Welcome New Members |  |
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages. B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship. C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners. D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC |
Have something interesting to add to the email? Forward it to me at info@delcorrc.com. Thanks to those that always give me support. "Maybe you, like me, also have some things working against you right now. But there's one thing that is always, always, under your control: the choices that you make on a day to day basis. Do you REALLY want to achieve you goals or not? If you do, then stop complaining that you're not motivated or whatever. Just frigging do it."
Mehdi, author of the StrongLifts 5x5 Program and the StrongLifts Diet With this quote in mind: If you want more info about this person or the StrongLifts program, check out his website at www.stronglifts.com. Come join us at one of our many Fun Runs...just (what Mehdi says) do it. |
Tyler Trail Race and Volunteers - April 2nd |
This race is filling fast. Sign up soon.
The Tyler Arboretum 10K Trail Run (April 2nd) will become your favorite early-spring race. Runners of all speeds and abilities are welcome to test themselves against this fast and challenging course. It runs through the heart of the beautiful and historic Tyler Arboretum in suburban Philadelphia and features many elevation changes and four shallow creek crossings. The field will be limited to 400 runners in 2011. Sign up now to grab your spot in the field. This 18th annual race is presented by the Delaware County Road Runners Club, one of the oldest and best known running clubs in the Philadelphia area. Delco RRC is affiliated with the Road Runners Club of America and USATF.
Thank you |
Spring Fling - Save the Date - April 9th |
It's time to kick off your running shoes and put on your dancing shoes for an evening of dancing, dinner, and laughs as we get together for our annual Spring Fling. Join in the dancing as our instructor/ DJ teaches us simple and fun dances in between letting us loose to dance our own way to favorite songs. If you need a bit of fresh air, a deck overlooking the river is just outside.
This year's Spring Fling will be held at the West End Boat Club (500 West 2nd St., Essington, PA 19029) on April 9 from 7 PM to 11 PM. The cost is $25 per person and will include dinner and dancing. There will be a cash bar. Cash or checks (made payable to Delco RRC) may be mailed to Mary Beth Mundy at 214 Blunston Ave./ Collingdale PA 19023. Please RSVP by April 1, 2011. Questions can be emailed to marybethmundy@yahoo.com or diane.rowe@gmail.com. |
Swarthmore Fun Run - Wednesday |
29 runners and walkers were out last night at the Swarthmore Fun Run. 15 people came out to Swarthmore Pizza afterwards for good food and laughs. Come on out and join in the fun. All abilities are welcome. |
2011 Membership Renewal Drive |
2011 Membership Renewal Drive If you haven't already done so please fill out your membership form for 2011. Here is a link to the form. Please print and fill out this form then - mail your completed form to DELCO RRC, P.O. Box 1811, Media, PA 19063 OR - give your completed form to any board member ***Newer members that have joined on or after 9/1/10 do not need to submit a form for 2011.**** PLEASE SUBMIT FORMS BY 4/11/10 The following old members renewed this past week.
Amy Binder
Chris Commans
Brianne Danner
John Greenstine
Marcy Harper
Bill and Dot Kracht
Diane and Katie Lista
Greg Milbourne (with Mary Susan, Ashlyn and Aidan)
Byron Mundy
Chrissy Mundy
Eric Mundy
Mary Beth Mundy
Mary Ann Simms
Michael Walsh
Steve Whitmore (with Maridel and Steve Jr.)
Heinz Wick |
Caesar Rodney Teams |
Thank you to everyone who registered and/or assisted in the formation of the Delco RRC Teams for the Caesar Rodney Half Marathon.
Masters Men Woman's Open Coed Open
Bryon Mundy Carrie Mc Goldrick Chris Mc Goldrick
Mike Gormley Diane Lista Cecile Daurat-Thompson
Bill Weber Meg Nilan Jeff Craskey
Marc Oleynick Shirley Weber Janet Smith
Paul Randolph Bridget Morse Matt Morse
Nick Sacchetti Diane Rowe Noreen Beresford
Steve Whitmore Elaine Dell Jack LaBar
Runners, Race number can be pick up individually on the morning of the race.
Thanks again to all who registered and good luck on race day. |
Board Meeting - Mar 15th |
Would like to participate more in the Club? If so, join us at our next Board Meeting. The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 15th at 7:30 PM. All Club members are welcome to attend. Not only are you welcome to attend, it would be appreciated if you did attend.
Meetings are always held on a Tuesday at 7:30pm. Future dates are Feb 15th, Mar 15th, Apr 19th, May 17th, Jun 21st, No July mtg, Aug 16th, Sep 20th, Oct 18th, Nov 15th, Dec 20th. Location: Covenant United Methodist Church of Springfield 212 W. Springfield Rd. Springfield, PA 19064 The church is on the corner of Saxer Ave and Springfield Rd. The meetings will be held in room 3 in the Sanctuary Bldg. beginning at 7:30 PM. If we are not there, check Fellowship Hall upstairs. Parking behind the church. |
The Marathon Story: Heroic Pheidippides |
Athenian courier the inspiration for our modern day event.
As we approach the 15K National Championship Gate River Run and the spring marathon season, I think it's time to pay tribute to the original king of endurance running - Pheidippides.
Pheidippides was a runner like Elvis was a performer with stage presence. If he were alive today, this legendary Greek figure would thumb his nose at Death Valley's 135-mile Badwater Ultramarathon, kick dirt in the face of the Hawaiian Ironman, and likely run the Gate River Run dragging a Hummer just to make it interesting. Heck, Pheidippides would taunt The Terminator and razz Rambo.
In simple terms, Pheidippides was a rugged dude.
As the legend goes, about 490 B.C., a couple of days before his well-documented 20-plus mile trek from Marathon to Athens, Greece, that is the basis for today's marathon; Pheidippides was asked (or likely ordered) to run from his hometown of Athens to Sparta to ask for military assistance. The powerful Persian Army was approaching the Greek shores, and the Athenian Army needed reinforcements.
Sorry, no horse, no power gel, no camelback water pack for the 147-mile round trip. But, ample amounts of mountains, wild animals and summer heat just to add extra drama to the journey.
"Oh yeah, Phil, you're running barefoot, and they expect you back in 48 hours," a drinking buddy reportedly said with a slight snicker. "And, you're running naked," chuckled another friend.
"I knew I should have been a discus thrower," Pheidippides likely thought to himself as he began stretching against an ancient ruin.
With the efficiency of Hercules and his 12 Labors, Pheidippides endured the near 150-mile tempo run in just under two days. Exhausted, he approached his hometown with visions of a cool drink, a plate of pasta and a La-Z-Boy. Instead, he was unceremoniously presented a sword, shield and military clothes.
The weary running hero had been drafted. So much for a cool down.
He marched 25 miles with the rest of the Athenian Army to Marathon where the Persians had landed. Though overmatched in numbers and weaponry, the Athenians prevailed in the bloody Battle of Marathon. Pheidippides was a war hero.
Now, finally, it was time to reflect, share a few stories, and maybe grab a slice of pizza.
Well, not so fast, our harrier friend.
The army commander needed another small favor. Pheidippides was informed that his work week was far from finished. He was commanded to brush himself off, throw his military togs to the side and sprint from Marathon back to Athens to deliver the grand news of the victory.
Pheidippides dug deep and found the energy to make it the near 25 miles to Athens, thus solidifying himself in history as the first official marathoner.
"Nike, nike," he screamed as he entered the city, which - seriously - is the Greek word for victory. One source said he then uttered through his parched lips, "I'd give my loin cloth for a swig of Gatorade," before dropping dead from exertion.
To recap the legend, in a three-day period, Pheidippides had run 175 miles through the pre-B.C. wilderness, marched 25 miles and fought a war before succumbing to fatal exhaustion. So, when you're feeling wilted, parched and unglued during your next endurance run, think of Pheidippides and his three-day plight. It will help you gain strength and continue.
But, please, keep your clothes on.
Historians agree that Pheidippides' Marathon-to-Athens route was 24.85 miles, which was re-created in the running of the first modern marathon at the Greek-hosted Olympic Games in 1896. Twelve years later at the Olympics in London, the race was lengthened by an extra mile and 385 yards so it could start at Windsor Castle and end in front of the Royal Box at Olympic Stadium. That distance of 26.2 miles is now the fixed official marathon distance.
BILL PENNINGTON lives on Amelia Island. He is a former sports writer for the Savannah News-Press and a contributing writer for the Fernandina Beach News-Leader. He was voted 2008 National Club Writer of the Year by the Road Runner's Club of America. Read more at Jacksonville.com: http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2011-03-02/story/marathon-story-heroic-pheidippides?sms_ss=facebook&at_xt=4d716246e23daa93%2C0#ixzz1FjQL6Zgn |
The Running Place and Excel Physical Therapy |
The Running Place and Excel Physical Therapy would like to hold a special night exclusively for DELCO RRC members at the store (and depending on the number RSVPing at Excel PT as well).
We ask that you provide feedback to therunningplace@gmail.com or call (610) 353-8826 as to your interest in attending such an event.
The nights we have reserved are Friday, March 18, and Friday, April 1, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Please let us know which night you prefer.
The Running Place, in addition to the standard club discount on shoes, will offer a special discount on merchandise, and provide food and beverages, and then, after the screening below, a special beverage of your choosing.
Excel Physical Therapy will provide a free Functional Movement Screen (FMS) to all members in attendance. The FMS was developed by a physical therapist, Gray Cook, and athletic trainer, Lee Burton to identify limitations and inefficient movement patterns. It is a ranking and grading system that documents movement patterns that are key to normal function. The screen consists of seven movements which combine coordination, mobility and stability. As the client is put through these movement patterns, asymmetries and limitations are easily identified. These are issues that can reduce the effects of functional training and physical conditioning and distort body awareness. The FMS generates the Functional Movement Screen Score, which is used to target problems and track progress. This scoring system is directly linked to the most beneficial corrective exercises to restore mechanically sound movement patterns. Corrective Strategies - The FMS can be applied at any fitness level, simplifying corrective strategies of a wide array of movement issues. It identifies specific exercises based on individual FMS scores to instantly create customized treatment plan.
FMS Benefits:
- Discover hidden weaknesses - Prevent injury and promote durability - Build balanced fitness - Magnify fitness potential - Creates a functional baseline to mark progress
- Provides a means to measure performance
Exercise professionals monitor the FMS score to track progress and to identify those exercises that will be most effective to restore proper movement and build strength in each individual.
Race Results - send in your race results to info@delcorrc.com |
When you send in your race results, please include the following: Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award. Thanks
Happy Birthday!!! |
Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week: Pat Byrne (Mon 3/14). Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends. |
Book Club |
The next Book Club meeting will be at 1:30 on April 10th at Shirley's home. Contact Shirley at weber720@comcast.net
The next book is Tinkers by Paul Harding. 2009. 192 pages. Winner of 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
An astonishing first novel of memory, consciousness, and man's place in the natural world.
An old man lies dying. Confined to bed in his living room, he sees the walls around him begin to collapse, the windows come loose from their sashes, and the ceiling plaster fall off in great chunks, showering him with a lifetime of debris: newspaper clippings, old photographs, wool jackets, rusty tools, and the mangled brass works of antique clocks. Soon, the clouds from the sky above plummet down on top of him, followed by the stars, till the black night covers him like a shroud. He is hallucinating, in death throes from cancer and kidney failure.
A methodical repairer of clocks, he is now finally released from the usual constraints of time and memory to rejoin his father, an epileptic, itinerant peddler, whom he had lost seven decades before. In his return to the wonder and pain of his impoverished childhood in the backwoods of Maine, he recovers a natural world that is at once indifferent to man and inseparable from him, menacing and awe inspiring.
Tinkers is about the legacy of consciousness and the porousness of identity from one generation to the next. At once heartbreaking and life affirming, it is an elegiac meditation on love, loss, and the fierce beauty of nature.
All Club members are welcome to take part. Email me at info@delcorrc.com if you have any questions. |
Pictures |
If you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use. This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone. If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information. Click HERE to email me and get the needed information. Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures. |
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this info@delcorrc.com. | |
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club. Please send in your ideas.
Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club |