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Hey there!
Who can believe that we are into September? Good grief!

I was happy to find out that my painting "Floating Poppies" was accepted into the Crystal Lake Art Center's All Media show!  Yippee Skippee!

Floating Poppies

It has actual Poppy petals collaged onto the surface. I did have to paint over them with acrylic, since the actual petal turned a ghastly mauve, gray color when it dried...yuck.

Oh, the many things I learn through experimentation!  LOL
Hot Off the Easel!
Is My Hair Too Blue?
Is My Hair Too Blue?
7 x 5
acrylic collage

Heheheheehe.... I can never resist silliness.

This is one of the paintings at my show at
Flint St. Gallery in Little Monsters toy store in Lake Orion, MI.

The show runs from August 30 through October 2... With a reception on Friday, September 10, from 7 to 9 pm.
Hope I'll see you there!
Idea Spark-lers
  Are you needing some painting ideas to get you going? Well, you've come to the right place!

Blind Contour Drawing.... What it is... and how it can help you!

Blind contour drawing is drawing the outside edges of something, without looking at the paper.  Let your eyes travel the edges of your subject, and let your pencil match the speed of your eyes. It's almost a trust exercise with yourself. The hardest part about it is NOT LOOKING!

blind contour coffee cup
Put on your non-judgmental hat... seriously, you'll need it. :)

And why would anyone want to do this exercise?

Because it trains your eyes to really look at the edges of something, and you'll probably end up with some very interesting drawings that you can then develop into some very interesting paintings!

blind contour piggy

Click here for more detailed instruction.

My friend and fantastic artist, Margaret Stermer-Cox, introduced me to "Blind Contour Friday's."  She's very dedicated to maintaining and improving her drawing skills with daily practice. If you want to improve quickly, daily drawing is the very best way to go about it. Check out what she does here.
Thanks for letting me share your terrific blog here, Margaret!

If you think any of your friends might be interested, please feel free to forward this email.

Have a Great Week!