Good Fat vs. Bad Fat We assume when we see or hear the word fat, that it must be bad. But not all fats are created equal; there are good fats and there are bad fats. Good fat, bad fat, what's the difference? How am I supposed to know what's what? Here are a few tidbits of info to help you on your way.
Good fat is necessary for your body (including your brain) to function well. Think of the good fats as your body armor...your protection from the bad fats. Good fats are the UNSaturated fats. Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fats are what you might see on the label (remember to read the label). These are the healthy oils from things like olive oil, nuts or fish (like Salmon). Bad fats are, well, bad fats! These are the fats that we do NOT want in our body. If we have some of these bad fats, make it a little bit. Bad fats are the SATURATED fats and TRANS fats. Think of the grease in the pan after you cook bacon. It's that film in your mouth after you eat a donut. Envision that when you see saturated fat on a label. Visual images are very helpful when you're snacking. If you've been to our heart presentation lately, you have seen the globs of fat. (If you haven't seen these yet you need us today)!
It doesn't have to be complicated, just check out the label before you eat it! Read the % DV-that's the percentage of your daily value-in other words what percent of your daily consumption this would be...
Like a candy bar that has 47% saturated fat! Yes, it's true. That is basically half of all your bad fat for the day---now factor in what else you have eaten so far...that's how it adds up. But a little bit of attention goes a long way. Start reading the labels on the foods you are eating. Just a few seconds glancing at the label can make a HUGE difference in your health. Start today! Make this the one change you make this week---reading the labels of what I eat. You CAN make a difference in your health in just a few seconds. We are here to help.