM HIS WEBSITE] H. David Fishman has been a leading teacher of A Course In Miracles for over 25 years. He has used its principles of spiritual psychology as a basis for relationship counseling.  David is author of Into Oneness, Thoughts and Prayers on the Way and is currently hosting meetings on the Internet at ACIM GATHER. For many years, David served as Commissioner of Human Rights for the city of Yonkers, New York and recently established the One Mind Foundation.


David can be reached at [email protected] 


H David Fishman 

And The Water is So Inviting
 by Bette Jean Cundiff* 


 Flow of Live

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Time flows along like a river taking us along like guests floating in its current like fallen leaves. When I look back at how the eddies and rapids pushed me into new territory unseen around the bend of the river, I am always amazed at where I have ended up and excited about what will come next.

The books entitled "A Course in Miracles" floated into my life in 1976 when I was searching for something other than a religious upbringing that just didn't fit. Ever since then its philosophy and discipline have become the foundation for my spiritual, emotional and physical health. Then, in 1977, I was introduced to Judith Skutch (Whitson) who encouraged me to do something for children, and so the Holy Spirit guided me to write The Childrens' Material, which, since 1978, has been recognized internationally as a children's version of the Course.( This past year the original material was divided into two age appropriate books: Book - Little Lamb's Big Book, with large illustrations and new color and color projects. Plus, Help is on the Way!, a complete novel that includes within it the workbook, for preteens, a much forgotten group when it comes to spiritual studies.)

The river, however was always pushing me through the rapids, and by the 1980's I had been setting up groups and national conferences on the Course around the U.S. as well as Canada and Australia for the now thousands of its students studying these books. In 1985 another leaf floated by and I asked a good friend and guest speaker at these conferences to join me in writing a small comparative booklet on the Twelve Steps and A Course in Miracles. J.R. Richmond and myself titled it Side by Side. (The newest edition with Spanish translation.)From that time forward my talks revolved around applying the Course in the healing of relationships, or what was becoming known as the area of co-dependency recovery.

Like most families, the flowing water sometimes becomes turbulent with swirling rapids. My husband and I discovered .....

 Continued in Full Article

* Bette Cundiff has been a teacher of A Course in Miracles since 1977 and has traveled throughout the US, Canada and Australia setting up conferences which teach about forgiveness. She is author of the internationally recognized children's version of A Course in Miracles, "The Children's Material" and has also produced a full miracles course in a novel for the young reader "Help is on the Way!". In addition Bette is author of "Side by Side, the Twelve Steps and A Course in Miracles". Many of her books have been translated into Spanish. Bette's blog for more info:
Bette Jean Cundiff



Gaff Helps With Priscilla's Lesson

The Rules of Engagement

Thoughts of a Fisherman
By Dr. Lorena Peter*

  Ocean Crosses
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               Gaff was still laughing at Wally's question.

                Priscilla looked from face to face as she repeated it, "George or Mother Water?" Then she looked toward the ocean... for an answer?

                Wally ignored Priscilla and her confusion. "My Easter sermon is about how Jesus suffered to wipe clean our records of sin. He went through a powerful amount of pain just for us." Then he turned on Priscilla. "It sounds like you're forgetting to be thankful that God gave His only begotten son to save us."

                Gaff stepped in to deflect Wally's thrust. "Is that the most important thing Jesus did for us?"

                Wally sputtered. "Wouldn't you say that dying is the greatest gift?"

                "You ready to step in front of a train for your congregation?"

Wally's expression sent spikes through Gaff. "What? Of course not. What good would that do?"

Priscilla echoed, "Yes, what good would that do?" Frown lines between her eyes deepened.

Gaff looked away toward Mother Water. "Those fish out there give their all for us. They die in order to nourish our bodies..."

Wally blurted out, "Well, Jesus died to nourish our souls." His grin said he was ready to accept the trophy for winning the debate.

Gaff continued to look toward the ocean. "Tell you the truth, I get more from looking at the life in the ocean than from thinking about the death in it. There are more lessons in the way the creatures work together than in the way they die." He glanced at Wally. "Sometimes it's easier to die than to deal with your fears of what the world holds for you." He pointed toward the index cards lying forgotten in Priscilla's lap. "Sometimes it's easier to die than to learn to love those who don't act like they love you."

Now, Wally really had his back up. "You saying that Jesus wanted to hang on that cross to avoid dealing with life?" He stood suddenly, jabbing his hand at Gaff. "You will burn in hell..." The towel around him slipped resulting in a sudden reminder of the cool air. His jogging clothes didn't provide much protection from the wind.

  Gaff chuckled. "You'll ......  


Continued in FULL ARTICLE




*Lorena Peter, Ph.D., writes entertaining mysteries, romances and wisdom books. All have strong spiritual underpinnings and paranormal elements. She blends a medical intuition and healing practice (and travel) with her writing. For more information go to WWW.LORENAPETER.COM. You may contact her on Facebook. For her understanding of the Course, she thanks Carmen Cameron and the class in Louisville, KY. Dr. Lorena Peter is also the author of the delightful book: Gaff: Wisdom from the Sea.
                                                Gaff By the Sea 

My Path to the Course
by Robert Rideout*     

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Looking back now, my path to A Course in Miracles probably all started in 1969 when I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, under the influence of the Campus Crusade for Christ. However, after joining a Christian brotherhood of aspiring monks, where I was daily quizzed on how many BiblStill Singing Somehowe verses I had memorized and could recite verbatim, I was totally confused by it all. Their version of reality just didn't sit well with me. I felt like a parrot of Bible verses, that I didn't even begin to understand, or the town crier that nobody wanted to hear. Jesus would show me more, much more. 

As divine synchronicity would have it, I ingested a hallucinogen that resulted in a near death experience the day after Christmas, 1970. When I was in the black void, with only the consciousness that "I Am", George Harrison's song My Sweet Lord began playing.  That was my voice singing to God, not George's! Soon a brilliant white light began appearing out of the darkness, as my soul sang "I really want to see you Lord". Then somebody started to emerge out of the light. This Holy One oscillated between masculine and feminine. As I'd been praying to Jesus, I thought it might be him, but without a beard. I began crying from the depths of my soul, as the Holy One communicated telepathically into my heart. I knew this Being to be nothing but pure love. Then it was over. I was shot back into my body, hearing the words to a new song telling me "it's been a long time coming, it's going to be a long time gone." How true that has been.

A year lAutobiography of a Yogiater, I saw the cover of Autobiography of a Yogi. It was Paramahansa Yogananda who had come to me! Next came meeting Baba Ram Dass, who confirmed that I wasn't crazy and stated that Yogananda had appeared to many young spiritual seekers on drugs. He also autographed my copy of Be Here Now. My next decade was spent being an aspiring yogi and practicing Yogananda's Self-Realization Fellowship lessons and exercises, chanting, meditating and receiving initiation into Kriya yoga. Yogananda's path and linage of gurus brought the much needed clarity for me to understand Jesus and Christianity better. Yogananda also showed me the essential truth behind the oneness of all religions.And he brought me to Babaji, the Mahavatar who sent him to America back in the 1920s. Ever since I heard the name Babaji, I knew I knew Him. He and Jesus work together, behind the scenes, in the cosmic scheme of things. And Babaji was to be the next step in my ongoing spiritual evolution. However, I did not know at this point that He had supposedly manifested a body again and was residing in the small village of Haidakhan, in northern India. That would come later, along with the mystery and myth of this current manifestation.

After hearing Bhagavan Das sing, I bought a dotara and began chanting mantras to God daily. This simple, ancient two- stringed instrument is easy to play and lets one follow the drone sound into silence. At this point, I purchased my own place in the woods and met a man who'd lived with Babaji. He conducted a Vedic fire ceremony that Babaji had taught him to initiate my new abode. I questioned and grilled him Mahavatar Babajirepeatedly, asking if this new Babaji was the same entity Yogananda had written about. Yes, one and the same but peoples egos still question His true identity. Babaji's new Kriya yoga was the path of truth, simplicity and love while performing karma yoga- work - and keeping one's mind on God, through repetition of the ancient mantra Om Namaha Shivaya. Babaji stated that this mantra alone was more powerful than a thousand atomic bombs and His 1-800 number. I began at this point seriously doing japa, or the repetition of the mantra on 108 rudraksha beads, to get this vibration into my sub consciousness. I also learned many ways to chant it on my dotara. With all of this going on, I bought A Course in Miracles and began the daily lessons immediately. I tried to make sense of the Text but got nowhere; each sentence bogged me down and had to be re-read over too many times to assimilate. I was just too young, I told myself. I was thirty-three. I'd deal with this Text later, someday, maybe.

Then after a year of being married, our house burns down- a real karmic fire ceremony. In the ashes, untouched by the fire, was a picture of Babaji and His cymbals from Haidakhan. Talk about miracles! Next, was the unexpected news that .....

Continued in FULL ARTICLE

*Singer/songwriter Rob Rideout is still singing, somehow on a farm overlooking Colville, WA with his three cats Baba, Maya and Olive. He recently published a second book of poetry, based on his song lyrics. The release of his CD of original songs is scheduled for spring 2011.

To contact, purchase books, view pictures, hear interviews, see videos and read reviews, go to

ARTICLE also appears in Selfgrowth

Dare To Be Happy
by Daniel Tipton*     

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Leap of Faith


 In my time this month thinking about what I wanted to write, I learned that I have a lot of philosophy that I love to discuss but as I typed through it, it wasn't long before it started to feel uninspired. I don't think there is much I can say about the Course's philosophies that hasn't already been written.



I'm currently taking a ministerial course through the Course in Miracles Center, facilitated by Rev. Tony Ponticello. I learned a couple classes in that Rev. Tony looks for our philosophy to be joined with a personal experience. I am now in full appreciation of this. We don't really know something unless we experience it in some way. I think experience is associating an emotion with our learning. When we experience lessons in our lives, they come with emotions. The course tells us over and over that our practical application of its lessons is critical to our progression.



I've spent that last couple of years immersing myself in metaphysical books but there came a point not long ago when I started feeling stagnant. I soon realized that I wasn't practicing very much. Our inner journey has much to do with our practical applications in the outer. So as I dove into what I could be doing, I realized I wasn't doing a whole lot at all. I also found out that I have been judgmental of people all my life. This was humbling because I was walking around feeling pretty good about my knowledge. This inner searching taught me ....



 Continued in FULL ARTICLE




Daniel Tipton
Research and Development Technologist

* Daniel Tipton resides in Omaha, NE and is a member of  the Course in Miracles Society [CIMS].  He has recently entered the ACIM Ministerial Program offered by the Community Miracles Center and will be attending  the Annual ACIM Conference sponsored by CMC and CIMS among many other ACIM organizations. 









 By James Yax*

              Easter Full Moon

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I rest under the full moon of Easter.
I called you, nervous with the energy
Of something wanting birth.
Often the past and future draw me
to the memory of Beauty
and the expectation of Joy.
Yet Now is the only time we make sense.

Listen! The owls call under the moon
Shining the night to silver mist
Which veils the dark trees.
Do Their spirits dance
under the full moon of Easter?

There is no wind tonight.
It is Good Friday and its spell
Wraps the waiting, timeless yearning
For the dawn of Easter,
The Resurrection of Christ and our Joy.

Nature is silent, hushed now.
Wrapped close in moonlight and mist.
Not with grief like men remembering
The passion play with needless guilt,
But in innocence and light.

Knowing itself it calls to the Light in us,
and gratefully our heart answers.
Let it be, let it be,
and you and I will feel
The difference between the seeming
And the Being that is Real.

And know that there is only One,
The Being dancing in the form.
We recognize God's only Son,
The Christ is everything and everyone.



*James Yax has been a student of A Course In Miracles since 1981. . Introduced to the Edgar Cayce Readings in 1969, he and his family moved to Virginia Beach in 1973, becoming members of Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment( ARE). For the next ten years, James worked with the ARE's spiritual healing group, The Glad Helpers, and gave workshops in Creativity, Meditation and Spiritual Healing at the ARE and in other cities in the US and in Canada. In a dream in 1981 he was told to begin studying A Course In Miracles. James facilitated four ACIM study groups in Holland from 1988 to 1990.  From 1998 to 2009 he worked as a hospice volunteer and a licensed home health care provider.  His day job was/is art, and since 1965 he has been a freelance painter, a sometime poet, an art conservator, and a teacher of painting, drawing and art history. He is a blessed father of seven shining Beings of Light.


Carmen's Good Questions
Q & A
By Carmen Cameron*
QUESTION: It's springtime - my favorite time of year - and yet, as we approach what should be happiest of seasons, Easter, so many events going on in the world are still anxiety-inducing.  Natural disasters, man-made tragedies and the horrors of war seem to be getting worse instead of better.  Do you have a way to see what's going on with peace of mind? 

 ANSWER:  I can share with you what works for me to trade a sense of crucifixion into the hope of resurrection.

"May you live in interesting times" is a Chinese greeting that is considered to be a curse by the human ego but a blessing by the soul for we learn best, the Course explains to us, through extreme examples. (T0in.2.1)  And the present isn't anything if not extreme.


Carmen Cameron

The earth will end, not in its destruction, the Course says, but in ITS TRANLATION INTO HEAVEN. 
(T-11.VIII.1.8)  Hard for us to imagine, isn't it, that all the carnage around the world is actually an integral part of that translation?   But in that I trust.


The Course  originally spoke of "the celestial speed-up" as being totally about temporal events.  It said that time, itself, was running out and so it was urgent in the eyes of Spirit that we learn more quickly.  It said, in fact, that that was the very reason why we were given the Course.  The timing wasn't accidental.  There ARE no accidents in salvation!  (M-3.1.6)


For if there ever was a perfect time for bringing up every unforgiving thought we hold in our minds, that time is NOW.


We are not "here" by accident.  We chose to be here.  Not only did we choose to be here, we were CHOSEN.  Chosen by our willingness.  Our willingness to learn.


Right now - with all the misery that surround us in the world - the earth has become, in essence, "the Harvard University" for producing masters. And it is offering us the opportunity for incredible - and rapid - learning "the peace of God which surpasseth [human] understanding" that comes from learning the truth that nothing not of God can hurt us.  (T-2.II.1.5)  And the entire universe is not only watching, it is supporting us with all its power - a power and support that's ours but for the asking!  (Be willing to ask.)


There has never been a more potent time in human history for learning that we are safe.  That there is nothing in this world with the power to harm us UNLESS we give it the power to do so!  That the Son of God - of Whom each of us is an equally loved and protected aspect - sees the world through forgiving eyes  And what He sees is not only beautiful, it is PERFECT.


It is impossible for us to be where we are NOT supposed to be.  You and I are supposed to be here.  Now.  We chose it.  And we were chosen FOR it.  Like Helen was chosen to scribe the Course BECAUSE she would do it, you and I were chosen to be here at this pivotal point in human evolution BECAUSE YOU AND I CAN DO IT.


Do what?!?


We are here to re-member our true identity. We are here to  .......

Continued in Full ARTICLE         


*Carmen Cameron, who is a founding member of Course in Miracles Society, has been teaching classes in A Course in Miracles since 1994.  She was a presenter at the 2009 Miracles Conference in San Francisco and is scheduled to present again at the 2011 Conference. Carmen's website is:



Guidance on Easter and the Resurrection and Lesson 69 
As Received and Transcribed by Sun~Rose*
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[Words from A Course in Miracles-original edition are in GOLDBold.]


It has been said that every Sunday is a little Easter.  And I am going to bring Easter much more present than that statement.  The Truth is that every instant is a potential Holy Instant - or full-blown Easter. 

Your Resurrection or Awakening is present with You - as You - at this very moment, quietly, expectantly, waiting for Your willingness.  That's very simple, isn't it?  Sounds too simple.  I must be Someone special since You don't know of another example of Resurrection, although You may have heard there are Others, living off in the Himalayan mountains, but They're special too.

Well what have I said to You when discussing the Miracle Principles?  Every One of You is special, priceless and precious to God.  And I will again quote Saint Augustine: God loves Each One of Us as if there were only One of Us.  That makes You - All of You - the "only begotten Son", just as I am.

And so, how is it that Your Resurrection/Awakening is right now present, not just with You, but as You? ... ... It's the Holy Spirit!  It's Your True Mind.  Today We are working with Lesson 69, although I could excerpt from any of the Lessons, We will use where We are today.

You have, for the most part, heretofore, thought of Resurrection as something happening to the body.  Well it is not.  It is a transformation of the mind, from little m mind to capital M Mind; from the ego state of thought to the Holy Spirit's Knowing.

Think of your mind - and the mind We are looking to reach is the Mind You know - or have heard of and which is now being described - as a vast round area, - as the Holy Spirit, hidden from view, - surrounded by - where You are abiding now, which is almost always the limited ego sense of mind, that here in this lesson, is being visually described as - a layer of heavy dark clouds. You can see only the clouds because you seem to be standing outside the whole area, and quite apart from it.  So seems the Holy Spirit to You, as not a part of You but something separate, mystical and magical, and far more than You could ever be.

And so - From where you stand, you can see no reason to believe there is a brilliant light hidden by the clouds. The clouds seem to be the only reality. Just as ego thinking seems to be Your only mind.  They seem to be all there is to see. And so You do not realize how much there is to You and how very marvelous You are.  Therefore you do not attempt to go through them and past them, which is the only way in which you would be really convinced of their lack of substance.  - for cloudy doubtful thoughts are so often what and how You think You are. So You need encouragement, and this is what I give You now. We will make this attempt today.  This effort will not be half-hearted but joyous and enthusiastic!

This is how I approached My Resurrection: with great joy and enthusiasm.  The certainty of God as all Reality - and therefore, My Consciousness - shone as blazing Light, keeping Me from ...


 Continued in FULL ARTICLE

*Sun~Rose is the scribe of the recently published book, "YOU ARE LOVED AND SAFE: Prep Notes for Experiencing God's Love."

She is also author of, "A Radiant Life: Raw Food and the Presence of Love".


 BOTH available on
We want this to be your newsletter.  Please write us with your comments and suggestions.  Tell us about your ideas for articles and book reviews that would be of interest to our readers. 

If you have written something that will be of interest to Course students, we would be happy to consider it for publication. 

Contact our editor - Reja Janaki Joy Green - [email protected].

Course in Miracles Society
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When you purchase the timer here, $3 goes towards sending
A Course in Miracles to  those who cannot afford it. 

Presently all CIMS projects are wholly supported by free will gifts of time, talent, and mponey. If you would like to support any of the activities of the Society in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Because of the international character of CIMS, the internet is our primary means of communicating and collaborating.


CIMS is a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and donations are tax deductible.




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ALSO, by means of your will or other estate plan, you can name "Course in Miracles Society"
as the beneficiary of a portion of your estate, or of particular assets in your estate.
In this way, you are honoring your loved ones while also providing critical support to the extension of LOVE.