Rites of Passage


Spring, 2011 Newsletter



Peace Pole 



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   Rites of Passage

PO Box 2061

Santa Rosa, CA



From Rites of Passage Executive Director,
Mike Bodkin

Winter's taking its time ending this year, at least here in Santa Rosa, with weeks of cold March rain, although a patch of daffodils across the seasonal creek from my house has been blooming for a month now, and the emerald green moss on the rocks outside my office is dazzling.  We're tucked into the Mayacamas Mountains, a low range dividing the Napa and Sonoma valleys, and from the top of our land you can look across at Mt. St. Helena, the highest peak in this area.  It seems like the land will live forever, but then I remember that the people in Japan are struggling with a catastrophe that threatens to poison everyone, and has already made the food for miles around unsafe to consume.  My heart begins to seize up when I think about this.  My community's large organic garden is such an important part of my life here.  Eating from the garden is a joy, and then in the fall season there's time spent putting away food that will sustain for the winter-tomatoes, peppers, corn, potatoes.  I feel such grief when I think about the land being contaminated.


We're at a crossroads, where each person's connection to life and to the living presence of nature contributes to the Great Turning, a collective shift in consciousness that can bring humans back to balance with the rest of creation.  Traditional rites of passage, in the context of our current ecological crisis, are a powerful way to re-vision our relationship to the web of life-a web in which human beings are one of the strands, not the weaver.   Recognition and affirmation of what we call the North Shield, the dimension of giving back, of gratitude and respect, comes with the undertaking of the journey.  This takes place on many levels-for ourselves first, then our family, our community, our bioregion, our nation, our planet.  This is the level of vision that we're being called to witness: how everything is interconnected. 


During solo time in nature, each person begins to heal the web, beginning with herself, beginning with himself.  When we heal ourselves, we open up energies that become available to love others, to love the world.   Sometimes this healing can take years, but there is always movement; like the turning of the seasons, this is built into our human nature.  We grow toward wholeness and fullness, which like the winter rains pours out of us and touches everyone and everything in our path. 


We've noticed in the past year that more people are coming to Rites of Passage who feel called to participate in healing the world.  We've had more inquiries about our training programs, more interest in our leadership work, and those who come on a Vision Quest are returning home with the desire to make a difference.  Perhaps this is a result of the times we're living in. 


We invite you to check out our upcoming programs, which are focused in three main areas:


            Programs for Youth:  helping young people to understand and undertake the passage from childhood to adulthood with depth, courage and beauty. 

            Programs for Adults:  helping adults to mark their passages, to come more fully into their gifts, to recognize where their journey needs to take them now. 

            Programs for Leaders:  supporting leaders to find balance, empathy, compassion and a connection to all life as a way to move into genuine leadership, which involves service, or the give-away. 

For more information, visit our website at www.ritesofpassagevisionquest.org

Youth Programs


To learn more about these programs, visit the Youth Program  pages on our website; and visit our Youth Schedule  pages for information about youth schedule and costs.


Look at a video  of young people on the Youth Vision Quest:Youth Vision Quest













These are the programs we have scheduled; we can also develop programs for your school or community group.


Youth Vision QuestYouth Leap!

for Sonoma Academy seniors

Death Valley National Park, April 5-13

Staff:  Alison DeLong & Damien McAnany 


Youth Soul Quest

Quinalt Valley, WA, May 27-29

Staff:  Paul Abodeely & Deb Zucker 


Preparing for Adulthood using Nature as Mirror

for Peninsula Waldorf High School Juniors

Mono Basin, May 30-June 3

Staff:  Mike Bodkin & Alison DeLong


Youth Vision Quest

Mendocino National Forest, June 18-26

Staff:  Alison DeLong & Damien McAnany


Youth Soul Quest

Quinalt Valley, WA, August 26-28

Staff:  Paul Abodeely



 From Mountains and Rivers without End

  by Gary Snyder


--Wang Wen-wei saw this (painting) at the mayor's house  in Ho-tung town, year 1205.  Wrote at the end of it,


Mountains without End'The Fashioner of Things

         has no original intentions

Mountains and rivers

         are spirit, condensed.'


'...Who has come up with

       these miraculous forests and springs?

Pale ink

         on fine white silk.'


Later that month someone named Li Hui added,


'...Most people can get along with the noise of dogs    and chickens;

Everyobody cheerful in these peaceful times,

But I--why are my tastes so odd?

I love the company of streams and boulders.'




Step back and gaze again at the land--

                         it rises and subsides--


ravines and cliffs like waves of blowing leaves--

stamp the foot, walk with it, clap! turn,

the creeks come in, ah!

strained through boulders,

mountains walking on the water,

water ripples every hill.


Adult Programs 

Including 9 day Vision Quest, 3 day Soul Quest, and 1 day Vision Walk, presented in different locations.  Go to our website under Schedule for scheduling information and costs for each program.


Australia Men's Vision QuestHug

Spirits Winds NSW, April 16-24

Staff:  Mike Bodkin & Robert Boyle 


Vision Walk

Kansas City, MO, April 16

Staff: Tom Anderson


Soul Quest

Kansas City, MO, May 7-9

Staff:  Tom Anderson 


Vision Walk

Napa, CA, May 14

Staff: Alison DeLong


Vision Walk

Kansas City, MO, May 21

Staff: Tom AndersonCanyon Walk


Vision Walk

Kansas City, MO, June 4

Staff: Tom Anderson


Vision Walk

Seattle, WA, June 4

Staff: Deb Zucker


Women's Vision Quest

Inyo Mountains, June 11-18

Staff:  Scout Tomyris & Linda Sartor


Colorado Vision Quest

Rocky Mountains, June 25-July 3

Staff:  Mike Bodkin & Tom Anderson


Vision Walk

Napa, CA, July 9

Staff: Alison DeLong


Summer Vision Quest

Mono Basin, July 16-24

Staff:  Linda Sartor & Damien McAnany


Soul Quest

Seattle, WA, August 26-28

Staff:  Deb Zucker

Soul Quest

Kansas City, MO, October 14-16

Staff:  Tom Anderson 

Leadership Programs 

Transformational leadership with community and the earth in mind.


Vision Quest for Transformative Leaders, Healers & Evolutionaries

White Mountains, CA, August 6-14

Staff:  Mike Bodkin & Dana Carman

Support Staff: Deb Zucker & Ruth Foerster

Note: When we presented this program last September it was a great success, with people from three continents...we're excited about doing it again. 

Uniting Body, Mind, Spirit & Soul: A Workshop on Transformative Leadership

Ashland, OR, September 22-25

Staff:  Mike Bodkin, Dana Carman & Deb Zucker


Sierra View