Welcome New Members |  |
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages. B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship. C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners. D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC |
Have something interesting to add to the email? Forward it to me at info@delcorrc.com. Thanks to those that always give me support.
" There is something magical about running; after a certain distance, it transcends the body. Then a bit further, it transcends the mind. A bit further yet, and what you have before you, laid bare, is the soul."
Kristin Armstrong, Mile Marker's Blog at Runner's World.com
With this quote in mind: Come join us at one of our many Fun Runs, lay bare your soul. |
Swarthmore Fun Run - Wednesday |
29 runners and walkers were out last night at the Swarthmore Fun Run. 15 people came out to Swarthmore Pizza afterwards for good food and laughs. Come on out and join in the fun. All abilities are welcome. |
When you send in your race results, please include the following: Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award. Thanks
Marine Corps Marathon - 10/30/11
44 - Greg Milbourne - 3:46:27
51 - Kevin Cetroni - 4:34:46
31 - Kerri Fulginiti - 4:24:51
28 - Michael Fulginit (paced his sister) - 4:24:51
54 - Vincent (?) Fulginiti - 5:07:14 |
Finding Your Fitness Mojo and Sticking To It |
By Beth Risdon
As a running coach and fitness enthusiast, people frequently ask, "How do you stay motivated to exercise?" The mere existence of this question assumes that there is an answer, a magical panacea that has been hiding out under a rock, waiting to be exposed. I have to be the bearer of bad news and answer that there is no easy answer, there is only doing.
In so many areas of our lives, we hope that if we just find the right book, therapist, coach, or training plan, our inaction will give way to bursts of energy and inspiration! The ironic truth is that the answers, inspiration and motivation are already within us at any given moment. We simply need to access and implement them.
The physical action of getting out the door to train for a half marathon, go to a yoga class, ride a bike for an hour or swim five laps in the pool is easy. Yes, easy. It is our thinking that poses a problem. Our mind is an unruly child who needs to be put in a time-out. We self sabotage and negotiate - it's too cold outside, I'm too tired, I don't have time - when really what we should be doing is moving and not thinking at all.
I am convinced that "exercise over-thinking," as I call it, is why many people don't start or maintain their fitness programs. We talk ourselves out of things. We make excuses. Then we beat ourselves up for talking ourselves out of things and making excuses. By that time, we feel so cruddy and worthless, that why bother working out at all? It is a nasty cycle.
Confession: I used to be an "exercise over-thinker." I would put off my workouts, giving myself every reason to not get out the door. This is before I learned the value of writing a plan and sticking to it. Of laying out my clothes the night before and visualizing my workout the next day in detail. Of never giving myself an out unless I was sick or injured. Of keeping my mind out of it.
We are human. We will find reasons to not challenge ourselves, to not do tough things. Ask yourself why you don't follow through. Are you afraid of failing? Does the fear of change paralyze you? Digging deep for answers might produce unexpected results.
What is needed is a jump start just like that car with the dead battery that's been sitting in the driveway for weeks. Long hours spent on the couch, neglecting our bodies or simply being removed from them makes it challenging to take that first step and to get moving. Some of us don't really want to work hard. Others have goals, but don't know how to reach them, so they give up. The mind is a powerful thing. Give it an out and it will take it. Challenge it to persevere and it follows suit.
There are stories of inspiration everywhere. Unfortunately, those are often overshadowed by the tales of laziness, poor eating habits, or lengthy time in front of the television or computer. Most are not walking the walk. Talk is typically about what people are planning to do (diet, start a new exercise plan). It is less common to hear people talk about eating clean everyday, getting enough sleep and sunlight, and actively and routinely exercising. These people arejust doing it, not talking about it. It is how they live every single day. There are no resolutions or gimmicks, no Hollywood Cookie Diets. It is a way of life. One that provides self-satisfaction and accomplishment.
Tips to get started and stay motivated:
- Get rid of the excuses. No one is too old, too tired, too unfit or too busy to start an exercise program. You just have to make it a priority.
- Start small. Make your exercise goals achievable and reasonable. You will be more likely to follow through.
- Keep it simple. No need to spend $100 month to join a gym or to buy expensive gear. Get out for a walk or short run. Invest in a yoga DVD and do it in your living room.
- Have a plan for the week and write it down. Post it in a visible spot like the refrigerator, not in the bottom of your sock drawer.
- Make it easy to get out the door. Lay out clothing, set out water bottles, pre-program the coffee maker, whatever it takes.
- Pick a goal. Sign up for a 5K race or join a 30-day yoga challenge. Making a solid commitment increases your chances that you will stick to your plan.
- Surround yourself with like-minded people. You'll be more likely to follow your fitness routine if your friends are committed to theirs. If your friends are all couch potatoes, they may influence you to be one too.
- Don't lose your momentum. Stick to your plan. The more days that you have under your belt, the more motivation you will feel to continue.
Remember: It's not about running a marathon today. It's about taking a single step in the right direction. Walk a mile. Swim two laps. Go to a boot camp class. Follow through. Make it public. Be accountable. Reward yourself. No one finishes a workout and regrets having done it. Stop "exercise over-thinking," get some fitness success under your belt, and watch your life unfold for the better.
About the Author:
BETH RISDON never considered herself a true runner until less than two years ago. A gymnast up to age 17, she became an avid cyclist in college and remained active through the following decades, but without a serious focus. Then at age 41, feeling lost and off-center, a postcard arrived from Team in Training and she dove headlong into a full marathon. She had never run more than six miles at a time, and had only done that twice, but she trained for four months, raised $4,000 for a great cause, and crossed the finish line while her husband and children watched.
Beth credits running with changing her life - not just in the physical sense, but in helping her become a kinder, more insightful, healthier and more balanced person who believes she can do anything she sets her mind to. Inspired by her own experiences, she became a certified running coach through the Road Runner's Club of America to support people in completing their first long distance race while remaining dedicated to her own training for 8 to 10 races each year.
When she's not entertaining us with stories on Shut Up and Run, her funny, often irreverent blog, Beth helps organize races like the Skirt Chaser 5k in Denver, where she's a behind-the-scenes maven orchestrating the volunteers. A woman of many talents, she holds a Masters in Social Work and helps families who hope to foster or adopt children. She also hosts yoga classes at elementary schools, trains alongside her son's middle school cross country team, and promotes an active lifestyle for youth. A mother of two children, ages 9 and 13, she truly emphasizes the importance of a healthy body and a healthy outlook on life. |
With the Philadelphia marathon only a few weeks away, we are still short of the 100 volunteers we need to run our water stop. Not only can you volunteer, but you can bring a friend, family member, co-worker, or some of each to join you. The marathon is Sunday, November 20. We need volunteers from early morning until early afternoon. If you are able to volunteer, please email Diane Rowe at diane.rowe@gmail.com or Terry Adamson at terryadamson@comcast.net or call Diane at 610-329-2406. Thank you! Parking passes will be provided for those who need them Car pool to the water stop will depart Springfield Library at 6:00am. Hope to see you there. |
Volkswanderung - Thanksgiving Day |
WHAT: Annual Delco RRC Volkswanderung (Thanksgiving Day)
WHERE: Ridley Creek State Park, Media PA 19063. We will meet at Pavillion #8 by the Horse Stables. Take Rt. 352 or Providence Road to and Turn on to Grandyville Rd. Follow that and turn on to Sandy Flash Drive. After the Park Office, on your right, make the first left to Pavillion #8.
DATE: Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2011
REGISTRATION: Register at 8:00 AM Start 9:00 AM All registration is on day of race. No pre registration. SO GET THERE EARLY: YOU MUST SIGN A WAIVER TO PARTICIPATE!! CHECKS CAN BE MADE OUT TO DELCO RRC
ENTRY FEE: $15.00 per person or $30.00 per immediate family
DIRECTORS: Mary Beth Mundy 610-534-2833 and Diane Lista 610-649-4912 You can contact them for any additional information.
Please enjoy The Park and obey all the rules.
The pantry is low on canned goods so if you want to donate canned goods or additional money we will be collecting that but it does not replace the entry fee.
After the event refreshments will be served back at the pavillion
Upcoming Races This Week |
Sunday, November 06, 2011 9:00 AM 17th Annual Oley Valley Country Classic 10 Mile and 5K Runs Location: Oley, PA Website: www.pretzelcitysports.com Contact: Len Burton Phone: 410-340-0589 Sunday, November 06, 2011 9:00 AM Simmons Elementary Fall into Fitness Run/Walk 5K Run / Walk and 1 Mile Fun Run Location: Simmons Elementary School, 411 Babylon Road, Horsham, PA Website: www.runtheday.com Contact: Donna Schapiro Sunday, November 06, 2011 9:00 AM Tails and Trails 5K Trail Run - 100% of the proceeds benefit Main Line Animal Rescue Location: Pickering Meade Farm, Chester Springs, PA Website: www.pretzelcitysports.com Contact: Michele Muller Phone: 610-933-1164
Happy Birthday!!! |
Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week: Amber Adamson (Thu 11/3), Bob White (Sat 11/5), John Loiselle (Mon 11/7). Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends. |
Book Club |
Check back to see when the next meeting will be and what book will be discussed. |
Pictures |
If you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use. This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone. If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information. Click HERE to email me and get the needed information. Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures. |
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this info@delcorrc.com. | |
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club. Please send in your ideas.
Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club |