Dear Friends: 

First United Methodist Church is preparing for our Care Package Ministry to College Students.  Twice a year we remind the students that they are loved and missed in our congregation.  We'd love to have you help us out.
Share Updated Information of Your College Students
College kids tend to move around quite a bit.  We want to make sure they receive our packages so please contact Linda Broyles at 956.423.1245 or with the address (as well as their cell number) of your college student for our "Winter Mailing".  Also please provide your name and your contact phone number.  
Help with the Mailing
If you would like to help with this mailing there are several ways you can.  Goodies cookies, trail mix, candy, hot chocolate mix, peanut butter crackers, peanuts, gum, etc. If you can bring goodies or help pack boxes for our students please join us in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 3:30. Your help, as always, is appreciated. If you are unable to help and would like to contribute for goodies and/or postage costs please mark your check "College Outreach". 

Yours in Christ,

David Payne, Sr. PastorNew FUMC Logo
First United Methodist Church
321 E. Harrison Ave.
Harlingen, TX 78550

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