Join us on Thursday July 21st, 2pm Eastern for:
A Discussion on Caregiver Tools & Technology
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July 26th 3pm EDT
Presented by Laura Mitchell, VP Marketing for GrandCare
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Aging/Technology Webinar
The 1st and 3rd Thursday Every Month 2pm EDT - 1pm CDT - 12pm MDT - 11am PDT Join us at: http://grandcaresystems.webex.com Or simply call dial-in: 1-408-600-3600 Pin 666 143 854# Open to anyone interested in the aging & technology industry. Our purpose is to discuss relevant aging topics, showcase available technologies, network, and learn from one another. |
Our Topic: Caregiver Tools & Technology
Being a family caregiver is a difficult, time consuming and stressful experience. In the past few years technology and services have become available to make this experience a little easier.
This webinar will explore:
1) What makes being a caregiver so stressful and how to reduce this stress
2) Tips on successful time management
3) Technologies that can help family caregivers manage appointments, medications and important documents
Our Presenter: John Mills
Co-Founder and CEO of eCare Diaries
John Mills, founder of eCare Diary, has over 20 years experience in the health care field. He has worked in the health care technology business as a key team member at MyHealthBank, serving in a number of roles, including product implementation and advising the company on regulatory issues including HIPAA transaction and privacy rules. He has developed the first set of online tools to help members obtain health care information and manage their own health care, introduced new insurance products and managed the launch of a new corporate brand. John spent close to a decade working on health care policy serving as Legislative Director to Congressman Eliot Engel of New York, a member of a key health care committee in the US House of Representatives, and in 1993 was a member of President Clinton's Task Force on Health Care Reform. He later worked on the Bi-Partisan Commission on Medicare Reform established by Clinton in 1998. John has a Masters Degree in Public Policy with a specialization in health policy from Georgetown University in Washington, DC and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Union College in Schenectady, NY.
Our Sponsor: eCare Diary
eCare Diary provides comprehensive information, tools and resources to help those seeking and providing long term care. A unique feature is our Care Diary, a set of online tools designed to make coordination of care and sharing of information easy amongst family members and other caregivers. eCare Diary also has a comprehensive database of nursing home and home care services, guides on long term care financing and information on important health care documents everyone should have.
For further information please visit ecarediary.com
Thank you to our Sponsors
These webinars are made possible in part by our sponsors. If you would like to sponsor an upcoming webinar contact us at info@grandcare.com
Sponsor a webinar for only $50 and promote your organization to over 1500 mailing participants and receive a 3 minute pitch for your product or business on our webinar.
Keep the Vision!
Laura Mitchell, VP of Marketing for GrandCare Systems, started these calls in April of 2008 to educate dealers, network with other vendors, promote awareness & share good information. GrandCare is a communication, cognition, socialization and remote wellness/Activity of Daily Living monitoring system that helps individuals remain independent, healthy, happy, mentally sharp & connected to family- no matter where they choose to live. |
GrandCare Systems www.grandcare.com 262-338-6147 West Bend, WI