EE  woodblock logoElizabeth Moose, LAc
        Traditional Chinese Medicine
        12741 Research Blvd, suite 505 
                 Austin, TX 78759
                    (512) 419-1076 
Acupuncture Newsletter
January 2012
In This Issue
12 Reasons to Get Acupuncture in 2012
Happy Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon
Acupuncture as an Essential Health Benefiit
World Health Organization List of Treatable Conditions

Elizabeth Moose, LAc, (Beth) has been a Licensed Acupuncturist since 1988 and has been practicing full time in Austin since 1992.  She has traveled and studied in China, and was on the faculty of the Academy of Oriental Medicine, Austin for eleven years where she taught the Theory and Philosophy course and was a clinical supervisor. For more info click on the website link below.
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Happy New Year All,

Greetings!  I hope you are all doing well.

In this month's newsletter I am celebrating both the coming of 2012 on our western calendar and the Chinese lunar new year 4709. 

I admit this is mostly fluff and for fun, but fluff and fun are a great part of life, I think.  Within this, I am reminding us of all the reasons acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are so great, and I am also providing a link to a petition to be presented to the Department of Health and Human Services requesting the acupuncture be made an Essential Health Benefit, to be offered routinely in health insurance policies starting in 2014. (And, if you read nothing more in this newsletter I humbly request you go to the third entry down and sign this petition!)

Anyway, please forward this if you like and continue to keep acupuncture and Chinese herbs in mind as a routine part of keeping you healthy and happy.

Best to Everyone,



12 Reasons to Get Acupuncture in 2012     

acupuncture herb sign


1)  It works (most of the time for most stuff)

2)  It feels good

3)  It reduces stress   

4)  It improves your health   

5)  It is safe

6)  It is natural 

7)  It is fun and interesting  

8)  It can improve your appearance

9)  It helps cure what ails you 

10) It prevents small problems from becoming larger 

11) It can help get you out of pain

12) It is extremely cool


Okay that is MY list. I was inspired to make it after I came upon 

this article "12 Reasons to Get Acupuncture in 2012" and its parent website It is a new year after all, and that always a good time to be reminded of what is good for us and why.


I like this list of 12 reasons because it is not the usual list would expect (like those I have listed above) but reflect instead some basic premises and qualities of Chinese Medicine that may be more subtle that we can take to heart and be inspired by. Take a look and see what you think.


Also, I especially like the site too. From the site:  


"Understanding acupuncture does not come from reading clinical trials. Understanding acupuncture is achieved partly through learning about theories and treatment strategies, and mostly through stories about how acupuncture is being practiced and changing people's lives in the real world."


This is also what I have been trying to do with this newsletter. So, here is another worthy site to visit while you are surfing the web. I think it is a treasure of important information and is worth checking out.



Happy Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon

Not only is it a new year on our western calendar, but this last Monday, January 23 marked the beginning of the Chinese lunar year 4709, year of the Water Dragon.


Dragon years are considered especially important as the dragon is especially auspicious.


Dragons are mysterious and untouchable figures of Heaven, legendary beasts of great power and authority (with the head of an ox, muzzle of a donkey, eyes of a shrimp, horns of a deer, body of a serpent, and feet of a phoenix). Chinese emperors throughout history have identified with dragons as they attempted to embody dragon qualities.


Dragons represent new beginnings, good fortune, power, wealth, ambition, success, and reward. They have great vitality and creativity and govern growth and change. They are a bit mysterious and unpredictable too as they move, appear and disappear like thunder and lightning and the whirlwinds of Heaven.


Dragon years overall are dynamic, full of growth and change, and ambitions pursued in these years often come to successful fruition. These years can be unpredictable too so clear focus on goals and attention to detail is very important!


If you want to share in more of the New Year's celebration click here. For a description of what to expect out of the year (just for fun) (and I would take issue with the declaration from this link that 2011 was "meat and potatoes"), click here.


Acupuncture as an Essential Health Benefit   


back front ancient dudeSince I began acupuncture school in the early 80's, I have been a full time observer of Chinese Medicine, not only as a practitioner knowing the medicine intimately, but as a member of this culture. Over the years I have been heartened as I have watched acupuncture and Chinese Medicine slowly come around to greater and greater acceptance. It is indeed a wise and supremely practical medicine, and I am happy to report that it is finally getting a bit of credit in this country.


And, despite its greater acceptance, effectiveness and safety, in the two years I have been providing insurance billing services, I have found that it is the extremely rare policy that covers acupuncture. So, despite its performance, access to its services for many people is limited and fees are paid out of pocket.


We now have the opportunity to change this.


In 2010 the Obama administration passed the Affordable Care Act, a law designed to provide all Americans with decent and affordable health care coverage. Starting in 2014, all health insurance plans will be required to offer what are referred to as "Essential Health Benefits".  An EHB is defined as a service that should be made standard, such as emergency and maternity services, prescription drugs, and preventative tests and wellness care, etc.  


Acupuncture, in my opinion, should be included in this list but is not yet guaranteed to be a part of these services.


The Department of Health and Human Services is now soliciting public opinion on what to include in this EHB package. If you would like to see acupuncture covered in this package, PLEASE click here. You can sign a petition or write a short letter. It is quick and easy and can make a big difference. (And it needs to be done by January 31rst!)





World Health Organization List of Treatable Conditions

needlesI want to include this list from the World Health Organization in all my newsletters just to remind you of everything acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can treat. As a practitioner I know this is just a partial list, but it is official and great PR.   

To see the list again click here.

Do you know someone that has been wanting to try Chinese Medicine but hasn't taken that first step yet?  Or maybe you know someone  who isn't new to the practice but you think could benefit from my services?

For the months of February and March, each new referral will receive $20 off the first treatment and your next treatment will be $20 off as well.  Just have them mention this offer and it is a done deal.