First United Methodist Church New FUMC Logo
321 E. Harrison Ave.
Harlingen, TX 78550



I know many of you are wondering how you might help with the wildfire situation in Central Texas.  Our hearts have broken as we have seen and heard the stories of loss and devastation.  As you may know, fire has affected the community of Spicewood, where I served before here, so there is a personal connection to the events for me as well.

As always in disasters, UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee of Relief) is a part of the efforts to help in Central Texas.  One way you can help is to give a financial gift to this agency.  You can do this through your giving at our church by designating your gift "Wildfire Relief."  100% of your gift will go to help the people in need - the agencies administrative costs are covered in our apportionments.

There are of course other ways you can give as well.  Below you will find information on other ways you might help.  Please note, the needs change daily, so I'll try to keep you informed.

From the Southwest Texas Conference and Austin UMC District

Several of our churches in the Austin District have set up shelters. Here is a list of items that are needed and where they need to be sent:
  • Please pray for those who have lost their homes and family members as well as the churches and members that have set up shelters.
  • NEW socks and underwear. NO CLOTHES!
  • For the clean-up they are going to need shovels, rakes and gloves for clean-up.
Austin District UMC
1221 Ben White Rd Ste 201A
Austin TX 78704
*Please send money donations through your local United Methodist Church and either designate it to the Conference Disaster Fund #2050 or through UMCOR #901670 or mark it as Texas Wildfires.
*The Conference Disaster Committee is responding with trained ERT and Spiritual Care Teams. If you have teams that would like to help please contact Gene Hileman at (210) 557-8698.

*At First United Methodist, Harlingen - if you would like to bring any of these items, we will make sure they get delivered to the correct place.

Rio Grande Valley Collections

Eco-Bus Brings Manpower and Materials to Bastrop

The Rio Bravo Eco-Bus is traveling to the greater Bastrop area to deliver food and other basics and assist with relief efforts from Sept. 13th to 20th. The volunteer group, composed of Wal-Mart Staff and Valley residents, will be coordinating with the Austin Disaster Relief Network with cleanup efforts and materials distribution.


The Eco-Bus is a modified school bus that runs on biodiesel and is an outreach tool for the Rio Bravo Wildlife Institute's sustainability projects.  The bus has been engaged in the Lone-Star Eco-Bus Tour, a 6 city mission of community involvement and going green funded by a grant from the Wal-Mart Foundation.  Coordinators of the Austin Eco-Bus stop agreed that Bastrop wildfire relief would take priority for the month of September.


This Sunday, from 1-6 pm we will be at Lincoln Park, Brownsville, TX collecting the following items:

  • Diapers
  • Baby Food
  • Adult Food (non-perishable)
  • Heavy Duty Trash Bags
  • New Underwear
  • Kennels for Dogs
  • New Socks
  • Clorox Wipes
  • Gifts for Kids
  • Work Gloves
  • Gatorade
  • Water

If anybody would like to travel on the bus to aid in these efforts, or is willing to donate funds to support this relief please contact or visit



Finally, your prayers are one of the most powerful ways for you to help!


Thank you for being concerned - and thank you for helping.

Yours in Christ,

David Payne, Sr. Pastor

First United Methodist Church, Harlingen


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