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December 2011 


 Happy Holidays !

As we near the end of another year of blessings and miracles, the volunteer staff of Good News TV would like to express our sincere appreciation for your loving support of prayers, donations, volunteerism, and words of encouragement. 
Here are just a few highlights of what the Lord is accomplishing through His ministry...


Prophecy Series Harvest


50% of those baptized at the most recent Paradise Valley church "Revelation of Hope" series are GNTV viewers.


GNTV promoted and broadcast this month-long series in April by Pastor Ed Keyes. This was our first production with our own equipment. We received excellent viewer feedback, including one who called more than once saying "When are you going to re-run that series by that "Keyes man"? He's a true blessing!

We were all amazed to learn that half of the people who joined the church at the conclusion of this series are GNTV viewers.

Another Miraculous & Major Milestone
The Lord has wrought yet another miracle for Good News TV. While working diligently to improve our studio facility for both GNTV and MasTV, in
Our Latest Miracle
preparation for introducing new programming, and while investigating alternatives for extending our broadcast beyond Phoenix and Dallas/Fort Worth, the Lord affirmed this ministry through a very special gift.
For the last 2 years, GNTV has been in need of a remote production truck, to help advance our vision to connect our viewers directly to a local church near them. Multiple grant requests for a production truck have been denied funding over the last 2 years...and now we know why. Through a simple text message, the Lord presented us with an opportunity we could not pass up.
Leland Preston, long-time volunteer of GNTV, texted Luke, GNTV general manager, with a message, asking him to call, saying that we could get a truck with a 20kW generator at an amazing price. Leland has always kept his eyes open for deals for the ministry, but this tops them all. "I was just driving by and happened to see this big television production truck sitting at the back of a used car lot", Leland shares.


Prayers started going up immediately, asking that the Lord's will be

Vehicle Inspection

accomplished concerning this seemingly miraculous opportunity.  Within an hour of the call, we had 2 'experts' there with us, helping to determine what kind of an opportunity we had before us. Chris Kassay, a former satellite truck engineer for a Fox sports contractor, and Ted Prouty, former lead for the 3ABN production road crew, were both on-site at the car dealership to help us carefully investigate.  

 The dealership had just purchased this recently 'retired' FOX10 truck through a vehicle auction, and were planning to 'part it out' the next day. The only reason it was on the lot and visible from the street that one afternoon, is because their garage was full, and they needed to move cars out before they could move it in to start parting it out. "It would not have been here tomorrow," the dealership manager shared.


"If you wanted to buy this rig new," Chris Kassay excitedly shared, "it would cost you over $250,000. This is an absolute miracle!" Miracle indeed. As we continued to inspect the truck, we found many 'hidden treasures'. Chris later confirmed from 2 different sources that the current going rate for purchasing this used truck with features is $95K - $100K.


Patch Panel

"It definitely is a miracle," explained Ted Prouty, "Each of these individual pieces of equipment alone, would cost you well over what they are selling this whole truck for." As the four GNTV volunteers started getting emotional about this amazing find, they huddled inside the truck in order to pray yet again as to whether or not this vehicle should be secured for the ministry.


"In short", Luke says, "after telling the dealership manager about the ministry of Good News TV, he let it go for $8000."  "As you have already started receiving offers for parts, you know you could have gotten significantly more for this truck." Susan declared to the dealership manager, "So, why are you giving us such a great deal?" The manager replied, "I just really feel like I want to help you guys out."


"Previously," Luke says, "I imagined that we would eventually purchase an old rental moving truck, which we would then retrofit as a production vehicle. But, now as I see all of the features this truck has built right into it (like A/C units, air ride suspension, full insulation, generator, built-in production racks & desk surfaces, an external patch panel, and so much more), I realize this is a dream come true." He continues, "The Lord has saved us literally tens-of-thousands of dollars in additional expenses and thousands of volunteer hours that we would have had to spend to get to this point ourselves.


Ready to Take it Out

Although this vehicle is also equipped with some significant satellite broadcasting equipment, we have no immediate plans to use the truck for that purpose today. We have found that there is just as much if not more value in prerecording our local productions for later and repeated broadcasts instead of airing live. For those occasions when live broadcasts are justified, in most instances there are more affordable options available.


As we shared this story with Tony Anobile, AZ Conference president (above), he exclaimed, "Wow. Wow! This is a miracle. Praise the Lord", he continued,

Our Volunteer Mechanic

"This is an affirmation from the Lord for this ministry." Now that the dust is settling and we start to reflect on what has just transpired in such a short period, we all agree with Tony's assessment.  To top the miracle off, the ministry did not have to pay one dime for it as it has been donated. Praise the Lord for His gift of the 'new' truck and His affirmation for GNTV!


Waiting for Production Equipment





After securing the truck, we contacted our volunteer fleet mechanic, Barry Norman (right), who checked everything over on our first official GNTV "fleet" vehicle. He also completed some welding needs, replaced a few faulty parts, and serviced the vehicle.




Now that we have this production vehicle, we need your help to stock it with the necessary video equipment take it 'on the road'. Fitting it with a combination of new & used production equipment will cost $15K. Perhaps you would like to help us accomplish this goal? If so, please contact us.


Catching The GNTV Vision

Our Good News TV ministry has been noticed by other ministry-minded people in other parts of North America, and some have decided they would like to follow our model to reach their own community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Up to now, we have been visited by by those in California, Utah, Colorado, and Texas to find out how our operation works. Those visiting from the Dallas-Fort Worth ministry team had decided to lease a TV channel, and shortly after they returned home from their visit they made plans to change their programming and start broadcasting GNTV instead!  

DallasEquipmentThey quickly ordered and installed the additional equipment necessary, and are now broadcasting on channel 20.4 as Good News TV to about 4.5 million potential viewers throughout the Dallas Metroplex.

Like us, the DFW team is a volunteer self-supporting television ministry under their Texas conference, broadcasting both an Engish channel & a Spanish channel 24 hours/day. They are now localizing their own GNTV channel by promoting and airing their own local church worship services and community service programs. Please pray for this dedicated team! 

2011 AZ Camp Meeting Recap

Hats off to Bob Twomley, who established the foundation of a video ministry at the AZ camp in Prescott, and then faithfully recorded for many years.

Production Crew

GNTV has been blessed to be able to step into his shoes in this important role over the last couple of years, this past Summer being our 3rd. We both recorded and live broadcast the AZ camp meeting programs in the main pavilion. We are now rebroadcasting all of the services on GNTV.  

There are improvements each year, and this year was certainly our best yet. But, with each year also comes more responsibility. This was our first year we were responsible for fully producing and duplicating the DVD programs available from the Adventist Book Center.  
Our Daily Meeting

With a daily average of 12-16 volunteers throughout the entire week of camp, and our own professional quality GNTV equipment for the first time ever, we were able to make several improvements and distribute the workload between more volunteers much better than previous years.  

More Production Crew

Many of the volunteers that helped us last year were with us again this year, like the 3 youth in the image below, Michelle, Joseph and Joshua.  On top of that, we had many newvolunteers helping us for the first time this year, such as Rob and Linda (left) and Laszlo (below).

Youth Volunteers


This year we were able to start cross-training camera operators in the booth, and booth operators on cameras.  In total, we had about 3-4 times as many volunteers this year!  What a blessing to work with so many dedicated volunteers this year!

New Volunteers

Karl Schwinn helped us improve the facility by installing an A/C unit and various other improvements, Larry Atkin donated new platforms

Daily Setup

for our cameras, and Kim Moss coordinated all pavilion programs and organized their flow. Working with the audio team, lead by Bob Lawson, was also a great pleasure.



We are looking forward to what AZ camp brings next year!



Expanding Our Own Borders...

Good News TV has been broadcasting throughout the Phoenix community to approximately 4.5 million potential viewers for almost 3 years now, and we feel impressed by the Lord to expand into other communities of Arizona starting in 2012.  

Projected Growth in Arizona

Based on rapid changes that are occurring in this world, we believe there is no time to waste in reaching all parts of Arizona and beyond.

As the path is cleared and resources are provided, we will move forward to expand into other communities of Arizona. 

The first community we plan to expand into is Tucson, with a potential viewing audience of approximately 1.5 million.  

Please pray for this project, and let us know if you feel impressed to help us with this next phase in the ministry of GNTV.

Our Growing Church Family

We are so thankful for our growing church family that has been inspired by GNTV to follow Christ. Here are some of their faces...


CLICK BELOW: To Watch John Walters Story




Help Us Reach Throughout AZ and Beyond

As you reflect on what God has accomplished through the volunteer ministry of GNTV throughout 2011, and you share our vision for continuing to share Christ in 2012, please consider a special year-end tax deductible gift.  


Whether you would like to help GNTV 'outfit' our new production truck with necessary equipment, or launch a new channel in Tucson or another community of AZ or beyond, or you'd like to pledge your monthly support to help us with our operating expenses, there are many ways that you can help fulfill our vision.


You can contact us directly to discuss the option that is best for you or you can donate to our self-supporting ministry through various available methods. This includes church offering envelopes at any Seventh-day Adventist church throughout Arizona, on-line giving on our website, automatic bill-pay through your bank, or sending a personal check, payable to "Good News TV", directly to our mailing address in Scottsdale, AZ.


Another way you can support our vision is with a revocable trust or gift

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annuity. To discuss these or any other options available, please don't hesitate to contact us.


As a special 'thank you', we are offering a free gift to anyone making a special year-end donation to GNTV. 


Thank you very much for your continued prayers and support of this vital ministry!


May God bless you,

GNTV Staff


GNTV Contact info:
Call Good News TV directly at 480-264-1116
or email any feedback, comments or questions to [email protected]


Good News TV
13405 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260


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