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First United Methodist Church
321 E. Harrison Ave.
Harlingen, TX 78550
First United Methodist Church News & Updates
Weekly Announcements
July 8, 2010

I hope that you had a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend over the 4th.  It is great to be able to celebrate with people we care about - and we have much to be thankful for.

This week will be our Vacation Bible School at the church.  We are excited about this great ministry and pray that God will use it to bless all involved.

Please read below for more information and details on upcoming events.  We hope to see you on Sunday!
Yours in Christ,

David Payne
Youth Lead!
David Headshot
On Sunday mornings we have been going through our series: "This I Believe."  We are using this as a chance to prepare for what ministry at FUMC Harlingen might look like in the coming days and years.

This week we will be talking about the importance of Youth Ministry.  We all know that this is an important period in our lives - so how can we be the support and encouragement for these young people that they need?  Youth are the leaders of tomorrow - but they also can be leaders of today.  We hope to see you on Sunday as we open our hearts to God's leading in this area.

In This Issue
VBS Begins This Week
Kids Thrilling Thursday
Prayer Chain Ministry
Beth Moore Study
New Member at FUMC
Sunday at FUMC
Vacation Bible School - Galactic Blast... A Cosmic Adventure!
July 12-16, 2010 (1pm - 5pm)

This is the week!  Plans have been made, decorations are put up and we are excited about the children and families that will join us this coming week for our Vacation Bible School.

If you haven't signed up yet, it is not too late.  We have registration forms available on our website.  You can access the form by clicking here.  Fill it out and bring it with you on Sunday (or even Monday afternoon).

Questions?  Contact Jackie Rendon at

Let's be praying this week that God will use our volunteers and this experience to help the children know that they are important and loved.
Thrilling Thursday - Children's Ministry
July 22, 2010 - 9am - 4pm

Don't miss out on this great day-trip!  Meet at the RCC alley entrance at 9 am and it ends at 4 pm  We'll be going to the Gladys Porter Zoo (we'll be there in time for one of the animal seminars), we'll picnic across the street at the park (sandwiches & drinks will be provided) then we'll go back to Harlingen to the Elks to swim.  Parents pick up their children at 4 pm at the Elks.  Cost is$10.00.
FUMC Prayer Chain Ministry to Begin
Lisa Roberts, Coordinator

Praying Hands
Prayer is such an important part of the Christian life.  It is one of the ways God speaks to us, and how we can speak to him.  It is vital that a Christian church be grounded in prayer.  At FUMC we want to make sure that we are being intentional about praying for one another and praying for God's guidance.

In order to do that we are beginning a prayer chain ministry.  We would like anyone who would like to join us in lifting up the prayers of the people and this church to join us.  We will keep you informed of the needs by email.

Lisa Roberts has agreed to be the point person for this new ministry.  We will be putting together our list in the coming weeks and plan on launching it on June 11, 2010.  If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, or if you have questions, you can email prayer@fumcharlingen.org

Also, if you have a prayer request you would like to submit to the church, you can do that on the communication cards on Sunday, or you can email prayer@fumcharlingen.org

None of us can even imagine what great things God may have in store for us... let's start praying and open the doors to the leading of his spirit.
Beth Moore Study, "Inheritance"
9-Week Study on Tuesdays, July 6, 2010 @ 6PM

Beth Moore InheritanceNeed some encouragement, accountability, and some hope from God's Word?  Mark your calendar for the new Bible Study beginning on Tuesdays @ 6pm.  The class will begin be held in the Pletcher Parlor (or the Advent Room if necessary).  Childcare is available.

Sara Van Wyk is leading this study by Beth Moore.  If you have questions, please call her at (210) 862-3925.
Welcome Our Newest Member
Teresa Wilson

New Member Teresa Wilson

Teresa Wilson is our newest member at FUMC Harlingen.  If you get the chance, please welcome her into our family.

If you are interested in joining the church, please let our pastor, David Payne know.  He will be happy to set up a time to meet with you to discuss the church, get to know you a little better, and answer any questions you might have.

David's email is: david@fumcharlingen.org  You can also call the church office at: (956) 423-0540.
Sunday's Schedule
July 11, 2010

We hope to see you in church this Sunday.  We are in week four of our sermon series, "This I Believe"  David will be teaching on the topic, "Youth Lead"

9:00 - Traditional Worship (nursery available)
10:00 - Sunday School
11:00 - Contemporary Worship (nursery available)
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