Tooth resorptive disease of felines (TRDF) is a disease of the
periodontium of cats. Orally exposed resorptive lesions (RLs) is the term used
to describe lesions visible on the tooth's surface. The terms "cervical line
lesions" and "neck lesions" are no longer considered accurate and appropriate
for this disease. Next to periodontal disease, TRDF represents the second most
common dental disease in cats presented to veterinary dentists in the United
States. Various studies show the prevalence rate to be between 20-75%. In reality,
about 50% of the feline patients presented to the dentist are affected by RLs. Although
there is archival evidence of TRDF being around since the 13th century, there has been a marked increase in prevalence since 1970. To date,
there is no proven etiology, however, association with domestication is
apparent and commercial diets containing excessive vitamin D may be an
etiological factor. It is important to understand that, in spite of extensive
ongoing research, there is no known definitive cause and the cause may actually
be multifactorial. It is rare to find TRDF in feral or wild felines. Because
there is no known cause, recommendations for preventive measures can only be speculative.
always begins on the root surface (out of sight). Odontoclasts, normal cells
located within the periodontal ligament, are for some reason activated and
begin a pathological resorption of root surface cementum. There are two
distinct histological types of root surface resorption: Type I (inflammatory)
and Type II (replacement by bone). Type I resorption seems to be initiated by
periodontal inflammation; however, replacement resorption is the more common
type. Over time, resorptive lesions progress to affect root and then crown
cats are very tolerant of pain and often do not reveal clinical symptoms.
Of those patients that
happen to demonstrate symptoms, it usually indicates complications have
already occurred.
The patient may be off their normal
appetite, drooling, pawing at the face, "chattering" or having an eating
preference that may actually be for harder food substances. RLs are usually
discovered accidentally on oral examination. The mandibular third premolar is
the most commonly affected tooth and can be considered a sentinel for the disease.
Where one tooth is affected, there are usually multiple teeth with problems. Orally
exposed lesions are typically found near the gingival margin on the buccal and
lingual tooth surfaces and they are often filled with calculus or a layer of granulation
tissue. RLs are confirmed by palpation with dental explorer instrumentation. Other
common clinical findings are maxillary canine tooth extrusion (supereruption),
alveolar bone expansion (alveolar osteitis) that can be observed over the jugum
of any canine tooth, and mandibular cortex enlargement. As with any oral
disease in animals, examination is not complete until performed under
general anesthesia. Full mouth
intraoral (dental) radiographs are imperative for two reasons: 1) they reveal
far more lesions than oral exam alone; and 2) they determine therapeutic
decisions. Tooth resorption (TR) lesions
are classified as Type I (inflammatory) or Type II (replacement) based upon
radiographic assessment of the alveolar bone and root. Type I lesions occur in
the cervical and furcation regions of the tooth. Radiographically, the
periodontal ligament (PDL) space and pulp space are visibly intact around the
root and there is focal loss of tooth structure and adjacent alveolar bone. There
is a normal density of root and bone. With Type II lesions, the PDL and lamina
dura are not completely visible and there is a loss of normal root structure. Root
structure and alveolar bone take on a similar radiodensity.
Teeth with orally exposed lesions are usually
painful and secondarily infected. Complete extraction of tooth material is the
treatment of choice. Indications for extraction include orally exposed lesions
as well as teeth that may not have RLs, but do have advanced root resorption
radiographically. The use of restoratives has shown a poor long-term success
rate, and laser treatment is controversial at best. Neither of these treatment
options can be recommended.
Extractions are performed surgically with full thickness mucogingival
flaps to allow for complete removal of tooth material, alveoloplasty and closure
of the extraction site. For treatment planning, pre-op radiographs are
essential in order to distinguish between Type I and Type II disease. Type I
cases require complete removal of tooth material, not just crown amputation. There
are various resources for feline extraction techniques. Atomization (root
pulverization with a high speed bur) of retained root tips is inappropriate and
to be avoided because of the potential for severe complications. With earlier
stage Type II cases, complete extraction is indicated and should be completed. In
end-stage Type II situations, where there is advanced root replacement
resorption, ankylosis and no PDL or pulpal tissue evident radiographically,
crown amputation with intentional root retention is an acceptable alternative. Post-op
radiographs should be taken in both cases to verify removal of tooth material.
If a tooth is undergoing root resorption that is not advanced and there are no
orally exposed lesions, the tooth can be monitored. Annual follow-up
radiographs are recommended.

Thomas P. Chamberlain, MS, DVM
Diplomate of the American Veterinary Dental College
The LifeCentre
165 Fort Evans Road, NE #106
Leesburg, Virginia 20716
571.209.1146 (phone)
703.777.9968 (fax)