Welcome New Members |  |
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages. B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship. C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners. D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC |
Have something interesting to add to the email? Forward it to me at info@delcorrc.com. Thanks to those that always give me support. From Cecile's Blog .For his book ` De Rennende Hollander'' (`` The Running Dutchman,'' published in Dutch last month and hopefully soon available in English), my friend D. asked fellow runners including me a simple question: Why do you run? My answer concluded this way: ``It's like asking me why I breathe: I just do. It's part of me. Maybe I run because my parents run, quite simply.
Cecile Daurat-Thompson - Delco RRC Member
View the rest of Cecile's blog by clicking on the link to the left.
With this quote in mind: So why do you run? Who got you started? Do you still enjoy it? For those of you that have stopped running; can you come back? Do you miss it? Come join us at one of our many Fun Runs and Walks, we want you back. |
Free Bib - Philly Marathon |
Hi--my name is Paul Ramagano. I've attended only a couple of Delco RRC events but thoroughly enjoy the email updates. I am signed up for the Philly Marathon this Sunday but am still recovering from a stress fracture. If anyone is interested in running they could have my spot--no charge. Sorry for the late notice but I was still hoping to run as recently as a couple of days ago but have decided it would be foolish. If anyone is interested please have them email me and we can work out the details. Thanks.
The marathon is only a few days away and we are still in need of volunteers to run our usual high quality water stop. Please volunteer and reach out to any friends, family, co-workers and anyone else who might be interested in helping out. The marathon is on Sunday, Nov. 21 and we need volunteers from very early morning until early afternoon. Please call or email Terry Adamson, terryadamson@comcast.net, 215-519-5023. You can also just show up. Thanks!
Car pool to the water stop will depart Springfield Library at 6:00am. Hope to see you there. |
Swarthmore Fun Run - Wednesday |
34 runners and walkers were out last night at the Swarthmore Fun Run. 16 went out to Swarthmore Pizza afterwards for good food and laughs. Come on out and join in the fun. All abilities are welcome. |
Volkswanderung |
Read this nice letter sent to Mary Beth. You'll be glad you did.
Mary Beth,
I found the link via the Delco RRC webpage. I actually used to do this event several years ago with my son, Billy. Billy is mildly retarded and has Cerebral Palsy and is in a wheelchair and I used to push him (along with help from other runners). And, every year they "rigged" the raffle so he would win something. It was a wonderful way to start Thanksgiving Day. Then for the longest time I could not find it on line anywhere, so I thought they didn't do it anymore. This year I had just signed up to do another 5k with him on Thanksgiving morning (Seven Summits 5K for Philabundance) and I did a quick search for your event and was shocked when I found it.
Although we signed up for the other 5k, I think I would prefer to bring my son to the Volkswanderung so he can see some of the people we used to see when we did it years ago. My son is now 33. When we did it years ago, I'm talking 1996, 1997, 1998. Billy was only 20 the first year. I wanted to teach him to give back to the community and your event was perfect for it.
We will bring a few raffle prizes to give away. I have a few nice items that I think people will like. We will also bring a breakfast goodie of some kind.
I am so happy that you are still doing this event and I look forward to meeting you.
Laura Martini
Volunteers are needed to bake pies and to help with registration. If you have the talent and the time, please contact Marybeth at 610-534-2833.
Thanksgiving Day Volkswanderung 2010
Delco RRC's Caring to Share What: Run, bike, walk or participate in the Pumpkin Pie Prediction Run during Delco RRC's Annual Thanksgiving Day Volkswanderung to benefit the Interfaith Coalition Food Centers of Delaware County.
Note: There is a one hour time limit for the Prediction Run
Directors: Diane Lista (dmlista@yahoo.com) (610-649-4912) and Mary Beth Mundy (marybethmundy@yahoo.com) (610-534-2833). Call for more info. Caps: All registrants will recieve a runner's cap. Entry Fee: A donation of $15 or more per person or $30 per family. THE PANTRY IS VERY LOW ON FOOD. CANNED GOODS AND $$$ ACCEPTED AS AN ADDITIONAL DONATION. SORRY, DOES NOT REPLACE ENTRY FEE. After the activity there will be refreshments at the pavillion. Please sign the waiver below and bring with you on the day of the event. Print Name: Address Street: City: State: Zip: Phone: In consideration of accepting this entry. I the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for losses and damages I may have against Bureau of State Parks, Ridley Creek State Park, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Delco RRC and all other parties and their representatives, successors and assigns for any and all injuries suffered by me in said event. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for this event, and my physical condition has been verified by a licensed medical doctor. No one may enter this event without signing this official waiver. Signed: Date: Signed: Date: (signature of parent if under 18)
When: Thursday, November 25, 2010 Check-in 8:00 a.m. Start 9:00 a.m. Place: Ridley Creek State Park, Media, PA 19063. We will meet at Pavilion #8. Take Rt. 352 or Providence Road to and turn onto Gradyville Road. Follow that and turn onto Sandy Flash Drive. After the park office on your right, make the 1st left to Pavilion #8. Look for Delco RRC signs. Please enjoy the park and obey all park rules. Sponsors: Delco Road Runners Club
Can Exercise Moderate Anger? |
Most of us will be spending Thanksgiving with (for better or worse) our family members. Instead of letting them get the best of you...read on.
By Gretchen Reynolds
For years,researchers have known that exercise can affect certain moods. Running, bike riding and other exercise programs have repeatedly been found to combat clinical depression. Similarly, a study from Germany published in April found that light-duty activity like walking or gardening made participants "happy," in the estimation of the scientists. Even laboratory rats and mice respond emotionally to exercise; although their precise "moods" are hard to parse, their behavior indicates that exercise makes them more relaxed and confident.
But what about anger, one of the more universal and, in its way, destructive moods? Can exercise influence how angry you become in certain situations?
A study presented at the most recent annual conference of the American College of Sports Medicine provides some provocative if ambiguous answers. For the study, hundreds of undergraduates at the University of Georgia filled out questionnaires about their moods. From that group, researchers chose 16 young men with "high trait anger" or, in less technical terms, a very short fuse. They were, their questionnaires indicated, habitually touchy.
The researchers invited the men to a lab and had them fill out a survey about their moods at that moment. During the two days of the study, the men were each fitted with high-tech hairnets containing multiple sensors that could read electrical activity in the brain. Next, researchers flashed a series of slides across viewing screens set up in front of each young man. The slides, intended to induce anger, depicted upsetting events like Ku Klux Klan rallies and children under fire from soldiers, which were interspersed with more pleasant images. Electrical activity in the men's brains indicated that they were growing angry during the display. For confirmation, they described to researchers how angry they felt, using a numerical scale from 0 to 9.
On alternate days, after viewing the slides again (though always in a different order), the men either sat quietly or rode a stationary bike for 30 minutes at a moderate pace while their brain patterns and verbal estimations of anger were recorded. Afterward, the researchers examined how angry the volunteers became during each session.
The results showed that when the volunteers hadn't exercised, their second viewing of the slides aroused significantly more anger than the first. After exercise, conversely, the men's anger reached a plateau. They still became upset during the slide show - exercise didn't inure them to what they saw - but the exercise allowed them to end the session no angrier than they began it.
What the results of the study suggest is that "exercise, even a single bout of it, can have a robust prophylactic effect" against the buildup of anger, said Nathaniel Thom, a stress physiologist who was the study's lead researcher.
"It's like taking aspirin to combat heart disease," he said. "You reduce your risk."
When the men did not exercise, they had considerable difficulty controlling their racing emotion. But after exercise, they handled what they saw with more aplomb. Their moods were under firmer control.
The question of just how, physiologically, exercise blunts anger remains open. Mr. Thom and his colleagues did not test levels of stress hormones or brain chemicals in the test subjects. But earlier work by other scientists suggests that serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, probably played a role, Mr. Thom said. "Animal studies have found that low levels of serotonin are associated with aggression, which is our best analogue of anger in animals," he said. "Exercise increases serotonin levels in the rat brain." Low serotonin levels in humans are also thought to contribute to mood disorders.
Changes in the activity of certain genes within the brain may also have an impact. In a 2007 experiment at Yale University, researchers found that prolonged running altered the expression of almost three dozen genes associated with mood in the brains of laboratory mice. Mr. Thom says he hopes that future studies by himself and others will help to determine the specific underlying mechanisms that link exercise and a reduction of anger. But for now, the lesson of his preliminary work, he said, is that "if you know that you're going to be entering into a situation that is likely to make you angry, go for a run first." |
Caesar Rodney Half Marathon Teams / Registration |
This is an early reminder that if you plan on running the Caesar Rodney 1/2 Marathon and want to be part of the Delco RRC team...DON'T REGISTER YET!!! The race is Sunday, March 27th and we will have teams for the race. Do not worry about the rate going up as the Club always covers the extra cost. Dennis Tate will be the Team Coordinator this year. More information will follow. You have time, don't panic.
Races to Run this Week |
Saturday, November 20, 2010 | | 8:00 AM | Tough Mudder 12 Mile Trail/Obstacle course - Event will take place 2 days, 11/20 and 11/21. Complete this onm Saturday and then run Philly Marathon on Sunday. | | Location: | Raceway Park, 230 Pension Road, Englishtown, NJ 07726 | | Website: | www.toughmudder.com | | Sunday, November 21, 2010 | | 11:00 AM | Tick-Tock Turkey Trot 5K Run / Walk - All proceeds donated to Smile Train, which trains doctors in third world countries to do cleft palate surgeries. | | Location: | Water Works Park, Trappe, PA - Directions from Ursinus College: Follow Main St. West bound. Make third left onto First Ave. Follow to Water Works Park. | | Website: | www.active.com | | | |
Race Results - send in your race results to info@delcorrc.com |
When you send in your race results, please include the following: Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award. Thanks
Media Mud Stain 10 Mile Trail Run - 11/14/10 Cecile Daurat-Thompson - 1:22:42 (1st Female) Caitlin Pettit - 1:39:20 (2nd in age grp) Bridget Morse - 2:29:32 Media Mud Stain 5 Mile Trail Run - 11/14/10 34 - Julie Fitzgerald - 57:18 46 - Meg Nilan - 61:16 Harrisburg Marathon - 11/14/10 49 - Mike Gormley - 3:40:22 51 - Bill McGurk - 3:48:25 37 - Janet Smith - 3:51:15 43 - Greg Milbourne - 3:54:22 45 - Diane Lista - 4:04:32
45 - Mary Ann Simms - 4:08:04
50 - Bob Zwaan - 4:16:46 |
Happy Birthday!!! |
Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week: If I have made a mistake, please send me an email with the correct birth date.
Last week I forgot Janet Smith whose birthday was Tue 11/16. Upcoming - Salina Slagle (Fri 11/19) John Henderson (Sat 11/20), Julie Fitzgerald (Tue 11/23) Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends. |
Book Club |
Next book club meeting will be Saturday, December 4 at 2:30 PM at Mary Beth's home.
The book selection is The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls.
All Club members are welcome to take part. Email me at info@delcorrc.com if you have any questions.
Pictures |
If you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use. This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone. If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information. Click HERE to email me and get the needed information. Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures. |
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this info@delcorrc.com. | |
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club. Please send in your ideas.
Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club |