Newsletter March 2012

 We would like to thank you for choosing the Natural Care Clinic as the best Naturopathic Clinic in Burlington again this year. Dr Sonya Doherty and I were honoured to be awarded a tie in the diamond category of Best Naturopathic Doctor in Burlington.

The last few months have been busy as Dr Sonya, my multi-talented sister, is hosting the 3rd Annual Autism, PDD, AD/HD, OCD and Tourette's Conference on Saturday April 21st featuring no fewer than 5 experts.
Dr Sonya specializes in neurodevelopment and has extensive experience in digestive health as a biomedical treatment. Her featured article this month is all about the importance of good bacteria in your gut. This article will contain strategies to improve a wide range of conditions such as developmental issues, allergies and digestion disorders.

Dr Carissa Doherty, Naturopathic Doctor, founder and owner of the Natural Care Clinic 
  •  Upcoming events
- Wed March 28: Heathly cooking club: cooking for digestive health (by Dr Carissa and Sonya Doherty)


- Sat April 21 : 3rd Annual Autism, PDD, AD/HD, OCD and Tourette's Conference  (hosted by Dr Sonya Doherty)
  • News
Painted Hands


Don't miss the 3rd Annual Autism, PDD, AD/HD, OCD and Tourette's Conference 



The last few months have been busy as Dr Sonya and Dr Carissa prepared for their 1st session of the Healthy Cooking Club. With this new project, their goal is to share some easy recipes to improve your family's health. Don't miss the next session on Wed. March 28th. Click here to sign up.


Food for Thought : Brain Fuel,
 a unique essential fatty acid support, developed and
distributed by the Natural Care Clinic is now available!
Click here to learn more about the product 



 Don't forget : The Natural Care Clinic is now on Facebook and Twitter (@NaturalCareDocsd tell us what you did for your health today!



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Dr Sonya Doherty and her Children 


Dr. Sonya Doherty is a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorder, AD/HD, Tourette's Syndrome and Pediatric OCD. She is extremely passionate about helping children achieve their maximal potential with respect to development. 


Click here to read more about Dr Sonya Doherty and her specialties




As a Naturopathic Doctor, I am fascinated by the gastrointestinal tract.  When our intestines are spread out, they measure 3000 square feet in surface area.  This surface area is responsible for regulating immune function and inflammation.  In terms of children's health, immune function and inflammation are key factors in determining if a child will have allergies, asthma and eczema 

 Inflammation is the root of many chronic diseases so it is crucial that we have a good understanding of how the gut manages inflammation to protect the body. 


Click here to read more of Dr Sonya's article about gut health !


For those who were not able to attend our last session click on each dish to see the recipe :

Natural Care Clinic
460 Brant Street
Burlington, Ontario
905 631 0880