Genesis Business Capital, Inc.

Agent Senior Support Services

Getting Ready 2012
Community Assistance Program
AHIP 2012 Certification

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2012 AHIP Certification 


National Medicare Workshop 


2012 Medicare Marketing Guidelines

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Dear (Contact First Name),


Health Plus 2012 certification is available now! Just go to:


Health Plus 2012 Certification 


Or visit our website at:


Thank you.


Denisse Valcarcel


Genesis Business Capital, Inc.

Introducing Community Assistance Program (CAP)


WeThe CAP program is a a way to assist the uninsured and underinsured with prescription drugs. The program offers a prescrittion discount card that saves on average 15% on brand name drugs and 55% on generic; there is no cost for obtaining a card.


It is an added value to your practice. There are distributors opportunities nationwide, upon request, we will send you 20 sample Prescription Drug Discount Card by mail you can request them at or call us at




For more information visit our website at 

AHIP 2012 Certification, get ready now!

Medicare 2011 - 2012 Course Now Available


Get a jump start on the most recent Medicare rules and regulations from CMS by signing up today for the course from the AHIP Center for Insurance Education and Professional Development                    .

The easy-to-maneuver online course provides the latest Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) updates and regulations for the coming year. From the basics of Medicare fee-for-service eligibility and benefits to the different types of Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans and the marketing and enrollment requirements under the Medicare Advantage and Part D programs, this course will guide you toward a successful Medicare open enrollment season.

Why Start Early?
By taking this course this summer, you'll have plenty of time to prepare to comply with the CMS guidance provided in this course. In addition, you'll have time to take additional courses offered by some health plans, and if you work with clients, you'll be ready to guide them as soon as open enrollment begins. 

Get Ahead Starting Now.
Visit the Center's
website today for more information on the Center's 2011-2012 Medicare Marketing course.