June, 2010
The Intuitive Edge
I love calenders and the beautiful one that hangs in my office this year is from  Duirwaigh (www.DuirwaighGallery.com
It is called A Knock at the Door
There is a line at the end of June's beautiful picture and spiritual question that I found especially applicable to our world right now....
"The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide" 
I hope this quote stirs in you a bit of hope if Life seems difficult.

I am looking for two things:
 1. Anyone out there a Virtual Assistant?
2. Anyone know of a really good and easy to use online appointment  program?
I am writing this newsletter on a stormy Ohio evening. I can't complain about a lack of water lately! Our vegetable garden went in late this year because of weather and despite the torrents of rain since planting...the seeds have all sprouted and seem to be thriving in their swampy environment. I am not a gardener at heart. I don't like digging in the dirt or chopping away at weeds, but my father loved the garden! I feel and remember him best when I walk through my own. I remember him holding a seed in his mouth before planting it and how he planted a separate small garden for the animals . 
Two things I'll remember most about him this Father's Day....first, his unconditional love and acceptance of children (there were nine of us!) and his ability to coax from the ground the wonderous gifts of all those seeds.
Happy Father's Day
The Gypsy Ghost 
I hope you have read my last month's blog about the ghost that haunts one of clinic buildings where I work part time. I had hoped to write this month a sort of closure to the story, but we have met with delay for various reasons. I won't be able to tell you everything since all unresolved murder cases are considered still "open", but I will keep you posted about what happens after we contact (or channel) the ghostly spirit and hear her side of the story and how ...if we are successful...help her to the Light.
A interesting little bit of synchronism is ...her death happened exactly 20 years ago this month!
Upcoming Events
 This is rather short notice, but I will be in Cambridge on Tuesday, June 29th. If you are interested in a reading with me that evening(8pm-10pm) or the next morning(9am-noon) let me know soon so that I can make the proper reservations.Email is best at [email protected] or you can call me at 740-962-6887. I'll need your appointment by Saturday the 26th.
Thanks so much!
Contact Info
Ellen Bone