Welcome New Members |  |
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages. B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship. C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners. D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC |
Have something interesting to add to the email? Forward it to me at info@delcorrc.com. Thanks to those that always give me support.
With this quote in mind: You probably already know this but if you don't, there are plenty of inspirational stories everywhere you look to prove it to you. Come join us at one of our many Fun Runs, set your limitations aside.
Swarthmore Fun Run - Every Wednesday |
37 runners and walkers enjoyed a beautiful night, though a little chilly, at the Swarthmore Fun Run. 18 people came out to Swarthmore Pizza afterwards for good food and laughs. Remember, you don't have to run to join us for dinner. Come on out and join in the fun. All abilities are welcome both to the run and to eat.
Hey! Hey!! Hey!!!
Something I feel I should mention since we split the bill among everyone that eats. Please try to be aware that some food is much more expensive than other items on the menu. If you order a dinner special at 13.95 and order a soda or iced tea at 2.25, that cost is spread among everyone at the table. Some people will split a 14 dollar pizza yet when the bill is tallied with tax and 20% tip, each person pays about $14. If you do the math, you can see how someone would find that unfair. So if you do order the special or an expensive item, please throw in a few extra dollars to cover your cost.
Thanks for your consideration of this matter.
Spring Fling - DELCO RRC - Saturday 4/21 |
With Spring just around the corner, it is almost time for our annual Delco RRC Spring Fling. This year will be extra special as we will be celebrating our 40th anniversary.
The Spring Fling will be at Generations restaurant in Media on Saturday, April 21 at 6:30. It will be a buffet dinner with a cash bar or you may bring your own wine. The entertainment for the evening will be a murder/mystery dinner titled "Mummy Dearest."
Please join us for this fun filled evening. You can click the link below to register before April 17.
Note: If you have any problems registering, take a screenshot if you know how, and email it to Diane Rowe. No screenshot, no problem, just email Diane the problem that you have. Diane's email is diane.rowe@gmail.com.
Collingdale 5K - Support Requested
One of our club members, Paul Isaac is directing a race in Collingdale this April 15th. He is looking for support to help make this a great event for Collingdale. Collingdale used to have races years ago so its nice to see this event making a come back. Volunteers are needed for registration, handing out t-shirts, course marshalls and water stations. I'm sure others will be needed so you'll be seeing this request again.
Paul is also looking for volunteers to be on the Race Committee. Help him with doing some of the typical work that is needed in putting a race on. Helping with enlisting Sponsors, Ordering T-shirts and Award Medals/Trophies, etc.
The race is posted on our web site so if you don't want to volunteer and want to run (or do both), the info is there for you.
Reach out to Paul at 484-540-7192 or pauljisaac@yahoo.com.
When you send in your race results, please include the following: Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award. Thanks
Garden Spot Village 1/2 Marathon - 3/31/12
48 - Laurie Milnes - 2:20:44
Mt. Penn Mud Fest 15K Trail Race - 4/7/12
47 - Meg Nilan - 2:05:48
Upcoming Races this Week
Saturday, April 14, 2012
9:00 AM
Regina Luminis Academy's 3rd Annual Run/Walk 5K Run / Walk Location: Struble Trail in Downingtown, PA (Race begins at KARDON PARK- Start of Lions/Struble Trail) Contact: Cindy O'Brien Phone: 610-269-3905 Saturday, April 14, 2012 8:00 AM Gener8tion Run 8K Run, .8K Walk and Family Festival - Supports Students Run Philly Style Location: Philadelphia Navy Yard Contact: Heather McDanel Phone: 267-765-2387 Saturday, April 14, 2012 2:30 PM St. Tim's 2nd Annual Run / Walk 5K Run / Walk and 1 Mile Walk Location: St. Timothy's Lutheran Church, 535 Lamp Post Lane, Aston, PA 19014 Contact: Cat Vicente Phone: 610-551-2218 Saturday, April 14, 2012 10:00 AM Run Walk Roll for Brain Injury 5K Run / Walk and Wheel Chair Roll - Supports The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania and Camp Cranium Location: Tyler State Park, Route 332, No.1 Lane Trail, Newtown, PA Contact: Rachel Bastian Saturday, April 14, 2012 8:00 AM 10th Annual Ridley Run 5K - Point to point Location: Starts at Ridley Area YMCA ends at Ridley High School - Registration is at Ridley High School Contact: M.J. Gilbert Phone: 610-638-1270 ext. 3032 Sunday, April 15, 2012 9:00 AM Race to Read 5K Race and 1 Mile Fun Run / Walk - Benefits The AIM school, a non-profit school for children with reading and learning disabilities. Location: Schuylkill River Trail directly behind the AIM school at 1200 River Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428. Contact: Tom Castorani Phone: 215-483-2461 Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:00 AM 17th Annual Donor Dash 5K Run / Walk Location: Philadelphia Art Museum, Phila., PA Contact: Meaghan Donchak Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:00 AM 19th Annual RACC 5K Run 5K Run or Walk and 1/2 Mile Kid's Run Location: Reading Area Community College, 2nd and Penn Streets, Reading, PA Contact: Ron Horn Phone: 610-779-2668 Sunday, April 15, 2012 8:00 AM 3rd Annual Cherry Blossom 5K Walk/Run 5K Walk / Run Location: Horticulture Center, Montgomery Drive & Belmont Avenue (I-76 Exit 341), Philadelphia, PA 19131 Contact: Marissa Polachek Phone: 215-790-3810 Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:00 AM Collingdale 5K Run 5K Run / Walk and 1 Mile Fun Walk Location: Collingdale Borough Building, Collingdale, PA Contact: Paul Isaac Phone: 484-540-7192 Sunday, April 15, 2012 8:00 AM Boston Marathon Location: Boston, MA
First Bite Warning: Foods that make you do bad things | By Danielle Braff Women's Health
It's a common slipup: After weeks of eating well, hitting the gym, and skipping dessert, you're on track to lose those five pounds. You deserve a reward, some candy, a (non-diet) soda, or a side of fries. But hours later, the scene around you looks like "The Hangover" meets the Food Network. In the same way that some drugs pave the way for even harder ones, a weakness for a certain food can open the door to an avalanche of bad eating choices, says Gary Wenk, Ph.D., author of Your Brain on Food. Some foods are like gateway drugs," he says. "From your brain's viewpoint, there is no difference." These so-called gateway foods make you feel out of control, maybe even physically unable to stop reaching for more, in part because of their addictive effect on your mind and body, according to research. But rehab is probably easier than you think. Junk Food Junkies
It may seem silly to think about being addicted to food, something we'd die without, but most of us eat for a lot more than just survival. Merely looking at or thinking about a food you know you love activates the reward portion of your brain, the nucleus accumbens, the same area stimulated by drugs and alcohol. This triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good chemical that enhances your awareness of that food (so forget ignoring it!).
And once you've taken that first bite, watch out. Tasting food engages all of your senses (and may be felt more intensely in women than in men, for unknown reasons). Your nervous system responds by secreting insulin (which drops blood glucose) and relaxing your stomach muscles, which makes you feel like you need to eat more to be satisfied, says Susan Roberts, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition at Tufts University and coauthor of The "I" Diet. There's a reason this tends to happen almost exclusively with fatty and sugary foods and not, say, lettuce. The saturated fats in foods like bacon and cheese impair your brain's normal ability to regulate appetite and cravings, so you don't realize you're full until you're completely stuffed, says Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., a health psychologist at Stanford University and author of The Willpower Instinct. What's more, that effect on your appetite can last for up to three days, the length of time it takes to flush those fats from your system. So one unhealthy indulgence can end up triggering a major relapse.
Add sugar to the fatty food, ice cream, cake, doughnuts, and you have a double whammy. High-sugar foods increase your levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite and increases cravings. "So you may tell yourself 'Just one bite' but find yourself wanting more and more, the more you eat," says McGonigal. How Sugar Wrecks Your Body Sugar also has been shown to enhance memory storage, which may explain why you want it in the first place, and so much of it on special social occasions. As a result, your brain has evolved a system of rewards that gives you a real high when you eat sugar. "The brain responds to both sugar and fat by releasing endorphins," says Wenk. Chemically, those feel-good compounds are similar to morphine and can have a biological impact similar to a shot of heroin, including causing you to jones for another fix when the initial euphoria begins to fade. Regaining Control Avoiding cravings entirely is tough, given that they can be brought on by stress, PMS, or even just thinking about eating. But there's plenty you can do to avoid skidding down the slippery slope of gateway foods.
Use Your Head
One of the best times to stop a binge is before it begins.
A 2010 study by Australian researchers found that thinking about a craving uses up mental energy, enough that you'll struggle to do anything else or even think normally. But if your brain is otherwise engaged, you'll have fewer cognitive resources available to conjure up mental images of brownies. So when a craving hits, try doing long division, sudoku, or counting backward, and see if it goes away. Interrupt yourself If you're three bites into a pint of fudge ripple when you feel a pang of regret, try switching to a healthier snack. Once your senses have been engaged, your body is going to demand more food, but you can still decide what to give it. Sorbet or a piece of fruit can freshen up your palate, which can help put the brakes on thinking about the stuff you crave.
Hide your triggers Proximity to food influences how much of it you eat, says James Painter, R.D., a professor at Eastern Illinois University who studies behavioral eating. Try keeping healthy foods right where you can see them, and stash unhealthy ones in a hard-to-reach drawer, or just don't keep them around at all.
Get back on track Maybe you couldn't stop yourself from polishing off the entire caramel sundae, but that's no reason to give up entirely. We have a tendency to focus on the short-term consequences of our actions, but keeping a long-term goal in mind, say, fitting into that really cute bikini, can help you realize that you can still get there despite a setback, says McGonigal. Think of it this way: Every meal is a chance to start over and do it right. Kill a Craving
These reverse-gateway foods taste like cheating, but they'll help you get back on the weight-loss wagon.
Sunflower seeds: They're packed with nutrients, and snacking on a handful may regulate your nerves and muscles. Eat this: A 1/4-cup serving
Plain frozen yogurt with fresh fruit: It has less fat than ice cream but five grams of filling protein per serving. Fruit gives it more flavor, texture, and vitamins.
Eat this: 1 1/2 cups Dark chocolate: Just a small portion of this antioxidant-filled treat satisfies a sweet tooth.
Eat this: 1 oz dark chocolate with 65 percent (or more) cacao Pistachios: They satisfy a salt craving while delivering more natural antioxidants than most other nuts. Plus, the shells will slow you down.
Eat this: 30 in-shell nuts Mini whole-wheat pretzels: Crunchy and packed with fiber to keep you fuller longer, so you won't reach for a higher-calorie food.
Eat this: 1 oz pretzels (about a handful)
Like to Read? Want a Kindle? |
Greetings, I am offering a FREE ebook (can be viewed on Kindle, Nook, iPad, computer screen) of my latest novel to anyone in your club who would consider writing a short review for a blog, club newsletter, or local newspaper. My name is Joe C. Ellis. I am a 55 year old distance runner from Martins Ferry, Ohio and also a novelist. My mystery novels have become regional best sellers. I've always been interested in the positive difference running makes in our lives as we age. This interest inspired the plot for my latest novel, Murder on the Outer Banks--The Methuselah Murders. It is due out in April of 2012 through John F. Blair, a long standing North Carolina publisher. http://www.blairpub.com/alltitles/murderouterbanks.php The novel is about a sixty-five-year-old medical researcher who develops a serum that reverses aging in human cells. After injecting himself with the serum, he monitors his progress through his distance running. When he posts a world-class time of 17:35 for his age group in a local 5K, a mysterious triumvirate of pharmaceutical CEOs known as the Medical Mafia wants the serum at any price. The bodies pile up along the Outer Banks as a Russian mobster and a couple rogue FBI agents attempt to get their hands on the serum and formula. If you could get this request through to your club members through your email list or some other means, it would be greatly appreciated. Anyone interested can email me at joecellis@comcast.net . Thanks for considering this request. Sincerely, Joe C. Ellis www.joecellis.com
Happy Birthday!!! | Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week: Larry Filtz and Heinz Wick (Thu 4/12), Paul Belferman (Fri 4/13), Susan Foster (Sat 4/14). Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends.
Book Club
| Next meeting will be Apr 15th at 2PM. It will be held at Marcy Harper's home at 14 Mancil Road, Media. Below is a list of the next four books that will be discussed in 2012. Click here to email Marcy.
April 15th - Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee. 2011.
He was a man who didn't deserve a second chance. But he needed one...
Emily and her husband Sandy Portman seemed to live a gracious if busy life in an old-world, Upper West Side apartment in the famous Dakota building. But one night on the way to meet Emily, Sandy dies in a tragic accident. The funeral isn't even over before Emily learns she is on the verge of being evicted from their apartment. But worse than the possibility of losing her home, Emily is stunned when she discovers that her marriage was made up of lies.
Suddenly Emily is forced on a journey to find out who her husband really was . . . all the while feeling that somehow he isn't really gone. Angry, hurt, and sometimes betrayed by loving memories of the man she lost, Emily finds comfort in a scruffy dog named Einstein. But is Einstein's seemingly odd determination that she save herself enough to make Emily confront her own past? Can he help her find a future-even after she meets a new man?
Travels with Charlie: In Search of America by John Steinbeck. 1980.
Look at Me by Jennifer Egan. 2002.
Knockemstiff by Donald Ray Pollack. 2008.
Pictures |
If you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use. This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone. If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information. Click HERE to email me and get the needed information. Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures. |
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this info@delcorrc.com. | |
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club. Please send in your ideas.
Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club |