Course In Miracles Society
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*MARCH 2010*
Marianne Williamson
with guest speaker
Marianne Williamson
Featured frequently on The Oprah Winfrey Show and Good Morning America
Author of
 "A Return To Love" "Illuminata"
"Everyday Grace" "The Gift of Change"
"The Age Of  Miracles"
10 Presenters
Gary Renard
Author of
 "The Disappearance Of The Universe"
"Your Immortal Reality"
273 Course Students have already
As of now, 11 Course Students are coming from the Course Group in Omaha, NE!
 [Come & let us
 meet you!]
 & DO"
Feb 25, 26, 27
2011 ACIM Conference Logo
Early Registration

 Jan. 1, 2010 to Mar. 31, 2010 - $409
 32% savings
Apr. 1, 2010 to Jun. 30, 2010 - $449
 25% savings
Jul. 1, 2011 to Oct. 31, 2010 - $499
 17% savings
Nov. 1, 2010 to Feb. 10, 2011 - $549
 8% savings
After Feb. 10, 2011
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 "At the Door $599
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Course in Miracles Society [CIMS]

Publisher of A Course in Miracles - Original Edition 
We are pleased to be a
co-sponsor of the
2011 ACIM Conference in San Francisco.
A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
A Course in Miracles, original edition
The ACIM Pocket Edition Text is now available.  The Text volume is the companion to the popular ACIM Pocket Edition Workbook/Manual published by Course in Miracles Society and contains the complete and unabridged Text portion of A Course in Miracles - Original Edition as it was completed by Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford in 1972.  We call it a "pocket edition" because the book is designed to go anywhere with the student-it is only 8" x 5 " and just less than 1" in thickness.  Just $14.95 and domestic delivery is free.

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Of Course - Notes and News
 Written by Robin
Response by Sofiah

ACIM Chat Ning
      In our lead article, we share a discussion from "A Course in Miracles Chat" in which originator and member Robin speaks of his feelings about his father's illness and imminent death. He admits that because of the abuse he suffered, he doesn't care about his father and that's the loneliest feeling ever. Sofiah, who is a Muslim woman and a Course in Miracles student, is one among many who responded to Robin's post. With their permission we are sharing Robin's heartfelt and candid confession and Sofiah's response along with a link to the entire discussion.
      Rev Logan McCulloch, [a Course in Miracles student who attends the Louisville Course group facilitated by CIMS member, Carmen Cameron] shares his fascination for the subtle messages found in our Self-created words in the second article "The Miracle of Language" 

      Carmen Cameron continues her ongoing Good Questions section this month with the question:
"The Course places such an emphasis on meditation and prayer but I find it is just so hard to get really quiet in meditation because my mind is just FILLED with random thoughts.  Any suggestions?"  
      And finally, we are continuing to present Guidance from our Elder Brother as received and scribed by Sun~Rose. This article continues with commentary on the 53 Miracle Principles, as these principles appear in the original edition [oe] published by CIMS. The entire Guidance will be available in the forthcoming book by Sun~Rose entitld: "You Are Loved and Safe:Prep Notes for Awakening". 
      We also want to remind you to visit our BLOG which has a wealth of information regarding the Course in Miracles COMMUNITY including links to videos, music, radio stations and more.
     One of the main pages on the Blog is dedicated to "The Spirit Light Outreach" program founded by Joe Wolfe. This program is facilitating the shipment of copies of A Course in Miracles to prisoners who have requested them. Currently they are in need of funds for POSTAGE. If inspired to give to this worthy endeavor, please click here.
This newsletter is provided as a courtesy to our friends, customers, and business associates to keep you updated on ACIM related issues, to provide articles of interest to Course students, and to share information about events and other topics of current interest.
The Loneliest Feeling Ever 
By Robin ~ Response by Sofiah

  ACIM Chat Banner

      Here's a story I haven't told before. My old man is in hospital after suffering a minor heart attack. I don't feel anything? I either don't want to feel anything or I really don't care. Either way it's a little disturbing. 
      At the age of 15 I left his house never to return. At that young age I had strong feelings about both my parents and those feelings drove me to move as far from them as I could get. I went to work and saved for a year and when I was 16 I left New Zealand forever.
      My father was out of control. He was physically abusive and totally arrogant in his approach to family,. He hated my mother and he hated the responsibility of his 4 children. The 5 of us continually attempted to please him but of course it never worked. 
      I remember feeling very frightened as a young boy. I was never safe and I have horrible memories of hiding out under the hedge and in the potting shed, hoping he would go out or that he might forget my latest crime.

*Robin is creator of "A Course in Miraces Chat", a place to join in Audio & Video & Text CHATS; join in discussions, share photos & news and more.
The Miracle of Words
By Rev. Logan McCulloch


      I found Love in the back of a Nissan Xterra on a frigid night in November of 2001. No, dear reader, this is not that kind of a love story! I was parked at a trailhead adjacent to the Dolly Sods Wilderness in the mountains of West Virginia, having arrived too late in the day to begin a solo backpacking trip. I had no idea that my life experience was about to be irrevocably changed as I opened a little book I had grabbed off my wife's nightstand before I left my home that morning.
      At the time I told myself I needed this trip to clear my head as I prepared to begin a new job. In retrospect, this trip represented so much more. Disintegration by definition must precede integration, and at the time it felt as if my life was falling apart. My work environment was poisonous, my marriage (my third) was deteriorating, my family relationships were strained, and my yearning for meaning was intense. I did not understand what was occurring in my life.
      And then that night in my sleeping bag in the back of my vehicle, by the light of my headlamp I read Change Your Mind, Change Your Life by Dr. Gerald Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione. I began reading at 7pm and finished as dawn was breaking. It was my first introduction to A Course in Miracles, and over the next three days as I walked through the forest I thought of little else. Those words, symbols on a printed page, stirred and released some long held emotion locked deep within me.

Rev. Logan McCulloch is a dynamic and prominent figure in the Louisville ACIM/Unity community and is currently writing a book entitled "Breadcrumbs", a summation of his spiritual discoveries.
Good Questions ~ Q & A~
By Carmen Cameron
 There is nothing I like more than a good question about the Course.  And by "good question", I mean a thought provoking one - a question that makes me reassess what I currently believe and perhaps come to see it in a new light. As a result, we have a very interactive study group of Course students here in Louisville where everyone is encouraged to share their insights and questions. It is also a very diverse group with people from widely varying religious backgrounds so we get a lot of very insightful questions and I've been making a note of them for the last 15 years. 

QUESTION: The Course places such an emphasis on meditation and prayer but I find it is just so hard to get really quiet in meditation because my mind is just FILLED with random thoughts.  Any suggestions?

*Carmen Cameron, who is a founding member of Course in Miracles Society, has been teaching classes in A Course in Miracles since 1994.  She was a presenter at the 2009 Miracles Conference in San Francisco and is scheduled to present again at the 2011 Conference. 
Carmen's website is:
Jesus Expanding The Miracle Principles
Given In His Course In Miracles

as received and transcribed by Sun~Rose*
Angel Glitter
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The text is taken from the JCIM edition <now referred to as the original edition>of A Course In Miracles.  The Course is a Miracle in itself, and I have so much appreciation for Helen Schucman's ability to hear and express His Voice with such supreme beauty.
I have not changed the Course text at all, except as it is interspersed with Jesus' current Guidance on it.
The Course text is in bold face and slightly larger font.  The Guidance is in normal type, slightly smaller.
In His Guidance here, He has asked Me to capitalize the pronouns You and We as an acknowledgement of the Divinity of All of Us, an acknowledgement of Equality, an expression of His Love and respect for You.   When You see the word 'You'  capitalized in the Guidance, know that He is not just speaking to You, He is honoring You.  

 Jesus' Course In Miracles 

May 3, 2006  

9. Miracles are a kind of exchange. Like all expressions of love, which are ALWAYS miraculous in the true sense, the exchange reverses the physical laws. They bring MORE love both to the giver AND the receiver.  And how can the physical laws be reversed?  They seem so ... solid.  Again, can You cut the air - can You slice a sunbeam - with a knife?  Or do the breeze and Light just laugh and continue as they always were?  So like the breeze and Light are You.
10. The use of miracles as spectacles to INDUCE belief is wrong; or, better, is a misunderstanding of their purpose. They are really used FOR and BY believers.   A miracle is a gift to get your attention.  It is a call to Remembrance.  In a sea of despair, a miracle is a life raft of hope.  It is a glimpse that Something Good exists and is right now available to You.
11. Prayer is the medium of miracles. Prayer is the natural communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer love is received, and through miracles love is expressed.
  Prayer is the gold of human experience.  The longing of the heart for something better, something dimly known that must exist.  Through the miracle the reality of this Thing called Love shows forth.  It comes not just to heal the body or the situation, but to show the possibilities that stand behind Its Gift.  It asks but that You take Its offering.

*Sun~Rose is the scribe of this soon to be released book, "You Are Loved and Safe." She is also author of, "A Radiant Life: Raw Food and the Presence of Love", available on
We want this to be your newsletter.  Please write us with your comments and suggestions.  Tell us about your ideas for articles and book reviews that would be of interest to our readers. 

If you have written something that will be of interest to Course students, we would be happy to consider it for publication. 

Contact us at [email protected].

Course in Miracles Society
Presently all CIMS projects are wholly supported by free will gifts of time, talent, and mponey. If you would like to support any of the activities of the Society in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Because of the international character of CIMS, the internet is our primary means of communicating and collaborating.
CIMS is a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and donations are tax deductible.