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September 4, 2010
In This Issue
* Help in VA-9
* VA Tea Party Patriot Convention Updates


Because of you we can provide volunteers a free bus trip southwest virginia to help out in the midterm elections. Help us do more! 

We are 100% dependent on your support.
100% Volunteer
100% of the Time
We have applied for 501c4 nonprofit status, and as such, donations are not tax deductible.
RTP Sponsoring
Liberty Fest
Richmond Tea Party is a sponsor for Liberty Fest with Judge Napolitano. This event is being hosted by Virginia Campaign for Liberty.
: Sept. 18
Where: Greater Richmond Convention Center
Cost: Only $15
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Actions Speak Louder than Words
Time for You to Make a Difference in Changing Congress
All of us have stated more than once, "Remember in November!" or "Flip the House" or "Throw Them All Out" or "They All Need to Go!"
So...do you really want to make a difference in Virginia politics?  Itching to do something about the mid-term elections?  Here's your chance!
Changing congress doesn't happen magically. It happens when those of us in our homes with our busy family lives put in the extra work to make it happen. If we wait until Election Day, it is too late.
The Richmond Tea Party wants to answer a call for help from the tea parties in the 9th District (southwest Virginia) and from Americans for Limited Government (http://www.getliberty.org/).  But we need your help to do it. 
They have asked that we send a busload of volunteers to Christiansburg on Saturday, September 11th to help hand out voter guides in a door-to-door campaign to highlight the differences between the candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives.
The current representative is Rick Boucher (D, currently serving his 14th term) who is a tax and spend liberal and supporter of Cap & Trade legislation. Congressman Boucher's Cap & Trade vote is immensely unpopular in a district dependent on the coal industry for employment and where unemployment is already exceptionally high compared to other parts of Virginia.
His challenger is Morgan Griffith (R, who has been serving on the VA House since 1994 and is the current Majority Leader;(http://www.delegatemorgangriffith.com/about.shtml). 
If you have the time, we need your help to make a difference!
The 47-passenger bus will depart from the Short Pump Target parking lot at 5:30 AM on Saturday, September 11th.    We recommend that you arrive by 5:00 AM.
Richmond Tea Party will pay for the bus, so there is no charge for the volunteers.  But, we will ask that you sign a waiver of liability statement prior to boarding the bus.
Breakfast will be served in Christiansburg at 8:30 Saturday morning and we'll get started around 9:00 and will depart to come home at 5:00 PM.  We will be provided all materials, training, and transportation.
We have to confirm the bus to James River Bus Lines no later than Tuesday, September 7th, so if you can help, please respond as soon as possible to [email protected].  Please provide your name and phone number.  Every person will be contacted by phone prior to departure.
We need to see if we have enough interest. We have 72 hours to make a determination. Let us know ASAP.
Now is the time to make a difference on the issues that are important to the tea party grassroots. Let's roll!!!

Virginia Tea Party Patriot Convention
 10thAmdt Buttons
Nationally known keynote speakers � Seminars on Constitution, Public Policy and Grassroots Training
� Congressional District Forums � National Policy Forum � Presidential Straw Poll � Friday Night Freedom Lovers Extravaganza
Over 40 Seminars Scheduled for the Convention!
The Tea Party Convention is proud to offer a great lineup of breakout seminars to educate, motivate, and activate you to be more effective in your communities and in the Tea Party movement. The breakout seminars fall into one of three categories: 1) History/Constitution, 2) Public Policy, and 3) Grassroots Training.
Please take a moment to check out the seminar schedule to review the myriad of topics presented. We're confident that you will find something of interest. A few of the topics include:
  • Virginia's Response to Obama's Overreach by Delegate Bob Marshall
  • The Media Assault on the Tea Parties by Media Research Center
  • A Nation At Risk: The Cancer of Illegal Immigration by ANCIR
  • The Science of Climate Change by Dr. Mangino
  • The General Welfare Clause: Original Intent, Use and Abuse by Professor Ferdon of Liberty University
  • Transparency in Government? by Americans for Prosperity
  • What to do about Entitlements by The Heritage Foundation
and many, many others! Don't miss your chance to educate yourself on the topics of discussion today...register now!
For general information about the event, please visit the convention web site at: Virginia Tea Party Convention
ONLY 32 Days Remaining to get your tickets! 

Friday/Saturday, October 8th and 9th, 2010
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Greater Richmond Convention Center
Tickets only $50 for two full days. Huge Extravaganza Party Friday Night for only $20!

We look forward to seeing you there! Join us for two days of education, activism, inspiration and entertainment! We will also be unveiling our Va Tea Party Patriot Legislation at the convention. You won't want to miss it!
