News Bytes
E.W.King House is marketed for sale
East Hill Cemetery recently listed in the National Register: Celebration scheduled for this summer
Renew your memberships! It's the only way we can survive!
Only a few panoramic photographs of Historic Bristol left. These have been very popular, great for gifts, presentations, office displays, etc. To place your order email
From The Archives
by Carolyn & Roy Williams
The basic goal of the Bristol Historical Association is the Identification, Preservation, Interpretation, and Presentation of Bristol history. The "SNAP" grant funds received from NHPRC through THRAB will greatly assist us in working to achieve that goal, especially regarding the Tennessee Ernie Ford home, family scrapbooks, personal letters and notes, awards, records, tapes, mementos and memorabilia; the Kelly & Green collection of over 500 negatives from the 1930s; a collection of SilverGlo postcards produced by Kelly & Green from the 1930s to c.1950s; and a collection of old and vintage cameras donated by Albert Kelly, Jr., owner of Kelly & Green.
Unrelated to the Ford and Kelly & Green collections, BHA owns maps, newspapers, deeds, receipts, slides, pamphlets, magazines, hundreds of vintage photographs, and much more needing archival quality storage.
The money from the SNAP Grant is actively benefitting Bristol Historical Association by providing the means to purchase items necessary to:
*Manage efficiently the collections by utilizing updated versions of computer software.
*Increase the ability to make information available to the public through displays and
computer printouts.
*Allow easier access to documentation.
*Provide archival quality folders, sleeves, and boxes for long term safe storage.
*Acquire implements and other items necessary for the work and process of preservation.
*Promote more efficient organization.
*Preserve current publications, news, and photographs.
*Improve exhibits at the Tennessee Ernie Ford House (his birthplace).
Having the proper materials and tools needed for preservation and some minor conservation brings new enthusiasm for the work. The Archives Committee has been expanded to six members with more offering to help as needed.
A major portion of the Ford and Kelly & Green preservation has been accomplished. The next phase is transferring other photographs and paper documents of all kinds into the archival sleeves, envelopes, folders and boxes. This effort will begin immediately, and given the number of items to be dealt with, will take several months to accomplish. Increased attention will be given to inventorying.
Bristol Historical Association remains dedicated to continuing the task of pursuing its goal of Identifying, Preserving, Interpreting and Presenting the history of Bristol.
 Susan Long, Amy Hopper, Nedra Hartley and Carolyn Williams at work placing Kelly & Green negatives from the 1930s in archival folders purchased with SNAP grant funds |
Lessons In History
by V.N. "Bud" Phillips |

A Local Boy Who Will Be Forever Remembered
As one passes along on Hugh Hagan Dr. in Bristol's historic East Hill Cemetery, there may be seen nearby one of the three, unusual hollow, metal monuments located in this large burying ground. It marks the final resting place of one of the several here who had a marked impact on Bristol. I think it is safe to say that no one is buried in this cemetery who had as much impact nationally than the one whose grave is marked by this unusual monument.
In size, it is rather modest, but it marks the grave of a large man. Yes, he was over 6 feet tall and weighed more than 200 pounds, but he was also big in many other notable accomplishments. Drawing nearer, you will see that the name on this monument is Benjamin Lewis Dulaney. Mr. Dulaney was born in Blountville, Tenn., Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857. He was a son of Dr. Benjamin L. and Rebecca Cobb Dulaney. He was a descendant of Dr. Elkanah Dulaney, an early pioneer of Sullivan County, Tenn.. It has been told that this pioneer helped with the organization of the county.
The ancestors of the Dulaney's were from Ireland. The name was originally Dublanie. Dublin. Ireland came from the name. It seems the Dulaney's first came to Maryland and thence to Culpepper County, Va., before the move was made to Sullivan County. Here the family quickly rose to prominence, especially in the medical field. Several noted doctors have come of this line, including Bristol's legendary Dr. Nat T. Dulaney. Ben L. Dulaney early became interested in intensive learning. He attended old Jefferson Academy in Blountville. Later, he taught school and finally became principal of Blountville High School. He was recognized as being very literate. In later years he wrote a book called "Caesar's Tax" that received wide distribution. But business was in his blood. Bristol was a fast growing city. He decided to seek his fortune here and indeed he found it.
In 1896 he was living at 606 Locust St., Bristol, Tenn. He was then a partner with John H. Caldwell in an investment firm known as Caldwell and Dulaney located at 414 Main St. (now State). He and Caldwell later entered into many business ventures together. Around 1900, he built a then popular style stone and shingle late Victorian house at 1308 Windsor Avenue where he lived for several years. All his business accomplishments are far too numerous to mention here. He did much to promote such projects as the Virginia and Southwestern Railroad, the Virginia Iron Coal and Coke Company and the Black Mountain Coal Company. His unrelenting efforts finally brought more than $40 million of northern and eastern capital into this area. He was also very instrumental in setting up a streetcar system here.
What I really want to tell is his part in the founding of the Boy Scout movement of America. He and others made a trip to England to counsel with the man who founded the Boy Scouts there. Greatly inspired, they came back to America and organized the scouts. Dulaney played a major role in the founding of this group. He was the first vice president of the organization and long served as a director. He also helped with the financing of the movement. He laid the ground work for the first troop in Bristol, organized in 1910 and named the "Owl Patrol." Joseph Anderson Caldwell was the first Scoutmaster. It was No. 4 in the nation. Among the first Boy Scouts here was Landon Phillips who lived here at Pleasant Hill where this article is written.Ben L. Dulaney spent much time in WashingtonD.C. It is told that he influenced much national legislation, including the opening of the Port of Charleston for the shipment of coal. He maintained a winter home in La Belle Hendry County, Fla. In March 1930, he was very much involved in a movement to beautify that town. Perhaps he worked a bit too hard for on March 3, 1930, he suffered a stroke and died the next day.
During his long life he was married three times. His first wife was Mary Dulaney. His second was Alice St. John and his last was Elma Dykes.
Ben Dulaney not only left his mark on Bristol, his work did much for the nation. |
Greetings from the President

It is with great pleasure, that I share with you the news that the Washington County Board of Supervisors has given BHA $10,000.00 to use for the preservation of the Robert Preston House, the oldest frame home in Washington County. It is hoped that more donations, memorial gifts, and grants will be forthcoming.
Isabelle Ladd

Tim Buchanan, City Mgr Dewey Cashwell, Mayor Don Ashley BHA June Program Notes BHA's June's General Membership Program featuring Bristol VA City Manager Dewey Cashwell and Mayor Don Ashley was most informative. Among topics addressed were the upcoming installation of historic streetlights on the VA side of State Street, the relocation of the School Board into an historic downtown building which will be renovated for that use, and proposed creative methods of generating income for the city from the landfill through capture and sale of methane gas. Thank you Mr. Cashwell and Mayor Ashley for your dedication to our community! To suggest a program or find out more about upcoming events, contact program chairman Tim Buchanan, 276-669-3885. You may also visit our website
BHA's Photographic Display in the
Dent K. Burke Windows on State Street
entertained and educated passersby thanks to the creative efforts of Joyce Kistner and Barbara Smith   |
10 Quotes to Inspire You
to Do More Good
We work hard to support causes that are important to us, and we're not alone. Just listen to what some of the great authors, politicians, and activists of the world have to say about making a difference. Their words speak to the impact you -- or any single -- person can have on the world.
10. "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." -Mother Teresa
9. "Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart." - Elizabeth Andrew
8. "A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog." - Jack London
7. "The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention." - Oscar Wilde
6. "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain
5. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." -Dr. Seuss
4. "Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve... You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." -
Martin Luther King, Jr.
3. "I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back." - Maya Angelou
2. "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." -
Winston Churchill
1. "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -
Anne Frank
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suggestions, questions, comments, etc!

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