Welcome New Members |  |
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages. B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship. C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners. D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC |
Have something interesting to add to the email? Forward it to me at info@delcorrc.com. Thanks to those that always give me support.
With this quote in mind: Yes, you can. Don't let those who say you can't convince you you can't. You can. If they are the people you are around, try a new group. Try our group. We believe you can and we'll do what we can to make sure you do it. You'll have and receive all the support you want and need. All you have to do is show up. Come join us at one of our many Fun Runs, you can. I look forward to seeing you succeed. Every success you have inspires me to try a little harder because, well, I can.
Delco RRC Board Meeting - Tuesday February 21st |
The next Board meeting is Tuesday, February 21st at 7:30pm. We will meet at Covenant United Methodist Church of Springfield. Address is 212 W. Springfield Road, Springfield, PA 19064..
The meeting will be held in room 3. All are welcome to attend
Swarthmore Fun Run - Wednesday |
33 runners and walkers were out last night at the Swarthmore Fun Run. 18 people came out to Swarthmore Pizza afterwards for good food and laughs. Remember, you don't have to run to join us for dinner. Come on out and join in the fun. All abilities are welcome.
Broad Street Run - as of 2/15/12 at 4pm |
Regular Registration for the May 6, 2012 Blue Cross Broad Street Run has reached its capacity.
Registration for the Blue Cross Broad Street Run has exceeded our wildest expectations with over 30,000 runners registering in a record five hours. We apologize for the many runners who have tried repeatedly today to enter into the race and because of this we are going to have a second chance lottery for an additional 2500 runners to be permitted into the event.
The lottery link will be posted on the front page of www.BroadstreetRun.com later this evening and runners may enter the lottery at any time between now and February 24th. With the lottery chosen over the following weekend.
Bench for Dot Kracht |
The bench DelcoRRC purchased to honor Dot Kracht has been installed at Ridley Creek State Park. It is at the junction where the 4.3 mile loop turns up the hill toward Tyler Arboretum. (at the point closest to Rt 353). I would like to thank all who donated for the bench and in particular anyone who has not yet received a Thank You note . We are now waiting for the Plaque to be installed.
Bill Kracht
Hi Everyone,
Here are the 2012 Caesar Rodney Half Marathon teams. We are registered and there is STILL one master men spot to be filled. I would like to thank everyone who registered and made this process easy.
Master Men Master Men Master Women Open Coed
Jack La Bar Byron Mundy Mary Ann Simms Mike Nichols
Paul Randolph Paul Isaac Bridget Morse Brandon Lausch
Steve Whitmore Greg Millbourne Beth Howlett Cecile Daurat Thompson
Marc Oleynick Matt Morse Diane Lista Chris Mc Goldrick
Michael Walsh Kevin Cetroni Meg Nilan Griffin Oleynick
Larry Filtz Greg Buzan Chrissy Ribble Diane Arnold
Jeff Craskey Noreen Beresford Brianne Danner
For the few people who haven't paid, please contact me, give a check to Bill Weber at a fun run, or mail me a check payable to Delco RRC for $37.00 to Dennis Tate, 158 Marlborough Rd., Upper Darby, PA 19082.
The race is March 25th. Lets support our team and wish our team mates a good race. Good Luck, Dennis |
The Running Place
Come join us on Sunday, February 26th for a day of fun & fitness!
10:00 am - Fun Run of either 3- or 5-miles followed by breakfast goodies from Great Harvest Bread Company. 11:15 am - Free Chi Running and Chi Walking information session presented by Marisa Leva. Chi Walk/Run combines the principles and focus of T'ai Chi with running and walking to lower impact and make running and walking safer and more fun! But, you don't need to know T'ai Chi to enjoy the benefits of Chi Running and Chi Walking. Marisa is a Certified Chi Running and Chi Walking Instructor. She also has 28 years experience working in healthcare and wellness as an Occupational Therapist and Certified Hand Therapist.
11 am - 4 Pm - Store Open with Brooks shoe reps on hand with giveaways and shoe advice. HOURLY RAFFLES - no purchase necessary to enter! SHOP SUPER SUNDAY SALES!
And, remember, Delco RRC members always receive a 10% discount off their shoes.
Hope to see you soon!
Pattie -- The Running Place 610.353.8826 (ph) 610.353.8829 (fax) www.therunningplace.com
Amazing Boy Runner Is a Champion Despite Cerebral Palsy |
Editor's Note: Somedays we think its hard for us to run. The conditions aren't just right....Blah, blah, blah. Life could be so much harder. Read on...
Some stories are so incredible, people just can't stop telling them. Sure, they might fade out of circulation for a time, but a truly great story always comes back around. Especially when that story involves an amazing kid. As parents, we never get tired of hearing inspirational tales like these. Perfect example: The story of teen runner Ben Colmen, currently experiencing a Facebook resurgence.
Ben's parents never even thought he would walk. Ben has cerebral palsy, which makes his limbs stiff and difficult to control. But as it turned out, Ben wouldn't just walk, he would run. And keep on running.
Running is his passion, his reason for getting up in the morning. When you hear him talk about it, you'll understand why ...
As he says, running gave him "a place to belong."
All Ben Komen ever wanted was to be part of a team, but most weren't willing to work with his disability. (Can you imagine how heartbreaking that would be to watch as a parent?)
At last, his school's cross country team, The Hannah Yellowjackets, gave him a home. And I bet they were glad they did, too: In Ben's last year with the Yellowjackets, the team won Best in the Region for the first time in 13 years.
The look on Ben's face at the winning meet ... you will cry. Just accept that fact now, okay? It'll all be worth it, just wait and see ...
When you send in your race results, please include the following: Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award. Thanks
None this week.
While I don't know him personally or in the Biblical sense, the Dalai Lama seems like a pretty smart, insightful and compassionate guy. Recently, I read his "20 Instructions for Life." If I could only be 1/24th as enlightened as Mr. Lama or Ms. Theresa ("Mother" being her first name), I'd have it made in the shade. Here are the 20 Instructions. While they apply to life in general, I'd argue they're really about running, specifically. So, naturally I've added my two cents.
1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. Risk running your first race. Risk getting tired and hitting the wall. Risk having people pass you. Risk making a fool of yourself. Risk sacrificing to train hard. Risk crapping your pants. Gain: great achievement and love for yourself. I promise.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. Train like a mother and get injured? Fail to make your PR? Run the Las Vegas marathon and puke your guts out? There is always something to be learned from the most difficult of circumstances. Sure you want to punch someone in the face when they tell you that, but like it or not, it's true. If and only if you are willing to see the lesson.
3. Follow the three R's: - Respect for self (never pee or tie your shoe in the middle of the course) - Respect for others (never pee or tie your shoe in the middle of the course) and, - Responsibility for all your actions (never pee or tie your shoe in the middle of the course).
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. This is another one that is so true it is annoying. It falls into the, "when one door closes, some bitch opens a window," or something like that. The bottom line is, we hold on so tight to what we NEED our goals and achievements and agendas to be. Often when we don't get what we want, we are pushed in a different direction that is exactly what we needed instead.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. This is my favorite, and almost seems un-Dalai-Lama-like. Clearly he is telling us to learn the rules for registering for a race, but then to have complete disregard and run as a bandit.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship. Make it clear from the get-go that your training comes before everything else. If your partner/spouse disputes that, tell them that they need to get on board so that this dispute does not ruin your relationship.
7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. If you are running a race and spit on someone or fart on them as you pass (crop dusting), immediately apologize and keep moving. Do not let your guilt slow you down.
8. Spend some time alone every day. Running alone and listening to your breath and your feet hitting the ground is one of the great human experiences. At least to runners. Other people just think it's crap.
9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. This simply means when you cross the finish line of a race, hug someone named "change," but never give up your virginity right there (what?).
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Do not carry keys or change in your pocket when you run with a group. They will hate you.
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time. Work your ass off. Make no excuses. You'll set a good example for others. And, if the day ever comes when you can't move anymore, you'll be glad you did.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. Always kiss your spouse or partner on your way out the door for your four hour training run. Always thank them for doing the dishes and feeding the kids while you are gone. Don't forget to give them a special sexual favor after they have waited around all day for you to run by them for one second during your marathon. This is very loving and grateful of you.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. If you are arguing about how your partner did not rub your feet after your race, don't bring up all the past times he/she has failed you after races. It's just not fair.
14. Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality. You should always do this at the gym. Go up to someone on a treadmill and tell them that they need to work on their running form. Go into great instruction about heel vs. forefoot striking and keeping good posture. They will love it and you will live forever!
15. Be gentle with the earth. This is exactly why you should always shit in cornfields when you run. Fertilization of the precious earth!
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before. Great Wall of China Marathon, here you come! Who cares if it's 2,459,659 vertical steps?
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other. This is too deep for me. I got nothin'.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. You gave up sleep, a normal G.I. tract, socializing, sex, drinking, parenting, walking the dog, lots of money and all you got was a stinking marathon medal. Total and complete SUCCESS!!
19. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. When you pass someone in a race, always tell them "good job" or "nice pace." People love to hear that as their ass is being handed to them.
20. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Wait, didn't we just go over this? Oh, I get it. Subtle difference. Same response. When you pass someone in a race, always tell them "good job" or "nice pace." People love to hear that as their ass is being handed to them.
Honestly, I really dig this man and have long been a fan (rhyme). His truths always bring your heart back to the right place.
Looking for a Place to Swim? Cross-train?
Suburban Seahawks Club has opened in Newtown Square ! We are located at the Suburban Swim center, 3615 Gradyville Road, Newtown Square , PA 19073 . Our phone number is 610-325-3175. Our website is www.sscswim.org and our email address issscswim@yahoo.com.
Please review our program offerings and let me know if you would like to arrange a visit to our swim center.
We offer swim lessons, lap and masters swimming, open swim nights, USA swim team and more.
Please email me if you have an interest in our programs.
Thanks so much and I look forward to meeting you soon!
Diane Mastrangelo
Suburban Seahawks Club
General Manager
Upcoming Races This Week
Saturday, February 18, 2012 10:00 AM Pickle Run Winter Series Two courses to choose from. 3 ish and 4.4 ish with some trail. The next Pickle runs are Feb 18th and Mar 17th. Location: Ridley Creek State Park, Sect 17 Website: www.runtheday.com
Contact: Tim Krueger Sunday, February 19, 2012 9:30 AM BCRR Staggered Start 4.6 Miles Location: Tyler State Park, Newtown, PA Website: www.bcrr.info
Contact: Mike Gross
Collingdale 5K - Support Requested
One of our club members, Paul Isaac is directing a race in Collingdale this April 15th. He is looking for support to help make this a great event for Collingdale. Collingdale used to have races years ago so its nice to see this event making a come back. Volunteers are needed for registration, handing out t-shirts, course marshalls and water stations. I'm sure others will be needed so you'll be seeing this request again.
Paul is also looking for volunteers to be on the Race Committee. Help him with doing some of the typical work that is needed in putting a race on. Helping with enlisting Sponsors, Ordering T-shirts and Award Medals/Trophies, etc.
The race is posted on our web site so if you don't want to volunteer and want to run (or do both), the info is there for you.
Reach out to Paul at 484-540-7192 or pauljisaac@yahoo.com.
Happy Birthday!!! | Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week: Gene Archambault and Julian Randolph (Thu 2/16), Noah Savage-Floyd (Sun 2/19), Chelsea Miles and Steve Whitmore Jr. (Tue 2/21). Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends.
Book Club |
Next meeting will be Mar 4th at 2PM. It will be held at Bill and Deb's home, 621 Sutton Avenue, Folsom, 19033. Below is a list of the next six books that will be discussed in 2012.
Mar 4th - The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman. 2011. The Red Garden introduces us to the luminous and haunting world of Blackwell, Massachusetts, capturing the unexpected turns in its history and in our own lives. In exquisite prose, Hoffman offers a transforming glimpse of small-town America, presenting us with some three hundred years of passion, dark secrets, loyalty, and redemption in a web of tales where characters' lives are intertwined by fate and by their own actions. From the town's founder, a brave young woman from England who has no fear of blizzards or bears, to the young man who runs away to New York City with only his dog for company, the characters in The Red Garden are extraordinary and vivid: a young wounded Civil War soldier who is saved by a passionate neighbor, a woman who meets a fiercely human historical character, a poet who falls in love with a blind man, a mysterious traveler who comes to town in the year when summer never arrives. At the center of everyone's life is a mysterious garden where only red plants can grow, and where the truth can be found by those who dare to look. Beautifully crafted, shimmering with magic, The Red Garden is as unforgettable as it is moving. Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee. 2011. Travels with Charlie: In Search of America by John Steinbeck. 1980. Look at Me by Jennifer Egan. 2002. Knockemstiff by Donald Ray Pollack. 2008. |
Pictures |
If you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use. This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone. If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information. Click HERE to email me and get the needed information. Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures. |
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this info@delcorrc.com. | |
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club. Please send in your ideas.
Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club |