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Helping Athletes Achieve

December 2009 


WOW! It's been 2 1/2 years now that OES has been Helping Athletes Achieve and to further assist we will be issuing a monthly newsletter to help keep you up-to-date with our services.
This e-mail communication will feature articles about the endurance community, highlight an OES Team athlete, provide links for training rides, offer coupons or options to buy services and much much more.
Let us know what you think and please pass this along to your friends and family.

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Triple Bypass 2010
Training Plan Information
Triple Bypass 2009 logoHard to believe that it is time to talk about the 2010 Triple Bypass. It is anticipated that another record will be set when the registration opens. So, prepare to commit early if you want the Triple as one of your summer goals. With this thought, planning ahead for training should be considered as well so that your summer touring experience is at its best.
As last year, Optimize Endurance Services will provide purchasable training plans to prepare riders for the event. Below you'll find descriptions about the plans and as always you're welcome to use the contact info provided to get any further questions answered. [ read full article ]

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Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): The power of data capture
BodyGem user image With fall upon us and the long days of summer waning, the amount of time to train will change for most of us. This means less time on the bike with possible indoor activities that may not use the same amount of energy. A reduction in energy expenditure per day can happen due to the weather dictating more of our mode of exercise.
So, have you thought about the change your eating needs to go through as well? Most likely not, and this is where we make the mistake in not pulling back the consumption of calories in our daily life. Taking the steps to learn what amount of energy your body needs to survive and applying the activity expenditures to find a balance will help you maintain your weight through the fall and winter. With this under control you can start spring training in a better place and find greater progress in the coming year. [ read full article ]


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Join the OES MTB Team for Training Rides this winter 
-December 6th (Sunday)MTB of Green MTN(alternate ride will be posted if weather interferes)
 -December 12th (Saturday)MTB of Highlands Ranch Trails (alternate ride will be posted if weather interferes)
-December 20th (Sunday) Road ride Cherry Creek X-mas loop
-No rides planned during the holidays of Christmas and New Year's
The 2010 rides will be starting up January 9th, check back for details.
OES/BS MTB Team meets on weekends for rides. The weekend rides alternate Saturday/Sunday. 
Please contact us for more information.

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Hope you found this newsletter useful. We welcome any suggestions to make it better.
Don't forget the coupon for purchase of a Gift Certificate below and to think ahead about your testing and coaching needs for 2010. 
Thanks for your time,
OES Flame Logo 

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In This Issue
Triple Bypass Training Plan Information
Learn About RMR
Training Rides
Featured Athlete
Quick Links

Featured Athlete

Rob Lockey OES Team photo-click for bio
As the owner of OES and the manager of the mountain bike team, I thought I would feature myself in the first issue to bring attention to this branch of the business. Going into the 3rd year, the OES/BS MTB Team will be more than 20 members strong.
You can view the '08/'09 team pages and see what we have accomplished and in early 2010 you will be able to see what we as a team are setting out to do for the year.
GO! OES/BikeSource!
OES/BS Team Pic 2009
Quote of the Month
"From the dawn of humankind's existence we've sought ways to make time stand still. In our quest for the fourth dimension we've dehydrated ourselves in sweat lodges, and ingested hallucinogenic plants. We've even fantasized about building machines that could take us backward through time. But nothing makes the clock tick more slowly than stationary cycling"
     ------Don Cuerdon (cycling journalist who uses the pen name "Captain Dondo")

Save 15%

The products OES provides are a great gift for the athlete close to you. For the holiday season purchase a Gift Certificate for one or more of the services provided by OES and get 15% off the gift.
Contact rob@optimizeendurance.com or 303-356-9893 to set up the purchase.
We will create a printable Gift Certificate for you to present to the recipient stating the service they have been given by you. Please use the code below when making your purchase or present the coupon during transaction.
Please feel free to share this coupon.
Offer Expires: 12-31-2009  Code: Movement to Improvement