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OraMedia Newsletter for Dental Self Sufficiency
Free Reach Flosser Sample, Raw Foods, Oral Irrigators, National Health Association/CODEX & Blue Light
April 25, 2005
in this issue
-- Free Reach Access Flosser
-- On Raw Foods
-- Which Irrigator Should I Use?
-- News from OraMD
-- National Health Federation
-- Is 'Blue Light' the Future of Dental Treatment???
-- (ADV) Fit Over 40!


Thanks go out to the many of you who wrote and sent warm email messages welcoming us to South Carolina! We appreciate it very much. My daughter Kate and I have been here nearly 3 whole months now and it gets better (and sunnier) every day. The relocation was been a good decision on our part.

Another good decision - if you haven't added a flossing or other method cleaning in between those pearly whites - is to take advantage of a nice offer for a free sample of their new flosser described below. In helping you make a better informed decision on oral irrigation, I'm re-posting a revised article on irrigator choices as well...

For nutritional choices and information, I'm recommending a very practical raw foods site published by Fr�d�ric Patenaude, as well as updates on National Health Federation news on the CODEX control of nutritional supplementation in Europe.

Finally, studies with 'blue light' may alter the way we treat oral infection in the future...

Free Reach Access Flosser
I ran across this offer someplace the other day and thought you might appreciate it, if you live in the U.S.

I have no idea how long the promotion runs, but it looked like a good deal to me so I sent for one. They apparently include discount coupons with your flosser, so if you like it, you can buy future ones at a discount.

Read on...

On Raw Foods
Last week I tracked the source of a sudden spike in traffic to the OraMedia site. What I found was gracious mention from Fr�d�ric Patenaude in his 'Pure Health & Nutrition Ezine.'

I have a great deal of attention on eating good foods as a better way to strengthen my immune system (and better compliment my own oral health) and I found this article of Fr�d�ric Patenaude's to provide a very common-sense approach to the whole raw foods subject. In fact, his whole site may give hope to other former 'major burger-pounders' like myself who viewed Burger King as a viable part of a busy day but wanted to seriously change some nast eating habits (especially as we get older).

Mr. Patenaude provides a very real approach to the raw food concept and I hope you appreciate his frame of reference on this topic as much as I have...

Read this article now: 'Fanaticism in the Raw Food Movement'

Read on...

Which Irrigator Should I Use?
I still get a lot of inquiries on oral irrigation and which irrigator people should buy for themselves and their families. I've always promoted oral irrigation as a major part of your oral hygiene routine - equally, if not MORE important than brushing and flossing!

While you may be sold on the idea of irrigation, there are a few choices out there and not every option works for everyone. If you are still trying to decide, read this article about the various irrigators we have available from OraMedia.

Read on...

News from OraMD
I just received the support question below and you know how sometimes things just seem to go your way? The answer was the very next email. True story. Thought you might be interested in the answer:

"I am writing because I have been reading the testimonials, but these people all sound like they are in the early stages of gum disease. My question is because I have had this disease for about 20 years and I have hardly no gums left and my teeth are starting to feel loose a little (have not lost none yet) will this still help me?"

Read on...

National Health Federation
Years ago, many people learned about our Dr. Nara when he travelled a lecture circuit hosted by the National Health Federation. The NHF has been around for quite a while...

Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is a consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without government restrictions.

Spend some time at the NHF site and read some very interesting articles, especially CODEX. These folks are working for you - and they will be for some time to come.

Read on...

Is 'Blue Light' the Future of Dental Treatment???
Boston--Scientists at The Forsyth Institute have found that blue light can be used to selectively suppress certain bacteria commonly associated with destructive gum disease.

The research, published in the April Journal of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, suggests that light in the blue region of the visible spectrum might be useful in preventing, controlling or treating periodontitis -- an oral infection that can lead to loss of bone and teeth.

"Some of the key bacterial pathogens associated with periodontitis produce and accumulate compounds that are sensitive to light," said Nikos Soukos, DDS PhD, Director of the Forsyth Laboratory of Applied Molecular Photomedicine and the principal investigator. "We found that, when exposed to particular wavelengths of light, a percentage of those pathogens was eradicated within seconds."

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(ADV) Fit Over 40!
How An Obese Couch Potato - Ordered To "Lose Weight Or Die" - Discovered An Amazing Anti-Aging Fitness Secret So Simple, Yet So Powerful, Even His Doctors Were Scratching Their Heads When They Saw His Stunning Transformation

Now YOU can use this surprisingly simple shortcut to Slash 15-20 years off your looks (without surgery), boost your metabolism, gain muscle and lose all the weight you want, as fast as it can come off... naturally, safely and healthfully...

And, you're about to see more than 50 incredible, inspiring real life success stories which prove that this will work for you - regardless of how old or out of shape you are!

Read on...

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