This is my birthday month and I have an old yellowed piece of paper that has the following astrology advice that appeals to my Pisces soul:"What you need right about now is some earthly wizard to fix you a cup of warm milk, stroke your head, and croon you a lullabye. Maybe he or she could then tell you a fairy tale about a king and a queen whose new-born child was stolen by a magic mongoose and carried away into the deep dark woods, where the child was raised in ignorance of its true origins--until one day an earthly wizard came along with a cup of warm milk and revealed the truth in the form of a lullabye and a fairy tale"

Colonel Taylor Inn

Feb.24th and 25th

I am so excited that I will be spending two days at this wonderful bed and breakfast in Cambridge, Ohio. I will be sharing the weekend with four talented friends and we will be offering our services..psychic, medium, hynotist and astrologer .
There is space for only one or two more, so ,if interested, please email me soon.
Cost: $100.00 for the hour consult of all four of us.

Sacred Way

Psychic Expo

March 5th



This event from 9am-6pm will be at the Dils Center in Parkersburg, WV. 

This is a new expo  and the readings are only a dollar a minute!!!! Worth the drive to have a reading and visit the vendors's booths for some great deals. You can see details on Facebook.

Gift of Light

Columbus, OHio

March 19th and 20th

This 2 day event will be at the Columbus Veterans Memorial. This is a large event with many vendors. I'll be sharing a booth with Columbus psychic, Joey Smith.
I would like to consider eventually eliminating  the use of credit cards in my business. It won't happen this year, but the rules and regulations become more stringent every year. I like the ease of PayPal and will start urging you to consider that as your payment option next year. So...just a heads up :)
My hours of appointments are usually 6pm-9pm, but I am also considering some very early hours for you night owls. Let me know if you'd like a couple of 3am-5am slots available.
The Schedulicity, online schedule program, will still be in place for a few more months, but I am  thinking about deleting that option also...let me know what you think or what would be helpful to you. As the song says " everything I do, I do for you ". 




Ellen Bone

The Intuitive Edge


Please don't forget to send me your updated mailing information and birth date. The winner of January's free reading drawing will be recieving her gift certificate this week. Thank you to all who sent me their birthdates :)



I need a new computer!!! The one I have is old, very outdated and runs slow. I need some extra clients to make a new computer here's the deal: Buy a $50 gift certificate this month only and I'll include a $20.....2 question, email reading for free. You have until the end of May to use your certificates.


Offer Expires: March,1, 2011 to purchase/ June 1, 2011 to use