Welcome New Members |  |
Contributors to this Email | |
Dennis Tate
Dawn Patterson
Janet Smith
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages. B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship. C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners. D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC |
Have something interesting to add to the email? Forward it to me at info@delcorrc.com. Thanks to those that always give me support.
"It's not about how fast you go. It's not about how far you go. It's a process."
Amby Burfoot, The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life
With this quote in mind: We don't judge. You walk? Fine. You run slow? Fine. You run really, really fast? I'll say Hi at the beginning and again if you wait around for me to come in. You are all welcome. Whether you are just beginning the process or have been doing it for years, come out to a one of our many Fun Runs, we want to be part of that process.
Swarthmore Fun Run - Every Wednesday - Our Most Attended Fun Run! |
34 runners and walkers joined up at the Swarthmore Fun Run last night. 15 people went to Swarthmore Pizza after the run to enjoy good food, drink and friends. Remember, you don't have to run to join us for dinner. Come on out and join in the fun. All abilities are welcome both to the run/walk and to eat.
Team Info - Join the Club's Team at this Race |
Delaware County Run for the Heroes 5K
The race starts at 9am on Sunday, October 7, 2012 and runs through the Colonial Park section of Springfield. The proceeds benefits the Delaware County Hero Scholarship fund for children of police, firefighters, and EMS responders that have died in the line of duty. I heard the course is mostly flat and fast.The teams consist of five runners. The cost is $14.00 per runner. Please make the checks payable to Delco Road Runners. I need to know the following information.
Name, Full Address, Telephone number, E-Mail, Birthdate, T-Shirt Size, Emergency contact person with their telephone number, Expected Finish Time.
You can e-mail me the information and/or mail the information and check to me at Dennis Tate, 158 Marlborough Rd., Upper Darby, PA 19082.You can always hand the information and check to me at the bike shop in Media or at a fun run.
Deadline for getting me your registration information is September 21, 2012.
Come on Delco Runners. This is a race in our backyard. Lets have a good turnout.
Dennis Tate
WDF Training Runs |
Training Runs for the Women's Distance Festival begin tonight, September 6th at 6:30 pm at Rose Tree Park and every Thursday thereafter until the race. Come on out and support the runners. Your support is appreciated.
Another Possible Team Event |
Run for the Answers 5K
Please check out this link, http://www.runningforanswers.com/club_challenge_info.html and email me at dktate1@juno.com if this race interest the club. The race is on Sunday, October 21,2012, 8:45am start on the Philadelphia Memorial Hall 5K course. The team must consist of 3 men and 2 women only. Cross country scoring applies.The club with the lowest point total wins. Thanks.
Race Results
When you send in your race results, please include the following: Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award. Thanks
Steelhead IM 70.3 Triathlon - 8/19/2012
45 - Paul Randolph - 35:42 swim/2:39:38 bike/1:31:50 run, total 4:55:34
Labor Pain 12 hour Trail Race - 9/2/2012
38 - Jane Smith - 62 Miles (100K) - 11:43:30 (2nd female)
Training Circuit for Distance Runners
By Mario FraioliPublished Aug. 24, 2012
These eight exercises will help improve general strength and overall body balance.
While a consistent running regimen will do a great job of strengthening your legs and lungs, it won't do much for many of the muscles in the rest of your body. A basic 30 to 45 minute strength-training session once or twice a week will improve overall body balance and help lessen the likelihood of an overuse injury. No need to get fancy: your own body weight, a set of dumbbells, and a stability ball will do the trick. Non-running days during the base building phase of your training are an ideal time to incorporate some strength training into your weekly routine.
Give the session described below a shot. Take 1-2 minutes recovery time between each exercise. Start with one set of the circuit and work your way up to three sets over the course of 8 weeks.
Pull-ups - Using a pull up bar, position your hands slightly wider than shoulder with apart. Let your body hang until your arms are straight. Pull yourself up until your chin is parallel with the bar. Repeat 3-5 times.
Single-Leg Deadlifts - Take a 10-20 pound dumbbell in your right hand and stand on your left leg with the knee slightly bent. Lower the dumbbell to the floor with your right arm, keeping it straight, and be sure that your back is locked as your right leg kicks back. Keep your head up and aim to maintain a straight line between your right shoulder and your right leg. When the dumbbell gets close to the floor, pull your right arm up away from the floor and bring your right leg back toward a standing position. Repeat this sequence ten times, then switch and do the same on your right leg.
Pushup Matrix - This exercise utilizes three positions: 1. Hands parallel and shoulder width apart. 2. Hands staggered, right one forward. 3. Hands staggered, left arm forward. Perform 5 reps in each position. For an additional challenge, try doing this exercise putting your hands atop a stability ball.
Plank Matrix - This exercise also utilizes three positions: 1. Face down, forearms on the floor shoulder width apart (hold for one minute). 2. Right side, forearm on the floor (hold for 30 seconds). 3. Left side, forearm on the floor (hold for 30 seconds).
Hamstring Curls - Lay on your back and put your feet atop the stability ball. Lift your lower back off the ground and push the ball away from you with your feet, straightening your legs and keeping your core right. Then bring the ball back toward you. Repeat 20 times.
Burpees - Start in standing position. Fall to the floor into a pushup position, straightening your body so it's parallel with the floor. Hold this position for two seconds before coming back up to a standing position and jumping into the air, straightening your body.
Bodyweight Squats - Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your heels firmly planted on the floor. Put your hands straight out in front of you and begin lowering your body into a sitting position. Keep your back straight and push your weight into your heels as you reach a sitting position. Hold for three seconds before returning to a standing position. Repeat 10-15 times. For an additional challenge, perform this exercise with 10-15 pound dumbbells.
Reverse Dips - Stand with your back to a bench or chair whose seat is about 3 feet off the ground. Put your hands on the seat behind you just beyond shoulder width apart and your feet two to three feet out in front of you (heels will be on the ground, toes up in the air), keeping your body straight. Lower your upper body until your elbow reaches a 90-degree angle. Repeat 10-15 times.
An abbreviated version of this article appeared in the February 2012 issue of Competitor magazine.
Rock 'n' Roll Volunteers Needed
The Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon is looking for volunteers at their Health and Fitness Expo on Friday, September 14 from 10am to 6pm and at the race on Sunday, September 16 from 5:30am to 1pm at the Start/Finish line. They are offering a donation to Delco RRC as a thanks for volunteers, so if you would like to volunteer, please contact Diane Rowe at diane.rowe@gmail.com to make sure our volunteers get counted appropriately. I will be happy to put volunteers in touch with each other if you are interested in carpooling, etc.
Upcoming Races this Week
Friday, September 07, 2012
6:30 PM
11th Annual Teri's Run and Twilight Walk
5K Run / Walk and Kid's Fun Run
Location: Green Street in Downingtown, Pennsylvania
Contact: Chester County Running Store
Phone: 610-696-0115
Saturday, September 08, 2012
10:30 AM
4th annual Quad XC Open 5k
The 5k race will take place on the challenging fields and trails at the Belmont Plateau in Fairmount Park.
Location: Belmont Plateau, Philadelphia, PA
Contact: Ryan Walsh
Phone: 610-527-5510
Saturday, September 08, 2012
7:30 AM
Amish Country Bird-in-Hand Half Marathon
1/2 Marathon - Check out web site for 5K the night before and lots of other weekend activities.
Location: Bird-in-Hand Family Inn at 2740 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bird-in-Hand, PA
Phone: 610-308-3993
Saturday, September 08, 2012
9:00 AM
9/11 Heroes Run5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Walk - This event benefits veterans, the military community and the many lives lost since the day of 9/11. As well, proceeds will benefit locally Home of the Brave in Milford as they try to establish a shelter for homeless female veterans and their children. Location: Frawley Stadium, Wilmington,DE 19801,Delaware Website: www.911HeroesRun.com
Contact: Angela Henry Saturday, September 08, 2012 9:00 AM Coatesville Annual Community Day Race 5K Run / Walk and 1 Mile Family Walk Location: South Coatesville Borough Hall Website: www.south-coatesville.org
Contact: Marlo Frisco Phone: 610-466-0425 Saturday, September 08, 2012 7:00 AM Susquehanna Super Hike and Ultra Trail Run 28.4-Mile Point-to-Point Trail Challenge. Start at Otter Creek Campground, Airville. Finish at Pequea Creek Campground, Pequea Location: Otter Creek Campground, Airville - Lower Susquehanna Gorge, York & Lancaster Counties Website: www.kta-hike.org
Phone: 717-238-7017 Saturday, September 08, 2012 8:30 AM Holy Child Academy 5K 5K Run / Walk Location: Holy Child Academy, Drexel Hill, PA Website: www.runtheday.com
Contact: Rebecca Antczak Phone: 610-259-2712 Sunday, September 09, 2012 9:00 AM Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Run 5K Location: KPVFC, 170 Allendale Rd, King of Prussia, PA Website: www.brynmawrrunningco.com/wpp/?page_id=18
Contact: Bob Smull Sunday, September 09, 2012 9:00 AM 9th Annual Hit the Hay 13K Trail Race 8.06 Mile Trail Run Location: Rustic Park, Birdsboro, PA Website: www.pretzelcitysports.com
Contact: Ron Horn Phone: 610-779-2668
Delco RRC Women's Distance Festival - Registration is now open!
Save the date
October 6, 2012
Delco Road Runners Presents the 33rdAnnual
Women's Distance Festival
Online Information: www.womensdistancefestival.com
Questions: Dawn Patterson, Race Director, Sunsetmk@aol.com
What: A 5K Cross Country Run/Walk
When: Saturday, October 6, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Where: Rose Tree Park (rain or shine)
1671 N. Providence Road, Media, PA
Training runs will begin Thursday September 6, 2012 at 6:30 pm, Rose Tree Park.
Happy Birthday!!! | Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week: Mike E. Gormley (Thu 9/6), Phil Anderson and Bob Fyfe (Sun 9/9), Jared Burgese (Mon 9/10), Janet Boas (Tue 9/11), Katie Douglas, Brett Fallen and Paul Randolph (Wed 9/12). Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends.
Pictures |
If you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use. This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone. If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information. Click HERE to email me and get the needed information. Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures. |
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this info@delcorrc.com. | |
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club. Please send in your ideas.
Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club |