Facts about Seniors
The number of Americans age 55 and older will almost double between now and 2030 - from 60 million today (21 percent of the total US population) to 107.6 million (31 percent of the population) - as the Baby Boomers reach retirement age.
During that same period of time, the number of Americans over 65 will more than double, from 34.8 million in 2000 (12 percent of the population) to 70.3 million in 2030 (20 percent of the total population).
The next generation of retirees will be the healthiest, longest lived, best educated, most affluent in history.
Americans reaching age 65 today have an average life expectancy of an additional 17.9 years (19.2 years for females and 16.3 years for males).
The likelihood that an American who reaches the age of 65 will survive to the age of 90 has nearly doubled over the past 40 years - from just 14 percent of 65-year-olds in 1960 to 25 percent at present. By 2050, 40 percent of 65-year-olds are likely to reach age 90. |
 888-320-4340 | |
We have several news from Emblem Health, there is a new expansion of their products, the last certification date for 2010, they have additional GHI products for those age 65 and under. GHI continues to have a strong retention product as shown on our agency retention rates, 90% + renew on 2010; if you sold GHI last year, your business keeps on growing!
GHI Medicaid Product Expansion on the PPO II to new counties such as: Nassau, Suffolk, Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Ulster and Orange Counties
Last Emblem Health 2010 Certification Date is: June 7th 2010
GHI for clients 65 and under we have a fabulous and competitive fully insured product.
Agent Support: Diabetes Supplies Nationwide
We partnered with Advance Diabetes Supply (ADS), a Medicare approved pharmacy in all 50 states. This is an added value service that can help your clients with diabetes.
You give your client information about the program, they will contact ADS, and they will handle the entire process. They understand Medicare HMO, PPO, PFFS, and Supplement Plans.
Emblem Health - For GHI & HIP Fax to: (866) 548-1152 Scope of Appointment not needed
Agent Support: Dennise Valcarcel (914) 909-2548 or you can email her at: dvalcarcel@genesisbusinesscapital.net We are always in the field, helping agents with their appointments, developing marketing opportunities, compliance help, marketing materials, we will be there to help you. Our goal is to help you position your business for the future and the future includes senior products and services. You can find information at our website http://genesisbusinesscapital.com or give us a call at: 888-320-4340 or 914-909-2548.
Let us go out there and make some income while we help Seniors. Thank you.
Gustavo N. Pacheco
Genesis Business Capital, Inc. |
GHI Product Expansion
There is an additional Medicaid Advantage plan offered by Emblem Health. The GHI PPO II Medicaid Advantage Plan is available to Medicare beneficiaries receiving Medicaid and residing in Nassau, Suffolk, Dutchess, Ulster, Putnam or Orange counties. Please note the following regarding enrollment to this product:
1. Prospects must have full Medicaid.
2. No OTC benefit is available.
No transportation benefit.
Agents must complete a GHI PPO II application and Medicaid Advantage form for enrollment processing. In addition the agent must list the Medicaid CIN # when asked on the application. The processing for this plan requires agent's to submit applications for this product by the 15th of the month, prior to the proposed effective date.
The prospect must be advised enrollment to this plan is pending based on verification of Medicaid, as a result of this requirement applicants that have not been verified for Medicaid by the proposed effective date, may be enrolled to PPO II without Medicaid. Once Medicaid is approved the applicant will receive an updated membership card reflecting enrollment to GHI PPO II Medicaid Advantage Plan. |
Emblem Health Last 2010 Certification Date
The next EmblemHealth Medicare Sales training/testing will be held: Monday, June 7, 2010 8:15am - 1pm
EmblemHealth Corporate Office
55 Water Street
New York, New York 10041
All attending agents/brokers must complete the 2009 CMS pilot certification or AHIP; to attend EmblemHealth's training.
This training will be the final session for the 2010 sales year. Proof of certification/proof on NYS Health licensure must be fax to the agency prior to the training date Monday, May 24, 2010 at (866) 548-1152. |
GHI for Clients under 65
We have available a fully insured product for clients under 65 which includes a:
1. Dental plan
2. Access to a national network
3. Acess to a holistic network
And much more.
Available in: Bronx, Kings, Nassau, Nerw York, Queen, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk and Westchester.
Call to discuss about available programs, call (888) 320-4340 |
Agent Support: Diabetes Supplies Nationwide
We partnered with Advance Diabetes Supply (ADS), a Medicare approved pharmacy in all 50 states. This is an added value service that can help your clients with diabetes.
ADS understand Medicare HMO, PPO, PFFS, and Supplement Plans. You give your client the referral, for them to call and ADS will handle the entire process; there is no need fo you to get invelved.
The agency, nor brokers are compensated for this referral as per CMS regulations, this program is strictly an added value to your practice. |