Course In Miracles Society
[CIMS newsletter masthead]
*JANUARY 2010* This Issue
Happy New Year from Bill
ACIM in Prison
Good Questions Column by Carmen Cameron
Remembering the Son(G) by Sun~Rose
2011 ACIM Conference Logo
February 25, 26, 27
Course in Miracles Society [CIMS]
publisher of A Course in Miracles - Original Edition, is pleased to be a co-sponsor of the
2011 ACIM Conference in San Francisco.
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
A Course in Miracles, original edition
NEW POCKET  TEXT! The ACIM Pocket Edition Text is now available.  The Text volume is the companion to the popular ACIM Pocket Edition Workbook/Manual published by Course in Miracles Society and contains the complete and unabridged Text portion of A Course in Miracles - Original Edition as it was completed by Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford in 1972.  We call it a "pocket edition" because the book is designed to go anywhere with the student-it is only 8" x 5 " and just less than 1" in thickness.  Just $14.95 and domestic delivery is free.

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Of Course - Notes and News
So will the year begin in joy and freedom.  There is much to do, and we have been long delayed.  Accept the holy instant as this year is born and take your place, so long left unfulfilled, in the Great Awakening.  Make this year different by making it all the same.  And let all your relationships be made holy for you.  This is our will.  Amen.
With these words, Carol Howe, personal friend and confidant of Bill Thetford, completes her article "Happy New Year from Bill" for the first CIMS Newsletter of 2010.
In her recently published book, Never Forget to Laugh, Carol paints a colorful collage of Bill's life from his childhood, through the co-scribing of the Course and into the application of the Course principles until his passing in 1988.
In her article, Carol shares reflections of her continued relationship with Bill and leaves us with a 'sense' of connection to Bill as if he continues to be our dear friend as well.
Also, you may have noticed that CIMS has a new BLOG with a wealth of information regarding the Course in Miracles COMMUNITY including links to videos, music, radio stations and more. One of the main pages on the Blog is dedicated to "The Spirit Light Outreach" program founded by Joe Wolfe.

In fact, Joe Wolfe is the author of an article this month titled:
"ACIM in Prison". In this article, Joe gives the reader a bit of background on his personal journey. A personal journey which has culminated in the Course in Miracles being read within prison walls all over the country.

Also, Carmen Cameron, one of CIMS' founding members, continues with her ongoing Good Questions section this month with question most likely we have all asked at one time or another:
                      "Does Life Have to Be A Struggle?" 
And finally, we are presenting once again, Guidance from our Elder Brother as received and scribed by Sun~Rose. In this article, we will continue to present some of the commentary on the 53 Miracle Principles, as these principles appear in the original edition [oe]. 
The entire Guidance will be available in the forthcoming book: Remembering the Son(g): Prep Notes for Awakening
This newsletter is provided as a courtesy to our friends, customers, and business associates to keep you updated on ACIM related issues, to provide articles of interest to Course students, and to share information about events and other topics of current interest.
Happy New Year from Bill
By Carol Howe*
Carol Howe 
I love the beginning of a new year when everything feels clean and newly possible.  This year, after spending so much time with the intricacies of Bill's story, I feel doubly inspired to follow the lessons of his life as he continues to speak to us and am evermore determined to trace his steps from ego bondage to freedom.  He really was the first completely successful student of A Course In Miracles and his astounding presence is still right here guiding and reassuring each of us whenever we ask.  We are called to our transformation and assured the promise of success. 
With the circumstances of our world, our collective mirror, in such a fractious and divided state, it certainly seems essential that we dedicate ourselves anew to the practice of forgiveness, continually asking for help with keeping our focus on the desire for peace above all else.  Bill often asked for help when he felt he was going off-course.  He acknowledged that he prayed a single word, "Help,"  without specifying the subject or the object of his prayer.  As he grew in his own wisdom, his deepest desire was to forgive everyone and everything.  Jack and Layle Luckett, with whom he shared a home in his later days in La Jolla, could sometimes hear him earnestly praying his longer version, "Help me do this!" through the walls of the less-than-soundproof condo.  The Course speaks in many ways of the help that is always offered us; the following quotes appear in Never Forget To Laugh and are timeless in their relevance. 
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*Carol Howe is the author of "Never Forget to Laugh: Personal Recollections of Bill Thetford, Co-Scribe of A Course In Miracles". For more information about Carol please visit her website:
ACIM in Prison
By Joe Wolfe*
Joe Wolfe 
Since early in 2007 the efforts to deliver a message of hope as offered in A Course in Miracles to prisoners have been ongoing.
Prisoners have been a pet project for this writer for several reasons.

The first of these reasons might be attributed to the personal experience of having served most of a ten year sentence in prison, but the greater reasons have to do with what occurred while there and later events as a result of certain experiences. 
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*Joe Wolfe is the author of the essay "The Five Signs". For more information about Joe and his program to "Share Love, Light and the Peace of God" visit his website: Spirit Light Outreach
Good Questions 
Questions & Answers

By Carmen Cameron*
carmenThere is nothing I like more than a good question about the Course.  And by "good question", I mean a thought provoking one - a question that makes me reassess what I currently believe and perhaps come to see it in a new light. As a result, we have a very interactive study group of Course students here in Louisville where everyone is encouraged to share their insights and questions. It is also a very diverse group with people from widely varying religious backgrounds so we get a lot of very insightful questions and I've been making a note of them for the last 15 years.  Here is another of my favorite ones:

QUESTION: Does life have to be a struggle?

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*Carmen Cameron, who is a founding member of Course in Miracles Society, has been teaching classes in A Course in Miracles since 1994.  She was a presenter at the 2009 Miracles Conference in San Francisco and is scheduled to present again at the 2011 Conference. Carmen's website is:
Jesus Expanding The Miracle Principles
Given In His Course In Miracles

as received and transcribed by Sun~Rose*

Angel Glitter 

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The text is taken from the JCIM edition <now referred to as the original edition>of A Course In Miracles.  The Course is a Miracle in itself, and I have so much appreciation for Helen Schucman's ability to hear and express His Voice with such supreme beauty.
I have not changed the Course text at all, except as it is interspersed with Jesus' current Guidance on it.
The Course text is in bold face and slightly larger font.  The Guidance is in normal type, slightly smaller.
In His Guidance here, He has asked Me to capitalize the pronouns You and We as an acknowledgement of the Divinity of All of Us, an acknowledgement of Equality, an expression of His Love and respect for You.   When You see the word 'You'  capitalized in the Guidance, know that He is not just speaking to You, He is honoring You.  

 Jesus' Course In Miracles
May 3, 2006
Peace - like Its Sister, Love - is not something that You can obtain and keep, doling it out onlyto your brothers and sisters who are 'worthy' of It in your eyes - your limited view.  Peace is the very foundation of your Be-ing, although It is carefully hidden behind all the concerns of what You are calling 'life'. 
Peace is your Substance - in the literal sense of the word 'understanding' - that which stands under.  Your true Peace flows from what You Know of God, of Reality.  It is absolutely synonymous with Love.  From your Peace only Love can flow; and Love is the ... Expresser ... no, there is a better word.  Listen for it.  ... Love is the Fountain, the Source, the Context in Which Peace exists.

Can you imagine hating someone and being at peace, even in the ordinary way of life?  The attempt to amalgamate Peace and hatred is ludicrous, for one must be chosen.  You cannot go to the left and the right at the same time.  You are bound to "ride the horse in the direction it's going."3
The choice is made, moment by moment, and the good news is that You can always choose again.  How hard this seems in the throes of anger and hatred, and yet your help is at hand.  You are not alone in this opportunity.  Your help is "closer ... than breathing".4
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*Sun~Rose is the scribe of this soon to be released book, "Remembering the Son(g)". She is also author of, "A Radiant Life: Raw Food and the Presence of Love", available on
We want this to be your newsletter.  Please write us with your comments and suggestions.  Tell us about your ideas for articles and book reviews that would be of interest to our readers. 

If you have written something that will be of interest to Course students, we would be happy to consider it for publication. 

Contact us at [email protected].

Course in Miracles Society
Presently all CIMS projects are wholly supported by free will gifts of time, talent, and mponey. If you would like to support any of the activities of the Society in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Because of the international character of CIMS, the internet is our primary means of communicating and collaborating.
CIMS is a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and donations are tax deductible.