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GBC invites you to Final Expense day, May 31st 2012 From 8:30 to 12:30pm

Foresters & Columbian Mutual

Elmsford/Tarrytown to be announced
Elmsford, NY 10523

Thursday May 31, 2012 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM EDT
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Dear (Contact First Name),  


As an agency focused on Senior products, many agents have shared their experience with us: A client expressing their concern in the event of permanent absence, who will take care of the bill? They worry about their loved ones facing financial challenges. Two great presentations from top leaders of Foresters and Columbian Mutual will share their benefits and features of their product; final expense, is only one product of their portfolio. Come and learn, we will see you on May 31st!


Thank you.


Gustavo N. Pacheco


Genesis Business Capital, Inc.


Register Now!




8:30 - 9:00 am Breakfast


9:00 - 10:30 am Foresters.Bruce .Burak,CSA  

                          National Sales Manager, US


An insurance carrier that delivers a DIFFERENCE! Find out all you need to know about this fraternal life insurance company.Who are they, which products do they offer, how are they different from other life companies. Why should you be marketing Foresters!


10:30 - 10:45 am Brake


10:45 -11:15 am Genesis Business Capital, Inc.     

                           Gustavo Pacheco, CEO/President.


We will cover Final Expense compensation as well as brief comments on the MLR Killing Off Business, NAIFA Survey. Opportunities in Medicare as a supplememtal income for insurance agents.


11:15 - 12:30 pm Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company. JamesSmith, CLU, CEB

                 Regional Sales Director,


A.M. Best's Rating: EXCELLENT (A-)*

Columbian Mutual, the flagship and parent company of the Columbian Financial Group of companies, is domiciled in Binghamton, New York. They have been providing quality life insurance protection since 1882. They are proud of our heritage of providing affordable protection through consumer-oriented products, superior service and management's commitment to financial stability.

Any questions feel free to contact Denisse Valcarcel ai 914-909-2548.

Thank you.

Genesis Business Capital, Inc.