Saturday Breakfast
Run to the Lights
Race Results
How Exercise Benefits the Brain
Upcoming Races
Book Club
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Delco RRC Update12/15/11
Delco RRC Logo
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages.
B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship.
C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners.
D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC

Have something interesting to add to the email?  Forward it to me at [email protected].  Thanks to those that always give me support.

"That's what I loved about running.  You didn't have to care about what the coach thought.  If you thought you were faster than someone, you just went out and proved it." 

             Byron Mundy, Co-Founder of Delco Road Running Club
With this quote in mindCome join us at one of our many Fun Runs, you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself.  If you want to run faster than someone else or just jog or walk with the crowd, this is the place to do it.
Saturday Breakfast and Fast and Fancy - 12/10/11

So if you can't make it to a Wednesday night run and pizza in Swarthmore, try a Saturday run at Media, Collingdale or Ridley Creek.  Breakfast afterwards at Fast and Fancy in Media begins at 10:30 after the runs.  Come on out and join in the fun.
Here are some pictures from last Saturday.  See them all at this link,
NOTE:  We have a Picasa site where club photos can be uploaded.  Check with me if you have pictures to upload.  Bill at [email protected].
F and F 9  F and F 7 
F and F 5  F and F 1


Run to the Lights - Wednesday 12/14

A HUGE success.  Over 70 people showed up for the annual Run to the Lights.  Thank you Bill and Shirley for hosting the event...again.  See photos by clicking here
and see below.
Run to the Lights - 1             Run to the Lights - 2

 The run begins - To the Lights!                                     Kel gets into the spirit!

Race Results

When you send in your race results, please include the following:  Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award.  Thanks


Athlete's Closet Winter Series 5K - 12/10/11
50 - Bill Weber - 23:16 (1st Clydesdale)
59 - Maryann Cassidy - 40:11
Rehobeth Beach 1/2 Marathon - 12/10/11
58 - Beth Howlett - 1:42:28 (1st in age grp)
Reindeer Romp 5K - 12/11/11
37 - Chris McGoldrick - 18:12 (1st in age grp)
54 - Jack LaBar - 20:59 (3rd in age grp)
50 - Mike Gormley - 21:46
54 - Kelly O'Brien - 23:15
38 - Jackie Rosenberger - 23:44 (3rd in age grp)
51 - Bob Zwaan - 23:51
46 - Diane Lista - 23:55 (1st in age grp)
36 - Katie Douglas - 24:10
46 - Gene Archambault - 24:52
47 - Meg Nilan - 28:50
47 - Bridget Morse - 29:11
49 - Christine Reuther - 32:18
48 - Paul Isaac - 32:46
 7 - Owen Smith - 39:17
59 - Maryann Cassidy - 41:23
Shiver By the River 5K - 12/11/11
54 - Kelly O'Brien - 22:27
36 - Katie Douglas - 22:39
How Exercise Benefits the Brain

Does exercise strengthen your brain while it builds muscle?
To learn more about how exercise affects the brain, scientists in Ireland recently asked a group of sedentary male college students to take part in a memory test followed by strenuous exercise.
First, the young men watched a rapid-fire lineup of photos with the faces and names of strangers. After a break, they tried to recall the names they had just seen as the photos again zipped across a computer screen.
Afterward, half of the students rode a stationary bicycle, at an increasingly strenuous pace, until they were exhausted. The others sat quietly for 30 minutes. Then both groups took the brain-teaser test again.
Notably, the exercised volunteers performed significantly better on the memory test than they had on their first try, while the volunteers who had rested did not improve.
Meanwhile, blood samples taken throughout the experiment offered a biological explanation for the boost in memory among the exercisers. Immediately after the strenuous activity, the cyclists had significantly higher levels of a protein known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, which is known to promote the health of nerve cells. The men who had sat quietly showed no comparable change in BDNF levels.
For some time, scientists have believed that BDNF helps explain why mental functioning appears to improve with exercise. However, they haven't fully understood which parts of the brain are affected or how those effects influence thinking. The Irish study suggests that the increases in BDNF prompted by exercise may play a particular role in improving memory and recall.
Other new studies have reached similar conclusions, among both people and animals, young and old. In one interesting experiment published last month, Brazilian scientists found that after sedentary elderly rats ran for a mere five minutes or so several days a week for five weeks, a cascade of biochemical processes ignited in the memory center of their brains, culminating in increased production of BDNF molecules there. The old, exercised animals then performed almost as well as much younger rats on rodent memory tests.
Another animal study, this one performed by researchers in the Brain Injury Research Center at the University of California, Los Angeles, and published in September in the journal Neuroscience, showed that if adult rats were allowed to run at will for a week, the memory center of their brains afterward contained more BDNF molecules than in sedentary rats, and teemed with a new population of precursor molecules that presumably would soon develop into fully functioning BDNF molecules.
Perhaps the most inspiring of the recent experiments is one involving aging human pilots. For the experiment, published last month in the journal Translational Psychiatry, scientists at Stanford University School of Medicine asked 144 experienced pilots ages 40 to 65 to operate a cockpit simulator three separate times over the course of two years.
For all of the pilots, performance declined somewhat as the years passed. A similar decline with age is common in all of us.
Many people find it more difficult to perform skilled tasks - driving an automobile, for instance - as they grow older, says Dr. Ahmad Salehi, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford and lead author of the study.
But in this case, the decline was especially striking among one particular group of men. These aging pilots carried a common genetic variation that is believed to reduce BDNF activity in their brains. The men with a genetic tendency toward lower BDNF levels seemed to lose their ability to perform complicated tasks at almost double the rate of the men without the variation.
While the pilot experiment wasn't an exercise study, it does raise the question of whether strenuous exercise could slow such declines by raising BDNF levels, thereby salvaging our ability to perform skilled manual tasks well past middle age.
"So many studies have shown that exercise increases levels of BDNF," says Dr. Salehi. While he notes that other growth factors and body chemicals are "upregulated" by exercise, he believes BDNF holds the most promise.
"The one factor that shows the fastest, most consistent and greatest response is BDNF," he says. "It seems to be key to maintaining not just memory but skilled task performance."
Dr. Salehi plans next to examine the exercise histories of the pilots, to see whether those with the gene variant, which is common among people of European or Asian backgrounds, respond differently to workouts.
In people who have the variant and less BDNF activity, "exercise is probably even more important," he says. "But for everyone, the evidence is very, very strong that physical activity will increase BDNF levels and improve cognitive health."
Upcoming Races This Week


Sunday, December 18, 2011

11:00 AM
Kris Kringle Run
5 Mile Run
Location: St. Joseph Medical Center, 2500 Bernville Road, Reading, PA
Contact: Jason Manbeck
Phone: 610-413-7822   

Happy Birthday!!!
Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week
:   Ben Geveke (Fri 12/16), Jennifer and Stephen Patterson (Mon 12/19), Tiffany Linn (Wed 12/21).  Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends.

Free Two Week Training Program


If anyone is interested in a free 2 week on line training program send me an e-mail to [email protected]. I just put together a 2 week holiday training plan. It's an intermediate program to help you get thru the holidays. If you are just getting started or you have been training for awhile you can still follow the program. There is not catch it's FREE. Also included are video clips of every exercise so you will know exactly what I am asking you to do. After the holidays I plan to offer some programs for everyone at an affordable price so if you're interested send me an e-mail and I'll send out the FREE program starting tomorrow. If you have any questions give me a shout.

Visit Kevin's site at
Book Club
Next meeting will be Jan 15th at 2PM.  Still finalizing location.  Below is a list of the next six books that will be discussed in 2012.


Jan 15th - Room by Emma Donoghue. 2010.
To five-year-old-Jack, Room is the world. . . . It's where he was born, it's where he and his Ma eat and sleep and play and learn. At night, his Ma shuts him safely in the wardrobe, where he is meant to be asleep when Old Nick visits.
Room is home to Jack, but to Ma it's the prison where she has been held for seven years. Through her fierce love for her son, she has created a life for him in this eleven-by-eleven-foot space. But with Jack's curiosity building alongside her own desperation, she knows that Room cannot contain either much longer.
Room is a tale at once shocking, riveting, exhilarating--a story of unconquerable love in harrowing circumstances, and of the diamond-hard bond between a mother and her child.
The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman. 2011.

Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee. 2011.

Travels with Charlie: In Search of America by John Steinbeck. 1980.
Look at Me by Jennifer Egan. 2002.

Knockemstiff by Donald Ray Pollack. 2008.

CameraIf you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use.  This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone.  If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information.  Click HERE to email me and get the needed information.  Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures.
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this [email protected].
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club.  Please send in your ideas. 

Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club