Attention Amateur Photographers!
We would like to invite you to enter our 5th Annual Photo Contest. We are looking for striking digital images of BC's natural diversity. The theme this year is My Favourite BC.
The four categories are:
- My Favourite Tree (plant life in BC)
- My Favourite Wildlife (wild animal, bird, fish in BC)
- My Favourite Wild Place (natural places in BC such as parks, green spaces, etc.)
- My Favourite Wild View (the best view from a close up of a rain drop to a mountain top in BC)
The grand prize winner will have the opportunity to have professional photographer Graham Osborne review a portfolio of 5 images and provide critical feedback, and receive a framed version of the winning photo. Category winners will receive an enlargement of their photo from CustomColor Professional Imaging Lab and have their photos featured in The Nature Trust of BC's Annual Report printed in 2012.
The contest opens October 25 and closes December 7. Public voting will begin December 12 and end December 16 with the grand prize winner announced December 19. Photos can be uploaded to flickr or emailed to photos@naturetrust.bc.ca. Click here for full contest rules. If you have any questions please email photos@naturetrust.bc.ca.
Pictured above: 2010 Photo Contest winners (clockwise from left): Leah Ballin (grand prize winner), Steve Milner (Power of Nature), Len Langevin (The Big Picture), Llaesa North (Web of Life) |
Lyndia presented a selection of multi-media images she created after exploring Moorecroft at her gallery on Thanksgiving weekend.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to conserve this amazing 2,000 acre grassland property. We have $200,000 left to raise in order to complete this exceptional $3.3 million project!
To donate click here or call 1-866-288-7878. |
Holiday Giving Made Simple

At this time of year as retailers are gearing up for a big holiday rush, we would like to ask you to consider a donation to The Nature Trust for your friends and family. Your support will help us to continue to conserve all that makes BC so special.
Your gift can make a big difference because every dollar counts.
For example:
- $50 would build a bird house
- $125 would give a student one day of work
- Or your gift can be designated to a property in an area you treasure such as Moorecroft on Vancouver Island or Twin Lakes in the Okanagan.
During this Season of Giving, please consider a gift to The Nature Trust of BC. Click here to donate online through CanadaHelps.org. |
If you would like to leave a lasting legacy to The Nature Trust, you might want to consider a future gift in your will.
For more information, call Patrick Oswald at 604-924-9771 ext. 232 or e-mail info@naturetrust.bc.ca. |
Final Week to Vote!
Vote for The Nature Trust of BC's submission to Shell Canada's FuellingChange grant program.
Our program, Community Driven Conservation of Cavity Nesting Birds, focuses on inventory of three species of cavity-nesting birds - Western Screech-owl, Lewis's Woodpecker and American Kestrel, installation of wildlife tree signs and nest boxes, and increasing awareness of wildlife tree habitat within the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and Okanagan Valley.
It's quick and easy to do! Receive 10 votes when you register and each receipt from fuelling up or purchasing at Shell Canada stations will earn you more votes! You can vote until October 31, 2011. Once you've voted, spread the word! |
Let's Celebrate Gala

We want to express our appreciation to over 240 guests who joined us to celebrate 40 years of land conservation at our Gala in September at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.
Highlights included CTV as our media sponsor with Mike Killeen as our MC, an outstanding performance by IL Voce, dragonfly ballerina greeters from the Goh Ballet Academy (shown in picture with The Nature Trust's Patrick Oswald), and auctioneer Tyler Olson providing entertaining support for the live auction. Ralph Shaw, Alan Haig-Brown, Robin Wilson and Caitlin Hill shared inspirational words about the past, present and future of conservation.
Proceeds from the event went to the purchase of the Twin Lakes property in the South Okanagan.
Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival: Join The Nature Trust's Jason Northcott and Dan Buffett from Ducks Unlimited Canada as they host their annual walking tour of a 500 hectare conservation area on the Chehalis River during the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival. Binoculars, comfortable hiking shoes and proper outer wear are recommended. Sign up early as this tour fills up fast!
Sunday, November 20, 2011, 10 a.m.
For more information or to preregister, contact Robin Rivers at 604-924-9771 ext 226 or by email at rrivers@naturetrust.bc.ca. |