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"Now is the time for Europe"
That is the phrase that keeps resonating in our hearts and the reason we have moved from our comfortable lives in America to pursue the voice of the Lord and see His presence invade Europe and change a generation.
You may be like many people and not really understand why we would feel so passionate about a "westernized" country. Well here are some facts that might shock you:

·      Europe is the world's spiritually darkest place - Time, June 2003

·      Contemporary Europe has become the most godless civilization the world has ever
      known - NY Times, March 2006

·      Passive indifference to faith has left Europe's churches mostly empty - Wall Street
     Journal, April 2007

·      Less than 1% of Europe is evangelical - Greater European Mission

·      2.8% of Europeans are born-again - Campus Crusade for Christ, July 2006

·      Anti-Semitism in Europe is now worse than at any time since 1945 - Christianity Today,

     June 2006

·       Islam is Europe's fastest growing religion - USA Today, August 2005

·      Over 250,000 villages, towns, and cities in Europe have no evangelical church 

     - Time, June 2003

·      80% of the French population has never seen, read or held a Bible

      - Operation World, 2003

What these statistics portray is a lost and dying generation of young people who are desperately seeking out a reason for living.

Brussels is known as the heart of Europe and we feel a mandate from the Lord to go to the heart and from there the life of Jesus will flow out. If we can win and train this next generation of leaders, pastors, politicians, mothers, fathers, teachers, etc. then we can win the nations.

Europe is the battleground for the United States and beyond. What happens in Europe slowly trickles around the world. We see it with clothing trends, music, political movements and more. It's time to see a God inspired movement no longer trickle, but blow through the nations like a mighty rushing wind! Blowing upon the hearts of the young people and the fathers and mothers and irrevocably surrendering their lives to God.



                            Brussels Missions Base

In order to facilitate the vision the Lord has placed within us about bringing a culture shift to the heart of Europe, we need a facility in which to hold small events and outreaches, as well as house members of the team both short and long term. We have found a facility that meets all our needs and more.

Situated right outside Brussels in the historic town of Waterloo, this large house sits on over a 1/2 acre of land (which is enormous in European standards.) This beautiful house is 3 stories and has 8 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a large kitchen with two refrigerators, laundry room, a family room, large living/dining area and a large sun room overlooking a spacious backyard that can be used as a meeting room.
All in all, the facility is exactly what we were looking for, in the exact area we are looking for. After hearing our vision for the house, the owners are even willing to lower their monthly asking price by 25%, which makes this house an incredible find.



Our Needs...
Renting this house is an enormous undertaking as well as a stretch for us financially. However, we clearly have seen that if we follow the voice of the Lord, he does not leave us and provides for all our needs.

Our goals regarding this Missions Base are:
  • 2 months Rental Deposit of $5600 USD (or 4000 euros) which will be locked on an account.
  • The funds to cover the inspection and insurance for the house which is $1300 (1000€)
  • Support in the amount of $36,000 to cover rent and utilities for one year
    (which is $3000 USD per month or 2100 euros which would cover rent & basic utilities)
We are thankful for the money that has already come in regarding this, however, we have still not met our goal.
Would you prayerfully consider donating in order to be a part of us getting a foot in the door here in Belgium? We feel that this is the first major step as all of our short term goals center around us having a large home where we can connect and influence.

To Donate...

It is our desire that everyone who reads this email will commit to partnering with us in prayer as we need enormous spiritual covering to take on the darkness that has cloaked itself around Europe.

However, if you feel led to go a step further and financially* contribute to the Brussels Missions Base, you have three options. 

By going to and selecting Jon and Destiny Vandeput. The Missions Base donations at this time need to be made through an individual to comply with IRS laws. Therefore, please specify in the memo/note "Brussels Missions Base".

By Mail:
Modern Day
P.O. Box 535578
Grand Prairie, TX 75053
Again, please specify in the memo "Brussels Missions Base"

Bank Transfer:
Direct Transfer for European givers
Account Number:
(BBAN) 001-1814028-10
                                 (IBAN) BE41 0011 8140 2810

*All U.S. donations given through Modern Day are tax deductible.
Thank you...

Thank you for standing with us.
You have no idea how scary it is sometimes to run ahead and contend for things that seem impossible in the natural.

But it is because of you partnering with us that we have the courage to stand against the storm and scream the name of Jesus into the raging wind.

God is good all the time and His leadership over our lives is perfect. To walk in His will requires surrender, yet we can do so joyfully because HIS love never fails.

Thank you for taking the time to hear our needs.

With all our love,

Jon and Des
(for the rest of the Ninth Hour team)

For more information on our vision and goals, please visit us at