National Coverage Whether you're choosing a Medicare plan that's a non-network plan, one with out-of-network coverage, or one with our U.S. Travel AdvantageŽ benefit, our coverage can travel with you.
Millions of members The name Aetna has been known and trusted in the insurance industry for over 150 years. Nationwide more than 37 million Aetna members -- individuals, families, students, companies and retirees -- rely on them.
It's no surprise that Aetna has been named the most admired health care insurance company by Fortune magazine.* |
 888-320-4340 | |
AEP is just around the corner, we continue to bring you certifications from top carriers. We are pleased to inform you that GBC has been re-appointed directly as a General Agent by AETNA, it is a national brand with strong presence at local levels. We have had great experience with their products, again, we are focused on retention, for high retention we need strong products such as AETNA.
For certification:
-Until the 26th of Octoder if you have the AHIP certificate.
-Currently, the CMS Broker Training is not being accepted
-To start the process immediately, click the following link:
Aetna Medicare Rx Plans (PDP)
Aetna Medicare Advantage Plans (MA plans) Aetna Medicare Supplement Plans
Genesis Business Capital, Inc. is a Field Marketing Organization (FMO) specializing in the Senior Support Service Industry, by offering different products that will allow agents to expand their portfolio while dealing with Seniors and their families. While we have several products for the Senior Market, Medicare Advantage is our specialized area. For more information, call 888-320-43440 or visit us at our website, we will guide you through the certification process.
Thank you.
GBC Agent Support |
In order to help you with the process, we are providing a short, abbreviated way where you can e-mail or fax only 4 pages: 2 pages contract, 1 page E&O, 1 page insurance license; you will start the process rigt away!
If you are not appointed yet, or need the certification, visit our website and start the process today! Just click on the Aetna logo. |