August 31, 2011
Life's Little Detours
Ever been on a roll, then something happens and you get completely discombobulated? This applies to all things in life--whether it's cleaning your house, finishing a project, eating healthy or exercising, it happens to the best of us.
Things are going well, and then it happens. Road blocks! We all know that recovering is so hard! But it CAN be done. Take a deep breath and dive back in. Eating the wrong thing, doesn't mean a downward spiral of junk food for the rest of the day. Breathe, forgive yourself, and move on.
You can maneuver around these obstacles. Go back to our website and read Carol's story, get some new recipes or go back to some simpler exercises to get back in your groove. Your groove is out there; just reach a little farther to find it! You can do it. We are with you all the way!
Debbie's had some detours along her 5K journey. Read about it, I'm pretty sure you can all relate! Mark your calendars now, if you haven't already, to cheer Debbie on in September.

Debbie's Pink Sneaker Diary "Recalculating Route"....
If there is a metaphor for every situation in life, picture my journey to train for my first 5K as me driving carefree, with the wind in my hair, on a highway with my GPS programmed for me to arrive at Carol's Annual Run of Love on September 18th and the soothing male voice saying, "stay on the current road for 10 weeks".
 Ok, truthfully, my GPS voice has not exactly been my best friend these past 3 weeks and there's been no wind blowing anywhere in this summer's record temperatures. My GPS has yelled out "Detour (family member's medical crisis), Recalculating route"......"Road construction ahead (my hip problem), recalculating route".....and "Road closed ahead (no time to run today), recalculating route".
Point is, no matter how many times life seems to yell "recalculating route" at you, the trick is to keep the same destination and enjoy, or just endure with a smile, the twists and turns that these new directions can take you.
I am still happily working at exercising my heart along with my spirit and it has become a great stress reliever. Hope to see you running or walking along the path with me or cheering me on at the finish line on Sunday, September 18th!!
Click here to read the rest of Debbie's Blog, and mark Sunday, September 18th on your calendar. You can register today.
CAROL's Annual Run Of Love! What is this exactly?  What is the Run of Love? We started CAROL For Heart eight years ago with all the love that Carol left behind. Carol touched everyone she knew with a special kind of love. As soon as you met her, you knew she truly had a gift to share. We are honoring her with this special CAROL event. We invite you to honor those in your life, whom you care deeply about, who are either with us today, or who have gone before us. Whether heart disease has touched your lives directly or not; help us to honor women, and help us prevent this number one killer of women-heart disease. Carol's Annual Run Of Love is Sunday, September 18, 2011. Enter the Warminster Community Park through the Special Event Entrance which is on the Bristol Road side of the park, at the intersection of Bristol Road and Hatboro Road. (Look for the giant flag pole on the Northampton side). Time: 8:00 am registration opens 5k Run: 9:15 am runners depart 5K Walk: 9:20 am walkers depart 1 Mile Walk: 9:25 am walkers depart If you have never been there, please come out and walk, jog, run or just be there to support us! If you missed a few, please come back! We really miss you. If you have been there every time, and you keep on coming out, well-you totally rock, and hope you will keep it up! We thank all of you for your past support, in any way, shape or form you have given it to us! There aren't enough words of gratitude. Please know that from the bottom of our hearts, we really appreciate your continued support!!!!! Register Now! ^Back to top
Exercise & Menus This month's Exercise and Menus
EXERCISE: The PulldownThis exercise is great for your upper body. You can do it anywhere! Imagine holding a giant rubber band directly above your head, and then pull your elbows down to your sides, while stretching that rubber band down along the back of your head. It's like your showing how big your muscles are! Keep going; show off those great arms and shoulders!  MENU: Two-Way Strawberry Freeze Enjoy this summery beverage for these last few weeks of summer. It's light, fun and delicious. Try other versions mixed with different fruits, or try your own fruit blend. Let us know how you like it! ^Back to top
 Free Heart Programs Will you host a free program?
We want to help your group prevent heart disease! Let's do something about it. Have CAROL For Heart come to your location and educate your group about heart disease. It really is free! And I promise you it won't be boring!!!
All of our fundraisers and sponsors throughout the year cover the costs for our heart programs. Do you have a group we can come and talk to? Do you belong to a book club, work group, school/sport parents association? Do you have a group of friends (think wine and party), or at work can we present a corporate lunch-n-learn seminar? Contact us for more information.
All of our fundraisers and sponsors throughout the year cover the costs for our heart programs. ^Back to top