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Summer 2010 
Editors: Robert & Linda Carr 
All Aboard!

We are rapidly traveling on a journey, and invite you to jump on for the ride of your life! GNTV has embarked on many exciting new projects, many of which involve 3ABN logolittle or no financial investment, but all of which require a strong investment in time, talent, and dedication from our growing volunteer workforce. As you read this edition of our newsletter, we hope you'll be blessed by a sense of the energy, momentum and positive results that this ministry is generating as it accelerates down the tracks, bringing many in our community toward a loving personal relationship with our Savior and helping prepare us all for a new heavenly home!

Special Summer Broadcasts in Review

June 11 - 19:  Campmeeting in Prescottcampmeeting youth celebrates "The World for Jesus!"
GNTV broadcasted/webcasted from the cool pines of Camp Yavapines. GNTV viewers were blessed by the afternoon creation seminar by Dr. Greg King, the daily camp news programs, and the main evening sermons. We also had a GNTV promotional booth with lots of freebies and also gave campers an opportunity to fill out postcard requests for our Cox Campaign. If you would like to purchase any of the camp-meeting presentations, please visit or call the ABC at 480-991-8501 and place your order. 

June 23 - July 3:  59th General Conference World Session in Atlanta themed "Proclaiming God's Grace"
GC-RobNLinda2GNTV recently broadcast extended live coverage of the 59th Session of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Atlanta, Georgia. A dedicated team of GNTV volunteers reported the sights and sounds of the GC nightly, which acquainted viewers with proceedings and outcomes, ministries, projects, leaders, and members of today's worldwide church. 

              Hosts, Robert and Linda Carr

                                                                        Since 1959, the General Conference has held business sessions every five years to bring world leaders/delegates together to elect leaders and make policy decisions. It's an exciting event that drew 35,000 international delegates, members and guests, with attendance doubling during the weekends. The 2,410 delegates represent the church's 13 divisions around the world, whose membership is more than 25 million-strong.   

Cox Cable Writing Campaign Continues

The Cox Cable Campaign to help launch 3ABN on the Cox Communications Network continues. Your assistance is needed!  We need you to PRAY for God's special blessing on this initiative, and WRITE a letter or postcard of support stating why you are asking Cox to add 3ABN and 3ABN Latino to their system each month.  Include your name and return address on the card.  Also, indicate whether or not you are currently a Cox subscriber (TV, Internet, or phone service). Since Cox gives priority to HD, foreign language, and sports, it is vitally important that your church, friends, and neighbors join our writing campaign asking Cox to add 3ABN for their inspirational and family-friendly programs. Mention a favorite 3ABN program (health lifestyle, family programming, children's programs, inspirational programs) that you especially enjoy.  The Cox representative tells us that written requests do make a difference!  Please write monthly until the decision is made.  Address your card or letter to:  Ms. Leslie Kelly, Cox Communications, 1550 W. Deer Valley Road, Phoenix, AZ 85027.
Thank you!

Volunteers Paint Studio
After 4 months of testing, configuration and negotiations, the fiber-optic cable project is now concluded and we are excited to report that the resulting image now viewed on GNTV competes head-to-head with the major TV networks that also broadcast in Phoenix. 
Now, when potential viewers 'channel surf', they won't see the distracting freezes and the softer image on our channel any longer. As shown in the illustration below, they will see the same sharp dependable video image and crisp sound quality they are used to viewing from all of the big networks on their HD televisions.
ImageImprovementThis project did, however, involve a sizeable investment of $19,000 for high tech equip-ment and cabling, and a lot of physical "sweat equity". As has happened with this project, we are now stepping out in faith as we turn to you, our faithful supporters, to please help us pay for this project, the results of which we believe will bring 100s of new viewers to take another look at the quality programs we air on GNTV. More... 
Volunteers Paint Studio

Painting CrewIn May, the studio sets received a much-needed face-lift with repairs, a fresh paint job, and furniture. Thanks to Rob Carr, Milton Schweitz, and Pastor Steve Salsberry's Sabbath School class for taking ownership of this huge project and for donating many hours of labor, paint, and supplies.

Volunteers from various churches around the Valley spent a Sunday putting a fresh coat of paint on our main rooms and studios.  Much of the paint was a donation of the Sherwin Williams Company. Milton Sweitz, a painting contractor, organized the volunteer crew after Robert Carr had selected colors and solicited the help of Sherwin Williams. "Choosing just the right color for a studio is a challenge as you never know how it will appear through the lens of a camera," says Carr. Thanks to Milton, our ceilings have been diminished with black and our walls are fresh. Many thanks to all who worked on this project.
We will be looking for donors for the upcoming projects, which include new carpeting, additional furniture, and window treatments for the studios.  For details, please contact Robert Carr at 602-703-8033.  (A tax-deduction receipt will be provided.)

Conversion Story Aired at the General Conference

Interview - Anobile/Brothers
When a pastor becomes convinced of Bible truths that differ from the way he has
preached, it can result in uncertainty and confusion. However, Ed Brothers,
Assembly of God minister for 50 years, changed his former beliefs as he watched GNTV because, as he says, "I had to get my brain "washed" from an old theology of traditional thinking." Pastor Ed Brothers and his wife Jan recently became members of the Mesa Palms SDA Church.  In addition to their large initial financial gift for equipment, the Brothers also provide monthly support to GNTV.  As ambassadors for GNTV, they are offering a challenge grant to anyone who is willing to help buy equipment--it's not cheap! 

Pastor Brothers was recently interviewed by the President of the Arizona
Conference and Good News TV, Tony Anobile. This story of their remarkable
conversion was shown at the General Conference in Atlanta at the request of the
NAD Ministerial Department. Their story will also be featured in September's
issue of 3ABN World magazine. As their new pastor, Terry Darnall says, "Now God
is going to use him in the Seventh-day Adventist Church."  We are excited to
report that the Pacific Union and the Arizona Conference granted him emeritus ordained ministerial credentials in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
New Smaller Materials for Project Burning Heart!

Our newly redesigned postcards, and tri-fold program schedule have been released just in time for the full launch of Project Burning Heart.  In partnership with GLOW, these smaller cards and program schedules are now designed for convenient sharing door-to-door, and to easily slip into a book or an envelope for mailing to a friend. Feel free to get a stack of postcards from us to share. You can also request a full box for your church as you prepare to visit doors in the neighborhood around your church.

Investing in Your TV Ministry! 

People often ask us, "How can I help?" Perhaps you have been wondering how you might be able to help the ministry of GNTV, but then decided that we must have all the help we need, or that you might not have what it takes. Well, that is far from the truth. We want you to view GNTV as "your" ministry, where we all partner together, and you personally feel connected with and responsible for it, as a channel of light to reach our community here in Arizona. Now that we are more established, we have identified numerous areas that GNTV needs your help. Here are the more pressing areas where your help is needed.


praying hands  Praying ... First and foremost, our ministry needs 
  your prayers. It has been said that "prayer is the
  key that unlocks heavens storehouse ...
" and that "
  the sound of prayer, Satan's whole host trembles" 
  while Jesus "sends a reinforcement of those angels 

  that excel in strength to deliver" us. There are
  many people in our community that need help 
  from heaven in their lives, and they are seeking aimlessly to find truth, comfort, peace and purpose in the world. At the same time, GNTV is seeking to penetrate the living rooms of our community to reach them in ways that we are not otherwise able to do. Your prayers will enable God to work through the Holy Spirit in more powerful ways to reach into the lives of our neighbors, friends, and family with the Gospel of His love through the messages viewed on GNTV.  We also have an email prayer chain that we share viewer prayer requests and you can join as well.


Sharing HandsSharing ... The ministry of GNTV can not reach our friends and neighbors if they either don't know it exists or don't take the time to discover a value in it. We can most effectively reach our community and friends if you share what you know about it and encourage them to tune in and check it out for themselves. You could also invite them to visit your home on a periodic basis to enjoy a favorite program of your own.


You may not feel comfortable giving a Bible study or teaching a cooking class yourself, but you could open your home to invite a few close friends and neighbors to share food and fellowship, as you watch a favorite presentation together on GNTV. In addition to Bible study programs, you could also host a program on healthy cooking or lifestyle, musical performances, exercise or children's programs, as well as timely messages on such things as creation, disease prevention and reversal, or family relationship skills. What a variety to choose from!


There is far greater success in getting someone to respond to an invitation from a friend than a stranger. What about your friends? People are calling to ask us for help getting GNTV, telling us that their neighbor or friend told them about the channel. It works. We have GNTV postcards for you to share in your neighborhood, and we would also be glad to share ideas to help you get started with a small group of your own.


Serving   Serving ...  GNTV is composed entirely of volunteers, and there 

  is always a need for more people to serve by giving of their talents
  and time. We need help in a variety of ways, like technical skills for
  broadcast and production, clerical and administrative help, physical
  labor and construction, and virtually any trade. Some efforts are
  required for short periods of time now or in the future as projects,
  while other tasks are on-going. They are all necessary though, to
  help maintain and grow this ministry and God's kingdom.


  Giving ...  We know we are all visitors on this earth, and that we are not taking anything with us beyond this life. God tells us that when we are generous toward his work through our possessions, we are storing treasures in heaven. GNTV has monthly operating expenses that require gifts from our viewers and supporters to sustain our operation each month. These operating expenses are funded exclusively by regular donations from our faithful supporters. Even as we carefully manage our costs of this growing volunteer operation, our primary expenses are increasing while giving is not keeping pace.


Our goal is for 1,000 of our AZ members to take ownership by regularly investing in this ministry by giving an average of $20/month. Some will decide to give more, while others will be giving sacrificially at a lower amount. Regardless of the monthly contribution, your help is necessary and it will be multiplied. In fact, to encourage you to decide today, there is an anonymous donor offering to match your contribution 1-to-1 for up to $1,000/month! So, your contribution of $5 becomes $10, or $20 becomes $40, or $100 becomes $200.  Double your investment by acting today!


GNTV also has several projects that are either in-process or slated for the future as the contributions come in.  Regardless of the size or type of your gift, it will be most appreciated. Contributions can take many forms:  a gift of valuables or property, a one-time financial gift, a revocable estate trust account, or regular monthly contributions. Everything will help us to accomplish the goals and mission that God has designed for this ministry in order to win souls for heaven. We can share a list of some of the needs that will help us be most effective in this mission.


How ever you decide you would like to help, we encourage you to contact us today at 480-264-1116. We thank you for your continued support and partnership with God in this ministry.

Viewer Comments

"I just found your channel tonight and it caught my eye because these presenters are so sincere and down-to-earth! I can tell when people are really sincere or not.  I really like the people presenting and I want to tell them."

"This show has come at the exact right time for me. I have learned so much and it has made me want to read my Bible and attend church!" Marla (Phoenix)

"For those of us with mobility problems, Good News TV is our church family. Thank you for the excellent and phenomenal programming." Andrea (Phoenix)

"I'm so taken with today's good news telecast regarding Daniel ... it totally reaffirms my belief in the Bible as the word from God. I am so happy I got to listen to this telecast today. Thank you so much! God bless you! Wonderful, wonderful work in God's name. You have a great day. You've made mine!" (Viewer in Mesa)

"This station is the best overall station with excellent programming. It seems to be the only place on the dial for encouraging, uplifting programs that are inspiring. I am donating $150 to your channel." (Viewer in Phoenix)

"I would like to know more about the Sabbath day ... as soon as possible!"  (Viewer in Tempe)

Local Church Challenges Sister Churches
3ABN logoThe Central Phoenix Church will match up to $10,000 for any church whose board votes to give a financial gift to GNTV. 
Send us your board meeting minutes which include the
approved amount to GNTV.  Please take advantage of this special challenge to make an eternal impact in our community.  No funds have been awarded as of yet so don't delay!
Recipe Corner:  Tofu Foo Yung

3ABN logo2 T         Olive oil
2 cups    Onion, chopped
1-8 oz can   Water chestnuts, slice
                    julienne style
1 cup      Bamboo shoots, dice in small
1 cup      Snow peas, cut in 1" pieces
1 cup      Mushrooms, fresh sliced

2 cups    Bean sprouts, canned (drained), or fresh

1/4 lb      Tofu, fresh extra firm (1 waterpack package)
2 T          Bragg's Liquid Aminos or Soy sauce

1/2 cup   Tofu, fresh extra firm, mashed
1/3 cup   White flour, unbleached
3 T          Nutritional yeast
1/2 t        Salt
2T           Instant food thickener

4 tsp.      Ener-G Egg Replacer (for lightness & to bind together) or Cornstarch
1/8 cup   Water

1.  Fry the onions, water chestnuts, and bamboo shoots in the oil until tender.
2.  Add the snow peas and the mushrooms and cook for a couple of minutes more.
     The peas should not be over done.  You want them crunchy.
3.  Add the bean sprouts to the vegetables, mix, and remove from the heat and set
4.  Blend 3/4 lb. of fresh tofu with the Bragg's until creamy.  Then add to the
     vegetables and mix.
5.  Mix all the rest of the ingredients to the vegetables except the egg replacer and
6.  Add the Egg Replacer to 1/8 cup water and whisk until creamy like egg whites.
     Add to the mixture and mix well.
7.  On an oiled cookie sheet, spoon 1/3 cup mixture, and flatten into a 3" circle,
     leaving about 1" space between each one.
8.  Bake at 350 in a dry oven covered for 15 minutes.
9.  Remove cover, flip over and bake until golden brown, approx. 5 more minutes. 
     Serve with mushroom gravy.

YIELD:  11 1/3 cups (34 - 1/3 cup portions)

Analysis - 1/3 cup
     48   Calories                       1g   Fiber
     3g   Protein                         1.8g  Fat
     5g   Carbohydrate               95mg   Sodium
     37%   Calories as Fat         Diabetic Exchange:  1 Vegetable

Mushroom Gravy
2 c   Water, cold
4 T   Bragg's Liquid Aminos or soy sauce
2 T   Cornstarch
1 c   Mushrooms, fresh, diced small

1.  Mix the above ingredients together in a sauce pan.
2.  Cook over low heat, stirring until thickened.

YIELD:  2 cups (16 - 2 T portions)

Analysis - 2 T
     10   Calories                          0g   Fiber
     1g   Protein                            0g   Fat
     2g   Carbohydrate                  166mg   Sodium
     5%  Calories as Fat               Diabetic Exchange:  Free


Source:  Used with permission from Lifestyle Center of America.


More to Come!

There is too much to share, and so much more to come in future editions of our periodic newsletter. We hope you enjoyed learning about what God is doing in the ministry of Good News TV. And, more importantly, we hope it has inspired you to decide to take action, get involved, and become a partner with GNTV. Contact us to learn more about 'your' ministry and to get involved. Also, let us know if you would like to receive this newsletter on a regular basis.  

        May God bless you, GNTV Staff

GNTV Contact

Call Good News TV directly at 480-264-1116
or email any feedback, comments or questions to [email protected]

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