Welcome New Members |  |
Contributors to this Email | |
Marcy Harper
Janet Smith
John Greenstine
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages. B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship. C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners. D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC |
Have something interesting to add to the email? Forward it to me at info@delcorrc.com. Thanks to those that always give me support.
I've had to learn through experiences not to be afraid to fail. You don't know what the future holds for you. You can hope your dreams come true, but you have to be fearless. I don't want to look back and think, What if? |
Nastia Lukin, US Olympic Gymnast
With this quote in mind: You really have nothing to fear from us. Come out to a Wednesday night Fun Run and we'll be happy to support you as you overcome any fears you have.
Swarthmore Fun Run - Every Wednesday - Our Most Attended Fun Run! |
23 runners and walkers joined up at the Swarthmore Fun Run last night. 15 people came out to Swarthmore Pizza afterwards for good food and laughs. Remember, you don't have to run to join us for dinner. Come on out and join in the fun. All abilities are welcome both to the run and to eat.
Volunteers - Care to Help? Chichester 5K, June 22nd
A lot of the jobs have been filled but course monitors are always needed and having more than one at some of the more strategic locations really helps. It also helps immensely to have knowledgeable (runners) monitors on the course. Race is Friday evening, June 22nd at the Upper Chichester Township Building, 8500 Furey Road, Upper Chichester, PA 19061
If you can help, see Tom Brazill at one of the upcoming Swarthmore Fun Runs or contact him 610-494-5411 or tbrazill@brazill61.com
You can also sign up to run this race at www.runtheday.com
Another Running Tragedy and How to Stay Safe
My heart sank as I got an email the other day from a reader with bad news. Another runner, Sarah Hart, was killed last week while running alone in Kentucky. Sarah was the mother of three, and was pregnant. As I read the story, along came a flood of memories about my cousin, Sherry, who was murdered while running this past January.
Sarah, age 31, had started out running with her sister, but turned back alone when she did not feel well. She was robbed and killed on her way back.
Earlier this year, Sherry's story motivated runners to be more careful and to be more aware of their surroundings. Many people stopped running alone altogether, or withdrew inside of the safety of their treadmills. Some took self defense classes in Sherry's name. I know that I started to feel scared of evil lurking in a way that I had not before.
I think it's important to say that Sherry did nothing wrong or "unsafe." She was running along the streets of Sidney, Montana, a small town where she had grown up. A town where she knew most everyone. She had run like this countless times before. On this particular morning in January, two men had driven into town from Colorado. They parked on the side of the road and as she jogged by, she greeted them with a simple "Hi!" in her usual cheerful way. That's when she was struck down and choked. Her story is one of those horrific, horrendous, random tragedies.
Could her situation have been avoided? What if she had slept in? What if she had gone with a friend? What if she had crossed the street? For me it's too painful to play that "what if" game. We can do that all day long, for our entire lives. The point is that things happen and we can't go back and orchestrate what is done. One of the most important and healing things we can do for ourselves is to accept, learn and move on.
The way I see it, there are three common denominators of these two incidents:
Running alone Being a woman Running in an area or at a time of day when not many people were around.
Makes me mad. No, makes me furious.
I'm going to make a confession here. Even after Sherry was killed, I still run alone - only about half of the time, and not in isolated areas or when it is dark. But, still alone. And, I know for a fact that MANY of you do too.
I also drive a car even though 110 people are killed daily in car accidents. I go to Target alone even though women have been abducted in such parking lots numerous times.
I may be going against the grain here, but I'm not going to stop running alone. I will take every precaution that I can. I do this when I drive by wearing a seat belt, by not being distracted, and by assuming everyone else on the road is stupid. In other words, I'm aware of my surroundings and I drive defensively. I also run defensively.
Let's face it, we are never totally safe. We do what we do to minimize risk, then we go on living, unafraid.
Here are some other things to do to be safe - not just while running, but in general.
Always tell someone where you are going. Stay on well travelled and well lit roads. Don't take short cuts through woods, poorly lit areas, etc. If possible, run with a dog, a group or at least one other person. Ditch the headphones. Bring your phone. If someone looks shady to you, cross the street or go the other way. Vary your routes. Don't be predictable. Know where you're going. Looking confused and lost can make you a target. Don't be distracted. Perpetrators specifically look for people who aren't 100% aware of their surroundings. Consider taking a self defense class. You never know when you might need these skills. Reconsider the pony tail. This is an easy thing to grab and pull. Have an air of confidence. Walk or run tall with your head up. Trust your gut. If something/someone doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Bring pepper spray, but keep in mind it can be used against you too. If attacked, do everything in your power to not be taken to another location.
People say it's not fair that women have to be more careful and are easier and more frequent targets than men. Fair or not fair, it's a fact. Let's deal with it the best we can while continuing to make efforts to take back our streets.
(Editor's Note: On Tuesday I spent several hours on the Swarthmore trails with hedge trimmers and a machete. During that time, three women, running individually and alone, past me at various times. Just saying. It isn't fair but be aware.)
Delaware County Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Public Survey
(Editor's Note: I took the survey, only took about 5-10 minutes. Thanks to Marcy Harper for passing this along to me.)
Let Your Voice be Heard!
As part of public input for the County's Open Space, Recreation and Greenway Plan, the Delaware County Planning Department (DCPD) has opened its Online Public Survey on our parks, recreation, and open space. The target audience for respondents to the survey is all citizens of Delaware County. Please help us by taking a few minutes to respond to the survey, and by passing it along to others. It will be open until July 4, 2012.
When you send in your race results, please include the following: Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award. Thanks
Eagleman 70.3 Triathlon - 6/10/12
47 - Ted Jones - 5:07:00
Media 5 Mile Run - 6/15/2012
47 - Bob Fyfe - 33:26
47 - Ted Jones - 34:07
28 - Brandon Lausch - 36:31
44 - Greg Milbourne - 36:31
51 - Kevin Cetroni - 38:47
46 - Chrissy Ribble - 39:50
59 - Beth Howlett - 40:12 (1st in age grp)
41 - Gina Kokoska - 40:45
51 - Bob Zwaan - 41:17
47 - Deb McLeod - 43:36
48 - Virgil Whitsett - 52:07
1/2 Sauer 1/2 Kraut 1/2 Marathon - 6/16/2012
60 - Maryann Cassidy - 3:07:15 (1st in age grp)
Color Me Rad - Untimed 5K (or so) Run - 6/17/2012
38 - Kevin Bohrer
32 - Diane Rowe
42 - Sue Affleck
10- Rebecca Affleck
10 - Elizabeth Affleck
Upcoming Races this Week
6th Annual Third Thirsty Thursday
5K Races (4/19, 5/17, 6/21, 7/19, 8/16, 9/20 - Sep race starts at 6:45) Location: Trooper Thorn's Irish Beef House, 451 Morgantown Road, Reading, PA Contact: Ron Horn Phone: 610-779-2668 Friday, June 22, 2012 7:05 PM Chichester Business Association 5K 5K (3.1 mile) course with hills and hills - Benefits SIDS of PA Cribs for Kids Location: Upper Chi Rec Center, Chichester, PA Contact: Thomas Brazill Phone: 610-494-5411 Saturday, June 23, 2012 10:00 AM 3rd Annual Bouncing Buns Clothing Optional 7K Trail Run Location: Sunny Rest Resort, Palmerton, PA Contact: Ron Horn Phone: 610-779-2668 Sunday, June 24, 2012 9:00 AM Run For The Ages 10K Trail Race Age-Graded 10K Trail Race Location: Nolde Forest, Cumru Township, Berks County, PA, just south of Reading PA. The race will start and end near the Nolde Mansion. Contact: Ted Andrus Phone: 610-763-7714
Trail Runners vs. Road Runners
Deborah Paquin June 13, 2012
It's not unusual to see cross over between trail runners and road runners, a more and more road runners are looking for new adventures on the trails. And while road running and trail running are not mutually exclusive, they are different sports with different cultures. It reminds me of the stand-up comedy piece by comedian George Carlin on the differences between baseball and football. In that piece, Carlin says, "In football, you wear a helmet; in baseball, you wear a cap. In football, you march into enemy territory; in baseball, you come home. In football, you play in any kind of weather, rain, snow, sleet, hail and fog. In baseball you get rained out. In football, they tackle you in the mud; in baseball, if you slide into second base, you call time out to dust off your uniform. ..." And the list goes on. So, I created the same sort of piece for trail runners vs. road runners? Here it is: * Road runners show up in snazzy matching outfits and Nike track suits. Trail runners have been mistaken for homeless people. * Road runners try to step around the puddles on the street; trail runners are warned not to rock hop when going through rivers and streams so they don't break an ankle * Road races have aid stations every two miles where the volunteers throw Gatorade into your mouth as you run by. Trail runners have a delectable feast at their aid stations with cookies, chips, PB&Js, trail mix and gummy bears. * Road runners are constantly checking their watches for split times; trail runners check where the sun is in the sky, to see if they need to take out their headlamps. * Road runners have pretty white tennies; trail runners have so much dirt and mud all over their shoes, you can't tell what color they are. * Serious road runners don't carry water. Trail runners have backpacks with water bladders, rain jackets, blister care, food and electrolyte tablets. * If you go down in a road race, the road runners will jump over you and let volunteers know at the next aid station; trail runners will stop, pull out their meds, first aid-kit, emergency beacon, give you CPR and carry you to the next aid station. * Road runners hope they are not overtaken by faster runners; trail runners watch out for mountain lions, rattle snakes, bears or other creatures. * Road runners check for flat fast courses; trail runners look at elevation charts and the scenery. * Road runners are lean and skinny; trail runners can crush a road runner with their calves and power up mountains with their glutes. * Road marathons might have up to 40,000 runners, start with fireworks and end with bands and balloons; trail races start with, "Ready, Set . . . GO!" * Road races are meticulously measured and certified; trail runs might be a few miles long, give or take a mile or two. * Road runners count miles and study average pace; trail runners train by time. * Both road and trail runners are healthier than the average American couch potato, and enjoy the camaraderie of their fellow runners. * And finally, both trail runners and road runners like wearing their race T-shirts and gaining bragging rights. |
The Running Place
SUPER SUNDAY - Join us for a challenging fun run and our annual SideWalk Sale.
Smartphone 'Scavenger' hunt Sunday June 24, 2012 - 10am. Lavahound is bringing the evolution of the scavenger hunt to Newtown Square! Come to The Running Place on Sunday morning, June 24th with your running shoes, your Smartphone and your strategic thinking cap. Your team of 2-10 runners will have to utilize all those tools to find as many of the geotagged locations as you can in 90 minutes. There is no finish line and no set course. It is up to you and your team to decide where to go in search of the pictures, and in what order to look for them. The race will not simply go to the swiftest, but to those who can plan and adjust on the run as well. You'll need your wits to figure out the shortest, fastest possible route between your marks, and then use your legs to get you there. There will be prizes for the teams that find the most tagged locations, and you may even find SURprizes along the way! Hydration and refreshments will be provided by The Running Place and Great Harvest Bread Company. Register ($10 per person) at the store or day of the event.Our annual Sidewalk sale will run for two days this year: Saturday, 6/23 from 10 AM to 5 PM and Sunday, 6/24 11 AM to 4 PM. This big weekend sale features select shoes from 20-60% off and clearance pricing on cold weather apparel and select summer items. Merchandise moves fast this weekend, so shop early for the best selection.Reminder - Delco RRC members always receive 10% off everything in the store. Just mention your membership for the discount. Also, to receive our quarterly newsletter or monthly emails just go to our website to sign up. www.therunningplace.com
Pattie and Bill
Happy Birthday!!! | Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week: Bob Zwaan (Thu 6/21), Charlie Garrod and Thomas Karn (Sun 6/24). Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends.
Pictures |
If you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use. This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone. If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information. Click HERE to email me and get the needed information. Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures. |
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this info@delcorrc.com. | |
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club. Please send in your ideas.
Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club |