Wow! It is Fall already and we are seeing many new customers for our lawn & fall maintenance programs. If you are interested, check out the great coupon below, and forward this email to your neighbors too!
This month, we are proud to announce that we won the booth display for the Southern Women's Show Outdoor Living and Landscaping Premier Business. We took it GREEN this year and had a great time. We are really focusing our efforts on making green choices and offering environmentally focused solutions and this was a great opportunity to showcase our efforts! (Read more about the Southern Womens Show below).
Happy Autumn, and we look forward to seeing or hearing from you soon!
Heather Brockelbank Chief Designer, NCLC#1624, CPP, CLD, NCGC Metro GreenScape |
When you sign a 1-year Lawn Maintenance Agreement |
Offer Expires: Nov 15, 2009 |
FALL MAINTENANCE SERVICES ❃ Leaf Removal ❃ Flower bed Clean up ❃ Outdoor Lighting & Irrigation Check-ups ❃ Trimming Shrubbery
Fall Maintenance Plan Three:
$250 if you schedule by Nov. 30, 2009! Pick one choice from above. Includes hauling of all debris. (4 hours)
Fall Maintenance Plan Two:
$475 if you schedule by Nov. 30, 2009! Pick two choices from above. Includes hauling of all debris. (8 hours)
Fall Maintenance Plan One:
$850 if you schedule by Nov. 30, 2009! Includes all services listed above and hauling of all debris. (16 hours) "Good Neighbor" Team Plan Team up with your next door neighbor and split a package between the two of you! All of these prices are based on a normal 1/4 to 1/3 acre yard.
Call us at 704-504-0980 to schedule your annual Fall clean-up and reserve the best times for you!
P.S. - Fall is the best time of year to begin new Outdoor Living projects like patios, pools, decks, outdoor kitchens, and custom landscaping projects! Please give us a call and we'll get started today!
Meghan Wier: Business Networking Author of Confessions of an Introvert
1. What do you think are the most important aspects of successful networking? Successful networking is all about developing real relationships. If you connect with another person, you are successful. So be gracious, give back when possible and seek genuine friendships. 2. What tips do you have for people who want to improve their networking skills? Practice makes perfect! Make networking a part of your daily routine: sending thank-you emails to people you meet, introducing yourself in social situations, and looking for connections with the people around you. The more you do this, the easier it will get, and the less it will be a conscious decision, but rather a part of who you are. 3. Do you think social networking websites, like Facebook and LinkedIn, are an important part of networking today? Social networking is a great way to make connections, and almost vital in many circumstances. You can reach a huge audience and re-connect with people from you past as well. But BE CAREFUL! Too many people post un-flattering pictures of themselves (or their friends) at a party, or leave messages giving up too much personal information on a public space. Remember that these sites will be up a long time, and you may not be able to "undo" any damage done by a potential employer, or business contact reading about or seeing you doing something inappropriate. My general rule: if your mom would approve, go ahead and post it. If not-it doesn't belong on the internet!
Metro GreenScape Wins Award at the 2009 Southern Women's Show! September 17-20, 2009, saw the annual Southern Women's Show return to the Charlotte Merchandise Mart, and, again this year, Metro GreenScape participated as an Outdoor Living & Landscaping Premier Business, winning a Booth Display Award when our booth was selected from the 300+ exhibitors! Other top Booth Display winners at the show included Belk, Mary Kay, Glory Foods and Carolinas Medical Center. "For the past several years we have been supporting and participating with this fantastic show," said Metro GreenScape's Heather Brockelbank. "It is a great forum for showcasing our company's unique capabilities within the outdoor living and professional landscaping categories." "We're totally focused on being green, too," added Brockelbank. "Green spaces, lawns and landscapes are the perfect environment to enjoy outdoor living. When we work with our clients, we like to blend in beautiful and functional green spaces, because more green spaces have a direct affect on our environment. For example, your lawn can reduce undesirable noise by 20 - 30% and grass blades take in carbon dioxide, along with the worst atmospheric pollutants, and give back pure, clean oxygen." The Southern Women's Show draws thousands of fans who return year after year. "We greatly admire Show operator Joan Zimmerman and her team," said Brockelbank. "She knows how to run and promote a top-of-the-line and successful show and that's one reason why we participate in most of their shows!" The Southern Women's Show falls on a great date each year on the calendar to help kick off the Autumn landscaping and outdoor living push. "We're geared up and ready to help our homeowners with fall landscaping, aeration and seeding, outdoor construction, and seasonal fall clean-up and lawn maintenance," added Brockelbank. "With the economy improving every month, Fall is a great time of the year to tackle these projects!"
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Don't forget that Metro GreenScape now offers Lawn and Landscape Maintenance!
MetroCHOICE™ Organic Premium Lawn Care Program Your lawn and landscaping are generally the first views that people have of your home. What do they see? Is it what you want them to see? Is it what you want to see?!
We are the experts in lawn and landscape maintenance. And our MetroCHOICE™ Organic Premium Lawn Care Program is designed to give you access to experts on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually basis!
Programs start from $225 monthly for a typical 1/3-acre lawn. |
Coming up, you can hear us on WBT on the Your Real Estate Today Program Saturdays 2-3pm 1110AM September 19, October 24, November 14, December 19.
Metro GreenScape has been on WBT several times in the past year. You can hear podcasts of these interviews by going to the WBT Website. | |