Welcome New Members |  |
Delco Road Runners Club Mission
A. To promote regular running as a life-long activity that will enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of people of all ages. B. To sponsor weekly fun-runs in Delaware County neighborhoods for fun and fellowship. C. To promote communication and camaraderie among area runners. D. To facilitate competitive racing and team competition for all interested members.
Hello Delco RRC |
Have something interesting to add to the email? Forward it to me at info@delcorrc.com. Thanks to those that always give me support.
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
- Theodore Roosevelt
With this quote in mind: You've got to try...at least try. Come join us at one of our many Fun Runs. Try it, you may just surprise yourself at what you can accomplish. |
New Club Member?? |
Fiona Rylee McGoldrick was born 10/3 at 12:10 PM. She is weighed in at 7 lbs 12 oz and measured 20 inches. She is looking forward to her first Delco Fun Run/Walk (it will be a walk) in her new pimped out sweet set of wheels. See you soon. |
Swarthmore Fun Run - Wednesday |
27 runners (2 were first-timers) and walkers were out last night at the Swarthmore Fun Run Yes, we listened to the end of the Phillies game in the parking lot and caught Roy's no-hitter. 14 people came out to Swarthmore Pizza afterwards for good food and laughs. Come on out and join in the fun. All abilities are welcome. |
Derek Valentino Memorial Benefit |
Remember the 1st time Triathlete that died during the Philadelphia Triathlon? See below about a benefit that is being held to raise money on Oct. 16th.
The benefit is only 8 days away and we have some incredible items in our silent and chinese auctions for triathletes. So I need to ask you for a final push to get the triathlete community in our doors!
Here is all of the information again. I am asking you to please make a final push to those you know and those in your circles. I need this word to get out again and I need people to come.
Valentino Memorial Benefit October 16, 2010 2pm - 6pm The Deck at Harbor Pointe Essington, PA
Tickets: Over 21: $35 in advance, $40 at the door Under 21: $25
Tickets are available online at: http://www.valentinomemorialfund.org or by calling Barb Hallowell at 484-494-0802
The event will feature a two hour open bar, buffet, raffles, silent and chinese auctions, DJ, door prizes and 50/50.
This event is raising money for the boys of first time triathlete Derek Valentino. Derek died during the Philadelphia Triathlon on June 26, 2010.
We have GREAT items for the triathlete in our auctions! Here are just some of the incredible items that have:
A brand new FUJI Aloha 2.0 (This item will also be featured on eBay starting October 6th! The URL will be on our main webpage and Facebook.)
Certificate for a pair of SCOTT Running Shoes
Two ZOOT wetsuits, one for women, one for men
Six books signed by JOE FRIEL as well as a DVD
Racing wear donated by CYCLE FIT of Wallingford
A Tri suit and banner signed by Olympian SARAH HASKINS
A pair of SAMPSON bike pedals
Accessories by both SAMPSON and TNi.
Certificate for a pair of ASICS running shoes
Two young adult books signed by CHRIS CRUTCHER
And so much more! Plus we have hotel stays, restaurants, sports memorabilia, and baskets galore. There is truly something for everyone.
I truly hope to see everyone there. This is all going to a great cause and we are guaranteeing a GREAT time!
Any questions, please feel free to email me or call.
Sam Savukinas samsav@gmail.com 484-466-6165
Thanks so much!
Best Regards,
Sam |
Open House at the Running Place - Yes, also this week. |
Women's Distance Festival 5k Training Group Open House at The Running Place October 7th, 7 pm - 9 pm
Come out for refreshments after the training run. We will provide shoe fittings and sports bra fittings 10% off shoes & 15% off bras and non-sale apparel. We are also giving away a free pair of technical socks (Feetures brand) to anyone who stops in the store for the Open House.
For questions or directions, call the store 610.353.8826 or visit us online www.therunningplace.com |
The Vulnerability of the Try |
Runner's World - By Kristen Armstrong My Bible Study is currently working through a book and study guide called Fearless by Max Lucado. I have thought often and deeply about the subjects of fear and courage, and have explored both in my writing and speaking. When our group first started digging into the study, I knew the timing was perfect for each of us in different ways. Our discussion this week was about worry, basically how we are plagued with it. Jena was leading and she handed out a sheet of paper to each one of us with the instruction to write down everything we were currently worried about. The room got quiet. My pen seemed to take on a life of its own, churning across the lined page listing one thing after another. Balls I could drop, ways I could disappoint, things that could fall through the cracks, moments I could miss, needs I could neglect, to-do's I could forget, areas where I could fall short. And I thought I wasn't too much of a worrier when I first read the chapter! Ha. My own list proved that just beneath the surface, my concerns were creating a current all their own-possibly causing me to drift.
One friend confessed that she was fearful about dropping balls she didn't even know she was supposed to be juggling. Another about having so many balls in the air that she was afraid that if she lost focus, even for a moment, something serious would go wrong. One friend said she often held back from putting herself out there because she dreaded the notion of being seen or being considered a disappointment.
This reminded me of some time I spent recently doing some goals and vision work, (try goaltender at goals.lululemon.com-it's great) imagining my life 10 years out, five years out, and one year out. It was a real mind-opener for me. The site explains that failing to reach your goals 50 percent of the time is a good indication that you are motivated and challenged. That was a "huh?" moment for me. Failing 50 percent of the time to me sounds like I'm not working hard enough. Or perhaps I'm not putting myself out there far enough to risk that 50 percent failure rate. Oh. Maybe I'm more willing to write down goals that sound achievable or are at least in the zip code of my comfort zone.
These thoughts collided at Bible Study and I wrote in all caps across the top of my journal "THE VULNERABILITY OF THE TRY." We all do it in some way, we hold back because to try would expose us, make us vulnerable. When we try something new, make our thoughts or goals known, take on a new project or a position of leadership, we become vulnerable. Suddenly, it is stated, for the record, that (fill in your name) is trying (fill in the thing).
I'm a writer so I try to put meaningful words out there, with pieces of my heart attached, sometimes they are well received, and sometimes people hate me or laugh at me or pretend to know everything about me and make judgments behind the binoculars of afar and anonymous. I'm a speaker, so I try to craft a message that matters. Sometimes people connect and relate, sometimes people get up and walk out. I'm a mother, so I try to cultivate the character of my children. Sometimes my words are met with understanding and respect, and other times I just get an eyeroll. In every case, I have to be okay enough to be my same self and continue to write and speak words with pieces of my heart attached. I have to be bold enough to keep trying.
I looked at my calendar for the upcoming week and tallied up my TRY. I am going to try to mother my three children, ideally well. I have a date with someone I actually really like, and I'm going to try to be myself and be open. I am helping Luke's teacher with a writing lesson, and I'm going to try to translate my love of words into something that resonates and roots in fifth grade minds. I'm stepping up and out and leading a boys' Bible Study, and I'm going to try not to get hung up on the fact that I'm not a teacher and just go from the heart. I'm giving a speech, and I'm going to try to give less energy to anxiety and more energy to my audience.
Oh, and I'm running a marathon. And I'm going to try to qualify for Boston...maybe even run a smidge, or a stretch, faster than I have ever run one before.
What about you? What are you trying to do or become these days? And how are you making peace with the vulnerability of the try? Don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
Let it be stated, for the record, that (fill in your name) is trying (fill in the thing).
Good Eats |
Peanut Butter Apple Crunch Okay, so it's not the healthiest recipe. It does have peanut butter, oats, and apples. They are all good for you! Double this recipe or you won't have enough...even if it's just for you, yourself, and you!! 1/4 cup smooth or crunchy peanut butter 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup rolled oats 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 6-8 medium-sized apples 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 3 Tbsp. water Preheat oven to 375F. Generously butter a 9-inch baking dish. In a medium bowl, combine oats, flour, sugar, and salt. With pastry blender, cut peanut butter and butter into oats mixture. Peel, core, and slice the apples and spread them into prepared baking dish; stir together the lemon juice and water, then sprinkle it over the apples. Spoon peanut butter mixture as evenly as you can onto the apples and bake in 375F oven for about 40 minutes or until apples are fork-tender. Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream. |
Races to Run This Week |
Saturday, October 09, 2010 9:00 AM Montgomery County 5K Fitness Run & Walk 5K Run / Walk - Benefits the Red Cross Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter Location: Harleysville Insurance Company, 335 Maple Avenue , Harleysville, PA 19438 Website: www.redcrossphilly.org Contact: Aurora Munoz Phone: 215-405-8888 Saturday, October 09, 2010 10:00 AM Bark in the Park 1.5 Mile Dog Walk to benefit the Delaware County SPCA. Registration opens at 9:00 AM. Join us for a day of fun, food and festivities for dogs and people of all ages. Gear up for dog contests, a mobile grooming unit for cats and dogs (respectively), an ice cream truck, dog dancing and agility demonstrations, Canine Good Citizen testing, a pet photo booth, dog alumni homecoming, face painting, free samples from local businesses, games, arts & crafts, raffles & prizes, and on-site veterinarians performing a day-long microchip and vaccination clinic. Location: Rose Tree Park, Media, PA (intersection of 252 and Rose Tree Road) Website: www.firstgiving.com/DELCOSPCA Contact: Justina Calgiano Phone: 610-566-1370 x231 Saturday, October 09, 2010 10:00 AM 4th Annual Delco Run/Walk for Autism Speaks 5K Run / Walk Location: Ridley Creek State Park, Pavilion 17, 351 Gradyville Road, Newtown Square, PA 19073 Website: www.runtheday.com Contact: Kim York or Samantha Spatocco Phone: 484-995-2941 Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:30 AM 1st Annual 5K Run/Walk For Wellness 5K Run / Walk - All proceeds will benefit - The Alliance For A Healthier Generation Location: Charles Boehm Middle School, 866 Big Oak Road, Yardley, PA Website: www.myohcenter.com/ Contact: Glenn Roskein Phone: 215-321-2488 Sunday, October 10, 2010 9:00 AM 10th Annual Delaware County Run for Heroes 5K Run / Walk - Benefits the Delaware County Hero Scholarship Fund (for the children of Police, Firefighters and Emergency Responders who have died in the line of duty). Location: Springfield Township Building, 50 Powell Road, Springfield, Delaware County, PA 19064 Website: www.runtheday.com/app/find/register/139 Contact: Brian M. Pace Phone: 610-892-8306 Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:30 AM 28th Annual Delaware Distance Classic 15K Location: Start / Finish at Frawley Stadium at Wilmington's Christina Riverfront Website: www.pcvrc.com Contact: David Farren Phone: 302-798-4179 Sunday, October 10, 2010 10:00 AM American Red Cross Run/Walk To Save Lives 5K Run / Walk Location: Brookhaven Community Center, 2 Cambridge Drive, Brookhaven, PA 19015 Website: www.runtheday.com Contact: Joy Jones Phone: 610-874-1484 Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:30 AM Justice For All 5K 5K Run / Walk Location: Memorial Hall in Fairmount Park (4231 Avenue of the Republic, Philadelphia, PA 19131) Website: www.active.com Contact: Will Conner Phone: 484-433-4367
Women's Distance Festival - The year sure does race by!!! |
To all Delco RRC runners - please come out to support the Rose Tree training runs in September. We need help in welcoming new runners and making sure they don't get lost.
Runners "buddy up" to learn the cross country course, prepare for race.
For the fourth year in a row, the Delco Road Runners Club will be meeting at Rose Tree Park every Thursday night in September to run one of the best cross country courses in Delaware County. The ultimate goal is to prepare runners to compete in the 31st Annual Women's Distance Festival 5K Run/Walk (3.1 miles) to be held at the park on Oct. 16th. Even for those who don't enter the race, the free training runs are a great opportunity to learn the cross country course at any pace - walking, jogging or racing. The "buddy up" component to encourage participation among newer runners will be used again this year. Seasoned runners will pair up with newbies, and people who run a similar pace will find new running buddies. For the race on Oct. 16th, there is also a reduced "buddy up" entry fee for runners who register together by mail. The training runs are open to women and men (and girls and boys) though the race is open to women only. ( The club may allow men to run, but really, its the WDF. Take a break.) The training runs are free and no registration is required. Anyone who is interested should meet at Rose Tree Park 's first parking lot, alongside Route 252, about 15 minutes before the run starts at 6:30 p.m. The dates are September 9, 16, 23, 30 and October 7. The Women's Distance Festival 5K will be held Saturday, Oct. 16, at 10:00 a.m. Race proceeds will help support (Still to be determined). Additionally, proceeds will help Delco RRC in its mission to promote running as a lifelong activity that can enhance the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of people of all ages. For more information about the training runs or the race visit www.WomensDistanceFestival.com or contact Dawn Patterson at sunsetmk@aol.com. About the WDF The Women's Distance Festival was created by the Road Runners Club of America to support the inclusion of women's distance events in the Olympic Games. The race at Rose Tree is presented by the Delco Road Runners Club, and is part of the Delco RRC doubleheader, "A Day of Champions." In the afternoon, high-school athletes will compete on the same 5K course in the 47th Annual Delaware County Cross Country Championships. |
Race Results - send in your race results to info@delcorrc.com |
When you send in your race results, please include the following: Name of race, date of race, your age, time, any age group award. Thanks
Hershey Half-Marathon - 10/3/10
27 - Chrissy Mundy - 1:27 (3rd overall female)
55 - Shirley Weber - 2:04
56 - Kathy Adamson - 2:17
54 - Mary Beth Mundy - 2:31 (1st 1/2 marathon since 1980) |
Happy Birthday!!! |
Upcoming Delco RRC birthdays this week: Dawn Patterson (Thu 10/7), Pattie Bucaccio (Sat 10/9), David Klein and Torpey White (Tue 10/12), Rita Jordan-Keller (Wed 10/13). Stay young by joining us on one of our many Fun Runs and make new friends. |
Book Club |
Next meeting will be held October 17th at 1pm at Denise Talbot's home. Contact Denise at d.nise@verizon.net.
More info will follow. The next book is A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore, 2009, 336 pages.
All Club members are welcome to take part. Email me at info@delcorrc.com if you have any questions. |
Pictures |
If you take pictures at club events or already have pictures of recent club events/races, we have set up a Picasa web account for club members to use. This will enable the Club to keep an archive of pictures in one location which will be viewable by everyone. If you are interested in uploading pictures to our site, contact me and I will give you the login information. Click HERE to email me and get the needed information. Bill
Click HERE to view previously uploaded pictures. |
Message Board - If you have something to get out in a hurry, this is the place to do it.
Emails - If you want to have something posted in the weekly email, contact me (Bill) at this info@delcorrc.com. | |
Remember, this is your forum to get information out to the club. Please send in your ideas.
Bill McGurk
Delco Road Running Club |