IO/MLC logo
International Organization of MLC:
Region of North America, Asia
Ireland and Australia
June , 2007
In This Issue
FMI General Chapter
Marianist Beatifications
Latin American Message
New FMI Web-site
Next Issue
Quick Links
AdeleDear friends,
We join in prayer, as one family, with our Marianist Sisters gathering for their General Chapter in Rome. May the Spirit of wisdom and love flow freely in all their discernments.
The Sisters graciously extended an invitation to the International Organization of MLC. Anthony Garascia and Ana Blazquez Ubach will attend the first week of the Chapter.
We have received the joyous news of the upcoming beatifications of 4 Marianist Martryrs from Madrid.
The closing message from the Latin American Congress is included in this issue. Jos� Mar�a Arnaiz, SM was an advisor in the drafting of this document- an inspiring vision for our Church.
Wishing you and your communities much peace and joy!
Isabella Moyer, MLC
Regional Responsible
North America, Asia
Ireland and Australia
signature logo  
FMI General Chapter
FMI Chapter Logo

Dear friends of the MLC

(Region of North America, Asia

Ireland and Australia)


As you may know the Marianist Sisters (Daughters of Mary Immaculate) will have their general chapter from July 9 till July 30, in their generalate in Rome.

Such a meeting is always a very important moment for a Congregation: it is a time to look at what the Congregation lived during the last 5 years and a time to discern the new calls our Lord is sending to us through what the communities and our world are living. Father Chaminade and Mother Ad�le paid very much attention to the signs of the times and tried to answer in new ways to the needs they discerned in the light of the Holy Spirit.


Thus after a time of discernment we will have to elect the Sisters who will be in charge, for five years, of putting in action what the chapter will have discerned so as to answer the needs of our world. It is creative fidelity to the charism we received from our Founders.S. Marie Joelle


As members of the same Family, we count on your prayer for this important gathering in which we will have Sisters coming from the various countries where we are in mission with Mary for the glory of our God. Thank you very much for accompanying us, we also pray for you and each one of your communities.




S. Marie Jo�lle Bec, FMI

Superior General



Beatification of Madrid Martyrs AnnouncedMadrid Martyrs Logo

Pope Benedict XVI, has approved

four Marianists Martyrs for beatification

on October 28, 2007.



Miguel L�ibar, Joaqu�n Ochoa Salazar, Sabino

Ayastuy Errasti and Florencio Arn�iz Cejudo will be beatified along with 494 other martyrs of the religious persecution in Spain during the years 1936-1939.
More details may be found in a special edition of Via Latina 22. Click on the links below:
Madrid Martyrs Photo
Message of the 5th General Conference to the People of Latin America and the CaribbeanAparecida Madonna

We hope

To be a lively Church, faithful and credible, which is nourished from the Word of God and the Eucharist.

To live our being Christians with joy and conviction as disciples-missionaries of Jesus Christ.

To form lively communities that nourish the faith and encourage missionary action.

To value the diverse ecclesial organizations in a spirit of communion.

To promote a mature laity, steward in the mission of announcing and making visible the Kingdom of God.

To impel the active participation of women in society and in the Church.

To maintain our preferential and evangelical option for the poor with a renewed effort.

To accompany the youth in their formation and search for identity, vocation and mission, renewing our option for them.

To work with all the people of good will in the building of the Kingdom.

To strengthen with audacity Family and Respect Life Ministries.

To value and respect our Indigenous and Afro-American peoples.

To advance in the ecumenical dialogue "so that all may be one", as well as in the inter-religious dialogue.

To make of this continent a model of reconciliation, justice and peace.

To be stewards of creation, home of all, in fidelity to the project of God.

To collaborate in the integration of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

May this Continent of hope also become the Continent of love, life and peace!

Aparecida - Brazil, May 29, 2007
The Final Message in its entirety may be found online:
New Web-site for FMI
FMI Web logo
The Daughters of Mary Immaculate of the US Province have a new web-site:
US FMI photo
We are Daughters of Mary
woman... risk-taker... gentle... mother... compassionate... nurturer of life... humble... strong... steadfast... relational... empathizer... care-giver... model of love
Next Issue of Gifts and Tasks

We need local and national stories, reflections, and photos for Gifts and Tasks! Please send submissions and ideas for next month's issue to by July 20th.

And kindly forward this issue to contact persons within your country to help with its distribution. If anyone would like to be added to the subscription list, please send email addresses to Thank you!