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Letter from the Associate Director
We hope that your year is going smoothly so far. Here at CELT, the new cohort of CELT Faculty Fellows is in full swing, and we will continue to meet throughout the fall. As always, the discussion is lively, and we admire the dedication of Tufts faculty to teaching that is evident through these sessions.
As we enter our 6th year as a Center, we have said goodbye to Linda, and will welcome new leadership at CELT beginning in January. (More to come!)
In addition to inviting you to join us at the annual Tuft University-wide Conference on Teaching and Learning, we have highlighted two new, exciting programs in this newsletter - a faculty book discussion group, and a joint teaching scholars program with TUSM's Office of Education Affairs on the Boston campus. We hope to see you at some of our events this year.
Warm wishes,
Annie Soisson

Faculty Spotlight
Right now Dr. Joyce Sackey, Dean of Multicultural Affairs and Global Health at Tufts University School of Medicine is featured on the homepage of the CELT website. In the interview with Dr. Sackey she highlights the value of diverse communities, and how the medical school is working to create an rich environment for multicultural teaching and learning.
25th Tufts University-wide
Teaching Conference Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9am - 3 pm Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Classrooms Without Borders: Extending the Classroom Experience
This year, the focus of the UCTFD conference will be on exploring the possibilities associated with blended learning - integrating classroom instruction with online learning activities to enhance the classroom experience and extend learning. The goal of a blended approach is to join the best aspects of online delivery with the best features of classroom interaction and live instruction to personalize learning, increase participation, and allow more time for thoughtful reflection. To register directly now, click here: www.regonline.com/ClassroomsWithoutBorders To see the full schedule and register, visit the CELT website.
The Keynote address will be webcast live, and information for how to log in will be provided the day before the conference on the CELT website.
New at CELT:
Faculty Book Discussion Groups
During these informal lunch sessions at CELT, we will gather to discuss a book based on a topic of teaching and learning. CELT has purchased 12 copies of each book, and will provide lunch so that all you have to do is read and show up ready to discuss! So come spend some time with your colleagues, enjoy lunch, and participate in a sure to be lively conversation.
January selection:
Wednesday, January 25, 2011
Leaving the Lectern, Dean A. McManus
McManus writes in a narrative style, describing his journey of transforming his teaching from traditional lectures and exams to active learning in the form of cooperative learning and student projects. "A unique feature of this book is that it records the evolving change in teaching by a faculty member with whom readers can identify in that, like them, he is not a specialist in education and education psychology, and was never taught how to teach." If you would like to think about how to lecture less and engage students more, please join us!
TO SIGN UP and get your copy of the book: Email Annie Soisson. If you sign up, we only ask that you read it and join in our discussion!
Beginning in January 2012:
OEA / CELT Teaching Scholars Program
Tufts University teaching faculty are eligible to apply to participate in the OEA/CELT Teaching Scholars Program to be held at Tufts University School of Medicine Campus (TUSM). Up to 12 teaching faculty members will be enrolled. The program will consist of four three-hour sessions. Sessions include: Promoting Active Learning Through Learner-Centered Teaching, Peer Observation of Teaching with Collegial Feedback, and Step-back Consultations on Participant's Individual Teaching Practices.
Dates: Fridays January 20, 2012, January 27, 2012, February 3, 2012, and February 10, 2012; all sessions 8:30am-11:45pm, TUSM, rooms TBD
Facilitated by: Maria Blanco, EdD (OE) and Annie Soisson, EdD (CELT)
To apply, or for more information: Email Nicole Love (at OEA in Boston) Applications are due by DECEMBER 1 with:
- Name, Title (e.g., Professor, Part-time lecturer), and email address
- School and department affiliation
- Brief statement of interest outlining what you hope to gain from this experience
- Any scheduling conflicts for the dates outlined above
Applications will be reviewed at the beginning of December, and you will hear back from us around then.