Happy New Year from The Intuitive Edge
I have been engrossed in my usual end of the year plans of how I want my new year to look. I have gone through piles of magazine clippings, I have downloaded, recorded and memorized some outstanding  Internet advice and I have meditated and dreamed to visualize how my 2012 would materialize.
I usually consult with a handwriting expert every year to change one letter of my handwriting to change an outworn or undesirable trait, but this year I decided to do something different. 
 I searched for another idea.
I decided to meditate for one word that would be my word for 2012. The word would reflect what I need to learn and define my year. In meditation the word that came was SIMPLE . It certainly was not  the glamorous or exciting word I thought I needed. It took some time to accept and realize that I really do need to de-clutter and delegate .
The more I accepted the word SIMPLE, the more I accepted that 2012 could turn out to be SIMPLY AMAZING!
I  have decided to join a blog challenge to write a blog every day for 31 days starting 1-1-12. Join me in my musings and please feel free to comment or cheer me on.
I will be at the Best Western /Lakewood Inn (Hebron, Ohio) on January 13th and 14th.
Hours are by appointment  for 3pm-9pm on the 13th and 9am-noon on the 14th . Email me for a slot!
Thank you,
Ellen Bone
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