
May 31, 2012  

In This Issue
Exercise & Menus
I Dare You to Run
Carol's Heart Program
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Good Fat vs. Bad Fat
We assume when we see or hear the word fat, that it must be bad. But not all fats are created equal; there are good fats and there are bad fats. Good fat, bad fat, what's the difference? How am I supposed to know what's what? Here are a few tidbits of info to help you on your way.

Good fat is necessary for your body (including your brain) to function well. Think of the good fats as your body armor...your protection from the bad fats. Good fats are the UNSaturated fats. Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fats are what you might see on the label (remember to read the label). These are the healthy oils from things like olive oil, nuts or fish (like Salmon).

Bad fats are, well, bad fats! These are the fats that we do NOT want in our body. If we have some of these bad fats, make it a little bit. Bad fats are the SATURATED fats and TRANS fats. Think of the grease in the pan after you cook bacon. It's that film in your mouth after you eat a donut.  Envision that when you see saturated fat on a label. Visual images are very helpful when you're snacking. If you've been to our heart presentation lately, you have seen the globs of fat. (If you haven't seen these yet you need us today)!

It doesn't have to be complicated, just check out the label before you eat it! Read the % DV-that's the percentage of your daily value-in other words what percent of your daily consumption this would be...

Like a candy bar that has 47% saturated fat! Yes, it's true.  That is basically half of all your bad fat for the day---now factor in what else you have eaten so far...that's how it adds up. But a little bit of attention goes a long way. Start reading the labels on the foods you are eating. Just a few seconds glancing at the label can make a HUGE difference in your health. Start today! Make this the one change you make this week---reading the labels of what I eat. You CAN make a difference in your health in just a few seconds. We are here to help.
car washExercise & Menus  
EXERCISE: Do something fun!

That's right. That is the exercise for this month! Do something fun that gets your heart pumping. Be creative about it. Great weather is here so get out and enjoy it. It's staying lighter longer which means there is no excuse not to do something fun. Play hopscotch in the driveway, plant new flowers in your garden, or take a walk. Wash your car or have a water balloon fight. Turn the music up loud (or listen to your IPod) and DANCE! Dance like crazy (you are allowed to close the curtains if you have nosey neighbors, they should be dancing too!) Skip! Don't you remember how great you felt skipping? Like there wasn't a care in the world. Go out and skip--get that crazy neighbor in on it too. Do something that you enjoy; that makes you smile or laugh out loud. When you smile and laugh, you feel better-which helps you relax--which also reduces your blood pressure (more on this next newsletter!) Do something fun for 10 minutes every day. Okay, if you really can't fit something fun in every day for 10 minutes (you should really adjust your schedule) then schedule it in every other day. You will be glad you did.   

strawberryMENU: Mixed salad greens with fruit and fresh strawberry vinaigrette

Strawberry's are abundant this time of year (which also makes them cheaper) so this is a perfect light and yet filling salad. Prep time of 10 minutes means you have no excuse not to make this. Try it, it's delicious!
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I Dare You to Run

Kelly has dared her friends from her Mom's group to run. CFH presented our heart program to this Mom's group a few months ago, and it's already inspired many of the Mom's to make healthier changessneakers in their daily lives. Kelly is daring these Moms's to run with her for our upcoming Carol's Annual Run of Love 5K walk/run September 16th. Way to go Kelly! We thank you for daring yourself to do a 5K, and for inspiring those around you to do the same. We are with you all the way! You go girls!

Join us all on September 16 at our annual 5K to help raise the money we use to pay for our free heart programs. We could not do these programs without all of your support. We are very grateful to you all. 
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Carol's Heart Program needs you-seminarand you need Carol's Heart Programs

It might not sound like it would be a fun way to spend an hour. Heart health, wow, I already know all about it! But I promise you, ask anyone who has been to one of our programs and they will tell you it's nothing close to boring! In fact you will have a great time, and learn things you didn't know. The most important thing is how to fit it all into your daily lives.

Contact us today to find out more about how we bring our heart program to your location!
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