Twin Lakes
Help us to conserve this 2000 acre property in the Okanagan featuring grasslands, wetlands and many rare plants and animals.
Adjacent to The Nature Trust of BC's White Lake Biodiversity Ranch, this acquisition will help minimize habitat fragmentation while establishing a protected migratory corridor for species movement.
As a top ranked priority by the South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program, this property will effectively double the extent of conservation holdings in the White Lake Basin area.
We need your help to raise $600,000 to complete this $3.2 million project. Click here to donate online.
Celebrate Summer with a Splash!
Join us for an afternoon of gourmet appetizers, fine wine & beer, live music and displays by local artists while raising funds for Moorecroft Regional Park.
Come to Pacific Shores Resort & Spa in Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island on August 13 from 2 to 4 pm and enjoy this special garden party.
Proceeds will go to the acquisition costs of Moorecroft Regional Park in Nanoose Bay and restoration work of important facilities and nature trails.
Tickets are $40 per person and are available online or by calling 1-866-288-7878 ext 222 or emailing tloewen@naturetrust.bc.ca.
Thank you to the enthusiastic volunteers, generous donors, outstanding wineries & breweries, talented chefs and gifted musicians who made this event such a success. We raised over $80,000 for the Twin Lakes property!
Special thanks to our volunteer committee co-chairs Garry Benson and Tom Kennedy who donated so much time and energy to Earth Wind Fire. We would especially like to acknowledge our dedicated sponsors and the Great Wall of Wine supporters. Click here for a complete list of contributors to this wonderful night.
40 Years of Land Conservation
Mark your calendars for our 40th anniversary Let's Celebrate Gala on Thursday, September 29 at the Hotel Vancouver.
You will enjoy outstanding music performed by Il Voce, wonderful stories from the past, present and future, and an extraordinary meal. We hope you can join us in celebrating the past 40 years and look ahead to the next 40.
Tickets are $225 per person or $2,250 for a table of 10 or $4,000 for a Gold table and are available by contacting Tracy Loewen at tloewen@naturetrust.bc.ca or calling toll free 1-866-288-7878 or 604-924-9771.
Vote for The Nature Trust of BC's submission to Shell Canada's FuellingChange grant program.
Our program, Community Driven Conservation of Cavity Nesting Birds, focuses on inventory of three species of cavity-nesting birds - Western Screech-owl, Lewis's Woodpecker and American Kestrel, installation of wildlife tree signs and nest boxes, and increasing awareness of wildlife tree habitat within the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and Okanagan Valley.
It's quick and easy to do! You can vote until October 31, 2011. Once you've voted, spread the word! |
Lower Mainland Conservation Youth Crew members Shannon Lawrence (left) and Jenna Cook (right)
Our Conservation Youth Crews are hard at work right now.This year we have 13 crew members working across the province (3 in the Okanagan, 4 in East Kootenay, 2 in Peace River, 2 on Vancouver Island and 2 in the Lower Mainland).
Activities include:
- Grassland restoration through seed collection and invasive plant removal
- Construction and repair of riparian fencing
- Informational sign installation
- Rubbish removal from conservation holdings
- Vegetation and wildlife research
- Maintenance of wildlife viewing facilities
- Installation of bird nesting boxes
Rivers Day: Join The Nature Trust of BC as we celebrate Rivers Day with the BCIT Rivers Institute at the BCIT Burnaby campus along Guichon Creek. This lively event will include a fish release, streamside planting, First Nations activities, a Farmer's Market and much more.
Sunday, September 25, 2011, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.